
Chapter 28  

"Could you tell me what the meat and organs are used for?" Alex asked as he looked at the big numbers on her sheet of paper.

"Oh yes. Thestral breeders use the meat to feed their Thestrals. Most of the times, this meat is fed to a Thestral only once in their lifetime. Don't ask me why, even I don't know."


It took the woman ten whole minutes to finish her calculations but Alex was glad he could get some money out of it.

"You really made a huge fortune today… 1236 strands of unicorn hair, almost two tonnes of meat and organs and two tonnes of bone… don't you want to sell the skin?"

"How much does the skin cost?"

"One whole unicorn's skin costs around fifty thousand Galleons."

"That much?"

"Well… yes. Illegal stuff is extremely pricy here."

"Alright, here you go… four of them."

The woman nodded before writing something on a small piece of paper and gave it to a scrawny man.

"Congratulations, you are now an elite member of our market."

"Thanks… is it because of the amount of stuff I sold?"

"Yes. The stuff you sold is worth seven hundred and twelve thousand, three hundred sixty Galleons."

Alex nodded but he felt like screaming as the amount that the woman told him made him just that much happy.

The scrawny looking man came back with a silver bracelet and placed it on the table.

"Madam, there are seven hundred and twelve thousand five hundred Galleons."

The woman pushed the bracelet forward, "Here you go, you can use it by touching it and thinking about what you want to be brought out. Don't use it in the presence of someone else as it is a secret of our market."


Alex walked out and strolled through the market again. This time, he actually paid attention to the things that were being sold.

On the way, his thoughts wandered to the things that the woman told him and something flashed in his mind.

'Holy …. How could I never have noticed the connection between the unicorn and the thestral. One of them is the purest creature and the other is the filthiest one.

Unicorn hair wands are the most loyal but lack in strength and cannot do well with dark arts while the wand which has its core made of thestral hair, the elder wand is the most disloyal wand of them all but can produce some of the most powerful magic… including dark arts… What if I combine them both?

No, that's not the thing. I don't know how those two will react to each other so I will have to do a bit of experimentation.'

One minute later, he was inside a store that sold the bones of various creatures.

"Sir, do you have the bones of a thestral?"

"Yes I do… but I only sell in bulk."

"That's fine. Tell me the prices"

"One tonne will cost you twenty thousand Galleons."

Alex touched the bracelet with one hand and thought of the amount he needed. A second passed and a small heap of gold coins appeared on the counter.

"Pack it up for me, please."


About a minute later, Alex wore another bracelet on his hand as he walked through the stalls.

He bought a bunch of thestral hair and skin for a total of thirty thousand Galleons. Thousand hair strands cost him 25000 while each unit of thestral skin cost him five hundred.

After he was done with shopping, he headed to his room and went to sleep as he wanted to be in his best condition for the next day.


Alex woke up early and walked down to the counter to get some breakfast, which was free to his surprise. Most of the tables were occupied by masked men and women who wore the same cloak that he did with patterned sleeves.

He occupied an empty chair opposite to a man with white hair. The food was great so he went to get seconds. Unfortunately for him, the seat he sat in was already taken over by someone else.

He shook his head slightly before heading over to another chair that was empty. After eating until his stomach cried, he stopped and waited for the group to start whatever they had to do.

Time slowly passed and when the clock struck eight, everyone stood up and formed a line. A man in the front raised his hand up and said, "ONE!"

Then the person behind him said, "TWO"

The counting continued like that and Alex followed the procedure by shouting the number he had to.


People waited for the man in the front to speak while the man walked forward and stood on a stool.

"All of you, please take a seat."

There was a bit of commotion for a few seconds until everyone settled down. Alex took the seat closest to him and waited for the man to begin.

"Alright everybody, today we will be occupying the twelfth hunting ground and our target is going to be the XXXX rated Demiguise. For the new hunters that have been gathered here, there is no need for you to know how the beasts are brought to the hunting grounds. Your only job is to hunt."

The man looked at Alex for a while before glancing at everyone else.

"We all know the rules. If you have the capability, do it on your own and if you don't, it is better to form teams. No one will be responsible for your deaths.

The portkeys will be handed out at the counter so come and take them." He said as he jumped off the stool and touched a piece of metal rod before vanishing from his original location.

Alex slowly followed the others and waited for his turn patiently before he took one of the metal rods and appeared in a vast forest. The forest wasn't dense but there were quite a lot of trees with at least two to three meters gap between each tree.
