
Chapter 3 - Dwargon

A small, round, blue slime resided on the floor, standing next to a tall, muscular goblin whose presence compared to the numerous other Goblins around him set himself as the leader of them, though in reality he was second to the slime. The slime lacked a proper face, but even still a mixture of confusion and concern was easy to see. The large goblin standing next to him had a nervous expression on his face, though tried to maintain composure through his obvious anxiety. The reason was obvious upon realizing what the two were looking at.

In front of them was a house, or rather an attempt at one. The attempt, unfortunately, was awful, and the house looked like it had been hurriedly put together by people with no experience rather than any sort of architect. Such an observation would've ultimately been correct as the house was built without any experience as the most the goblins had constructed up until that point was basic huts and tents, far from any permanent housing that would be seen in a proper town or city.

Though the slime, despite his appearances, did have experience in general contracting, he didn't need that to see that the "house" was far from stable and would likely collapse from the slightest storm, if that. The slime sighed and leaned downwards, "This isn't gonna work…"

The large goblin next to him gulped as in the next moment, as if it had become ashamed in itself, the house collapsed to the ground in a cloud of dust. The house was the first attempt at the Slime's goal for the goblin village, at least initially, to provide "Food, Shelter, and Clothing" to all the Goblins under his care. Unfortunately while the 'food' part was fairly easy to accomplish, especially with the aid of the direwolves they now employed. The 'shelter' and 'clothing' part was not something that they had experience in, nor could it be learned overnight, at least not without a teacher.

The Slime could, theoretically, through the use of his Unique Skill 'Great Sage' build the houses on his own by simply eating the materials and having Great Sage do all the work, however if he desired to build a proper town, he couldn't have them all rely on his skills. Even if he did use Great Sage, he would still have to build each one, or at least create them all in his stomach. There would eventually come a time when he wouldn't be able to do that. The same situation applied to clothing as well.

With the attempts at construction failing and the clothing situation being little more than glorified rags or slaps of animal skin and fur, the village needed someone with experience to actually teach them basic crafts. But where exactly could they reliably find someone for that?


The Armed Nation of Dwargon, the nation of dwarves and craftsmen. The nation's supposedly been around for a long time, for the most part thanks to the high quality weapons and tools the nation can produce en masse. According to Noir, the nation survived through countless 'Tenma Wars' against the forces of Heaven thanks to the fact its capital is basically within a mountain. The entire premise of a 'Tenma War' is confusing in of itself and brings up numerous questions, but it also proves me right not to trust any sort of 'God.'

Regardless, according to Noir, if any nation was closest to my ideal 'industrial modern society', not that I think Noir fully understands what that means, it would be Dwargon. Noir's knowledge on the world is unfortunately limited, and there's a chance that Dwargon may not even exist anymore, though according to Noir, the chances of it being conquered are slim. One thing Noir does know however is that Dwargon is highly reliant on Magisteel, in fact just about every nation aiming to have a powerful army is. Magisteel, produced by Magic Ore like what I saw in the cave with Veldora, is incredibly valuable. A skilled weaponsmith could turn Magic Ore into a powerful Magisteel weapon, which needless to say is far more powerful than any basic sword. If I had to guess, the difference between a Magisteel sword and a normal sword is probably the same as a machine gun against a musket.

Because of their inherent value, I've decided to snatch some from the cave into a makeshift bag I made from animal skin so that I can sell it in Dwargon to make money to buy a rifle. Unfortunately, in order to actually get a rifle, I would likely need someone to make one. Lucky for me I've cleaned my old rifle so many times I know the ins and outs of its mechanisms, and compensating for magic, I should be able to make my own variant. The whole reason I need my rifle is more or less as a consistent conduit for magic, even if I were to launch multiple attacks at once, my other attacks would merely be replications of my attack through the rifle. Secondly, I intend to utilize the rifle as more or less a magical railgun, with crystals lining the barrel to enhance its power and speed.

The crystals, which I also found in Veldora's cave, albeit at a much lesser quantity than the Magic Ore, will serve as both magnets of sorts as well as magical amplifiers. By flowing mana, or rather Magicules through the crystals in the right way at the right time, I can rapidly increase the speed, power, and magical force a bullet comes out with. Instead of needing gunpowder, I believe that I can theoretically utilize a small rune at the base of the gun which, upon pulling the trigger, would activate and begin to launch the bullet. Runes are a form of magic which I believe to be essential in any sort of union of magic and technology. Unfortunately all I know is through Noir, and since he never specialized in it, he only said that it 'might' help me, which isn't promising but I may as well try.

After finally gathering my things and preparing my bag of magic ore and magical crystalsI began to go near Dwargon. If I wanted to go into Dwargon without attracting attention as a demon, especially with my black and red eyes, I need to disguise myself. Luckily, thanks to Illusion Master it's quite easy to simply change my hair and eye color back to what I looked like in my past world.

Eiga on the other hand…

"Eiga I'm afraid you'll have to remain out here in the forest, I doubt they'd take kindly to a monster walking freely within the city, especially one as large as yourself." I turned towards Eiga as we neared the edge of the forest before the clearing which led to the entrance to the Dwargon capital.

Eiga began to look somewhat distraught as she placed one paw forward and persisted, "Then I shall force my way in anyways!" She exclaimed proudly as I could only place a hand on my face.

"Eiga.. No that's not… Look, I'm here to get some money, acquire a weapon, and figure out a bit more about the world. I'd prefer to keep a low profile and not enact the anger of the Dwargon government. You'll be fine on your own in the woods, trust me. I'll set up camp up here in a bit, you just stay there and protect it, hunt when you need to and wait there, I won't be gone for more than a few days at a time."

Eiga looked desperate now, "A few days?!"

"Er… One day… I'll try to make it quick and I'll come back once it gets dark, how about that?"

Eiga seemed satisfied as she nodded.

I sighed and continued forwards, finding a nice place to set up camp close enough to the clearing before Dwargon that it was easily a short walk away, but far enough that nobody would see Eiga either. I quickly made a campfire and let Eiga sleep for the night. She had gotten stronger and more adept with her skills and strengths since I first got her, she was easily capable of fighting off almost anything we encountered in the forest, though there are probably some things even she couldn't handle yet. Having a big, bulky guard-cat is probably good for intimidation, as whether I like it or not, even as a demon I still look like a child.

After Eiga had gone off to sleep completely I spent the night hunting for food that Eiga could cook and eat throughout the next day. To my surprise she managed to learn a flame-based skill which, as it suggests, creates a flame out magicules. It's a pretty decent skill, if a bit mana-consuming. I've not actually tested how good it can cook things, but if it's a flame, I'm sure it'll work fine. She mostly used the skill for coating her various blades in flames, but she does seem capable of spitting it out or casting it as flames around her. She's still not fully adept in that part yet though, so for now she's mostly limited to coating her blades. She'll be at least able to cook whatever I give her though.

As the sun began to rise I applied my illusions onto my hair and eyes and began to walk up to the entrance of Dwargon. The entrance was a large, towering door at the foot of a mountain. Some people had already lined up to enter, however the line was short with it being so early in the morning. The inspection was quick and it seemed that nations like this didn't exactly have a passport system in place yet, so entry was fairly straightforward.

Looking around at Dwargon it appeared to be exactly what I had hoped it would be, a semi-industrialized society, albeit with a slight steampunk feel with gears and smoke visible all over the place. It seemed like it was very early in its industrialization, however for a world that I considered medieval, it's more than I could ask for. Unfortunately inventions like the car or train seem far off even here, and all the weapons I find in shops or being used are all swords and armor, not a single rifle or modern weapon to be found. It's a strange hybrid, to have so many elements similar to an early industrial world, yet without many of the expected elements like guns or even proper engines. It makes me wonder just how industrial Dwargon actually is.

After a bit of asking around I eventually located what I believe to be a reliable blacksmith, I'll probably have to find a few more stores for some parts of the rifle, but starting here is best.


It's a slow morning, though to be fair, that was the case for most mornings. Nobody goes weapon shopping right after waking up anyways. My shop has been doing fine for the past few weeks, a bit slow at times, but I can appreciate the downtime. With tensions supposedly rising, it may be only a few more weeks before I'm backlogged with orders to make entire armories worth of weapons for a possible war, after all, I'm the 'great blacksmith Kaijin' and 'I can make anything.' I don't doubt my skills, but with how strained our Magic Ore supply has been recently, I'm not sure if we'll even have enough Magic Ore to even fully produce all the swords I'll probably be asked to make. Most of the mines have been cleared out, and currently the miners are scrambling to find more. At their current rate, I'd give 'em half a year before they can probably find enough sources of Magic Ore to lower the price of them back to how it was last year.

It's probably not too big of a deal, Dwargon's military is already strong enough to discourage anyone from attacking, and even our current standing army will probably be able to defend our borders well enough. It's still not gonna stop them from ordering more swords anyways. In about a month's time I give it, I'm probably gonna be working my ass off making all the swords they want, but that's how things go.

For now I was working on a brief passion-project of sorts. I had no commissions at the moment, having finished the last one the other day, so I had time to make a high-quality sword or two. It would probably be able to sell for a decent price, I'm making it out of some decent quality magisteel, so it should be considered a high-quality weapon when I'm done with it, though I'm in no rush.

About an hour into my early work day someone entered the shop at the front, it was a bit early for most, but it wasn't like I was closed either. After shouting that I'd be with them in a minute I quickly wrapped up what I was doing and placed my equipment neatly to the side before heading into the store. There I was somewhat startled to see what looked like a child standing looking around at the equipment. It wasn't entirely uncommon for the occasional customer to bring their child with them, but rarely did one come alone.

No, this wasn't some child. The outfit seemed to give the impression of some importance, though the look is foreign and I can't pinpoint what nation it's from, but her eyes are what truly give it away. I've never been the most adept at "reading" people, however when you work so long in selling weapons and even spend some time in the military yourself, it becomes quite easy to see it in someone's eyes when they've looked war straight in the face. After a while you can even pick up how they responded. To some, they looked back at war in fear, others anger, rage, or sorrow, but these eyes were different, they gave the impression that this 'child' stared at war straight in the eyes… and smiled.

This was someone who had no fear of war, most likely desensitized by death and killing, not quite enjoying it, but certainly having no problems facing it either. To them it seemed war was at most a waste of time or an inconvenience. I hadn't seen many people like that, and while at first I questioned if I was deceiving myself, the more I looked at her the more of an impression I got of a veteran soldier who had seen horrors of war I never faced in my time in the military. Whatever the case, there was no way this was just some child. Even if she came from a country where child soldiers are normal, no child would face war in such a way.

After a few moments of me stepping out from the back the blonde-haired child turned to me, putting down the knife she was looking at, seemingly inspecting it as many reasonably do. She walked up to me and introduced herself, speaking in a voice which again seemed to give the impression that she was a child, though the tone certainly implied she had far more maturity than her voice or body seemed to imply, "Excuse me, I am Tanya von Degurechaff, I was hoping to purchase a weapon, you are Kaijin correct?"

'Von?' That's a noble term isn't it? It was rarely used, if at all, in Dwargon, but I can recall some nations using it. Though similarly, it was a term usable by most if not all nobles, so if she was involved in a war, there's a chance she could just be a low-ranking military noble. Most full nobles would probably introduce themselves with their titles, after all. Regardless I had no reason to stall, "Yep, that's me. So what kind of weapon did you want? As you can see I've made all kinds, I even have some armor too, though… I unfortunately don't have anything in your size."

Tanya shook her head, "No, nothing like that. I prefer having more freedom of movement anyways, armor would just hold me down. I was wondering if I could order a custom weapon. I have proper compensation of course."

"Just what kind of weapon would you want? I should be able to make it."

"It's nothing inherently complex, but the parts of it may seem a bit strange." Tanya pulled out what seemed to be a design drawn out on a thin piece of animal skin, it was a bit primitive, though I suppose not everyone has access to the materials needed to write properly.

Looking at the design shows clearly what she meant by 'strange.' Nothing seemed terribly hard to make, and while there were some wood parts that would be a bit tricky for me to make, I should be able to, at least with a bit of help. The most complex part technically was the rune, which she commented, "It's alright if you cannot make the rune, I should be able to find someone to do that part if necessary."

"It's fine, I'm no master runesmith, but this should be simple enough to pull off. With all these crystals and runes though, you're gonna need to be at least a decently skilled magic-user to consistently use a weapon like this."

"That's no problem, I'm fairly confident in my magical abilities."

"Alright. I do hope you understand though, considering some of the parts in this weapon, not to mention the runes and crystals that are gonna be a bit trickier to add, this is probably going to be a more expensive order. The crystals alone are very expensive."

Tanya pulled up the bag she was caring for and placed it on the front desk, "Oh that's fine, I understand. For one, I already have the crystals, and secondly, I have a trade offer. You see, I'm currently lacking any Dwargon currency, so I can't pay you conventionally. What I do have however…"

Tanya began to pull out pieces of magic ore, one by one, each of them incredibly pure and worth a whole lot. Afterwards she began to pull out numerous small near-identical crystals to use for the weapon, even a few spare ones too. All of these items she laid out were easily worth far more than how much her gun costs. Where she got this much magic ore, and where she found it so pure was beyond me, but I found myself staring into its multi-colored glow for probably too long.

"This should be more than enough! Where did you get this much ore?!" I was amazed at it all, it was certainly worth quite a lot. Had the miners found a mine already? And if they did, who knew such pure magic ore was there the whole time!

Tanya, however, just shook her head, "Let's just call it a trade secret. If I told you where I found it, everyone could mine it, and it'd stop being as valuable."

I gave a light chuckle, "I understand, you must be a merchant, then?"

"Something like that. The reason I want this weapon is for self-defense, as you know it can be dangerous to travel"

"Ah, yes, I assume you mean the recent monster attacks? Ever since veldora left monsters have been going crazy and raiding beyond the forest. It hasn't affected us in Dwargon much, but trade has certainly taken a hit."

"Yes indeed, I could purchase guards as well, however even then, I would like a weapon to ensure my own safety can be protected, even should the guards fail or prove incompetent."

"I see what you mean, though this weapon certainly is strange."

Looking at it, I had heard of similar weapons being used rarely by some powerful people in the East and West, though I don't exactly know who, let alone the details of it. It's been described as a 'magic boom stick' which I suppose this could be considered as.

Tanya would interrupt my internal analysis as she explained, "I simply reckoned that if you launched a small piece of metal fast enough, you could probably pierce even some of the toughest skin or armor. This is just the most effective way to do that. Though, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep this weapon private."

"Ah, don't want anyone stealing your designs. I can understand as much. I won't make any more without your permission."

While it could be a profitable weapon to sell, the magic required meant that you needed to be a decently powerful magic-user, and by that point, I'd imagine most of them wouldn't care for some fancy stick as a weapon. In truth, I'm not sure why she even wants it. If she had the magical capacity to use this gun, why not just cast spells. Perhaps this is actually stronger than spells? Or maybe she just doesn't know any but knows how to use magic? Whatever the situation it didn't matter, even if I wanted to sell this weapon, I probably couldn't.

"Thank you. Now, how long would this take?"

"Let's see… None of this is inherently complex, though I will say some parts of this will certainly be tedious. Considering this is my first time making some of this stuff, I'd say give it a week give or take a few days to account for trial and error with making some of these. I assume you want this in Magi-steel? You certainly brought enough."

"Yes, that would work nicely. I'll return in a week to check on progress if that's alright."

"That should be fine. Oh yes, one more thing…" I went to the back and brought back a good number of coins and tied them up in a bag, placing them on the counter, "This is your remaining payment for the Magic Ore. What you got is easily worth twice the price of the rifle, even if you hadn't brought the crystals yourself. Just between us, you came at a fortunate time, for you at least. The magic ore mine has gone dry and since it's gonna be some time before they find a new one, the need for magic ore has gone up. While I most likely won't need more for a while, if you could sell some more ore to other blacksmiths it would probably do well to lower the costs, not to mention earn you a lot of money."

Tanya smirked and spoke, "Understood, thank you, Kajin. I'll see you in a week. Have a good day."

"Yes, you too."

Tanya turned and left, taking her bag with her as I looked over the ore. This should probably last me roughly another month or so. It wasn't too much, enough for a few weapons, but considering most weapons I make are made of normal metals, I don't necessarily need just magisteel.

With that I gathered the ore and got to work.


That was productive. I managed to successfully order my rifle's creation and got quite a bit of money out of it. I did bullshit my way though parts of that, making up the excuse that I'm a merchant of sorts. I did correctly assume that the chaos in the forest was leaking out into the surrounding areas, and as I had speculated, the humans on average seemed to be far weaker than I am in this world. Some seemed to have strength equal to what I or an elite Imperial mage had in my past world, however there you were more or less set at birth for how much power you had, in this world birth still has an influence, but a miniscule one at that.

What that interaction also helped me realize was both the profits selling Magic Ore will bring, as well as the rarity of the bounties of the forest. I never really thought about it, but the forest is truly filled with terrifying beasts by this world's human standards. It makes sense why no nation has settled the region even despite veldora being sealed safely in a cave. I'm certain Eiga alone could probably cause major damage to an entire nation if she went on a rampage for whatever reason. Though, to be fair, Eiga is on the much stronger side compared to just about everything in this forest.

I'm still unsure of what to do in general, however for now I'll probably take Kajin's advice and start selling ore from the cave to Dwargon for the next month or so. I should be able to rack up enough of a profit to do basically whatever by then. My plan in general is to get into a position to kickstart this world's industrialization, functioning as some sort of investment institute or perhaps just some massive economic conglomerate. It will take some time and a lot of money to get started, but considering the fact I may well have a de facto monopoly on Magic Ore in Dwargon for some time, I should be able to rack up that money.


My little expedition to Dwargon did not go as expected. Almost immediately we got in a fight with some group of adventurers, and after scaring them off I was put in prison and had to prove my innocence. Fortunately, or rather I should say unfortunately, a group of dwarves got injured in the mines and I was able to prove my innocence by giving them a potion. After that he showed me to the blacksmith Kaijin, however after giving him some Magisteel and going to a… perfectly normal bar, we ended up in trouble and it ended with Kajin being exiled. I feel bad, it feels like partially my fault, but it was his own commitment to defending me that got us into that situation. I suppose it means I won't be going back to Dwargon, but at the same time, I got what I came for in the end, so that's good for us.

The housing situation was growing to be problematic. I haven't been with the goblins for too long, but it was pretty obvious that they lack any carpentry skills, and I can't imagine they'd have anything like smithing skills either. All that's really left to do is to return to the village and figure out how to get them everything they need to start helping.

After hopping a bit into the forest looking for where I left Ranga and the goblins I seem to have misplaced them. I had thought they were settled here, but perhaps they moved? Suddenly I heard the sound of thunder coming from slightly deeper into the forest and I rushed forwards to catch up to the noise.

Despite the danger, the dwarves came too, although they seemed to stay a good distance behind me just in case. Approaching the origin of the sound more sounds seem to appear, primarily the sounds of a fight of sorts. Getting closer I see the goblins standing behind the trees before a clearing where Ranga seemed to be clashing with… a large cat? With knife-teeth? Honestly after the whole unicorn-dog thing with ranga, I'm not really surprised.

Watching for a few moments, Ranga jumped backwards away from the cat, howling as he fired another Black Lightning from his horn. The cat however raised its knife-edged tail, absorbing the lightning as it struck it. Was the cat's knives made out of metal?! Did it just use its tail as a lightning-rod?!

Before I could contemplate the answer, my skill Great Sage told me instead;

[Notice: It is likely a mixture of hardened organic material and magisteel, likely produced through increased strength or evolution]

{'Magisteel? So like some of Kaijin's weapons?'}

[Alone, the strength, sharpness, and durability of the sharp metallic portions of the body are slightly stronger than that of a basic unused magisteel sword. However, likely through the use of a skill, the subject is flowing magicules through these metallic parts, greatly increasing its abilities in all departments.]

Damn, this thing is crazy! I could no longer sit back and watch Ranga try to fight it. It was obvious he was struggling. His main means of attack consists of lightning, clawing, and biting, however the cat has him outdone ten-fold in the clawing and biting department, leaving him with only his lightning that the cat can seemingly absorb quite well. Ranga's main hope has seemingly been to keep distance and hope one of his attacks lands.

Now let's see, if black lightning doesn't work… Water blade should be good eno-

[Warning: Dodge]

I bounced back as suddenly a loud bang rang out and I looked to see half of my slime-body obliterated in an instant as a red trail of light leading to the impact point on the ground slowly dissipates.

Just what the hell was that?! If I hadn't dodged I would've been a goner! Almost instantly my self-regeneration began to kick in and my body slowly recovered from the damage taken. Looking up I saw what appeared to be a blonde-haired little girl lowering herself to the ground. For a brief moment I could've sworn she had black and red eyes, but after the smoke cleared from whatever had attacked me, her eyes appeared a normal light blue.

Ranga, seemingly noticing my return and the situation retreated to my side as the girl looked down at me, her stare far too terrifying for a little girl. In her hands was a… gun?! There's guns in this world?! Why the hell are they still selling swords if guns could pack that much firepower?!

From behind I heard Kajin speak, "Tanya?!"

Huh? Does he know her? So her name's Tanya? Where have I heard that name before…

[Notice: It is the same name as the otherworlder Veldora mentioned]

Ah! But this doesn't look like a demon, so it must be someone else then…

[Most demons are fully capable of manipulating, changing, or completely altering their physical appearance.]

Ah, so she might be a demon, with how much magical power she just put into that bullet I wouldn't be surprised…

The girl looked up in slight surprise, "Ah Kajin, I heard about your arrest, exile it seems?"

Kajin nodded, "Yes, unfortunately. This slime is going to take us to his village so we can help out, I think there may have been some misunderstanding. Is that… cat… yours?"

Tanya looked back, the knife-cat-thing walking up to her side and she looked back and nodded, "Correct. Eiga is my subordinate. I've been leaving her here when I go into Dwargon. When I found that she had entered conflict with such a powerful direwolf I decided it would be good training for her and let her fight. Eiga is strong, but she lacks much battle experience. Up until now, she's fought practically braindead monsters. That canine seemed smart enough to prove an intelligent opponent for Eiga, not to mention one at her strength level."

I looked over at Ranga and then at this 'Eiga' who seemed fairly proud about seemingly being the de facto winner of that 'duel.'

Finally, I decided to speak up, "Sorry about that, I assumed she was just another monster in the forest."

Tanya looked down at me, "And I thought the same of you. I thought you wouldn't be a threat for Eiga's duel, but you would be distracting so I decided to use you as target practice for my new weapon. Had I known you were intelligent and that canine's master, I probably would've handled the situation differently."

"So… we're good then? Why were they fighting anyway?"

"From what I saw, your direwolf likely strayed too close to our camp, and Eiga, being told to guard it, probably thought he was a dangerous monster and decided to take him down."

"I suppose neither side is necessarily at blame here then."

Tanya shook her head and placed her rifle on her back, "No, I suppose not. Though I am quite surprised you survived that attack. You're skilled for a slime at least. Anyways apologies for the trouble, me and Eiga will be leaving now."

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Tanya turned back, giving a slight gaze of annoyance, "Why don't you come back with us to the village? You seem to have friendly relations with Kajin, and Eiga and Ranga could perhaps spar some more, Ranga you would like a rematch right?"

Ranga nodded, "Yes! And I shall not lose this time!"

Tanya looked strangely at Ranga, "The dog talks?"

I nodded, "The dog talks."

Tanya sighed, "I suppose having a proper sparring partner would be better than constantly fighting dumb monsters. You're both on relatively equal level magicule-wise, the only problem your Ranga has is that Eiga has a perfect counter to him. I suppose there's some merit to staying in your village if it means having a consistent place to stay and allowing for Eiga to get stronger. Don't expect me to stay forever though, I have ventures I want to make eventually."

"I understand completely. I'm sure Eiga will train hard against Ranga as well!"

Eiga lifted her chin proudly, "I will not disappoint my master!"

I stared blankly at Tanya, "The cat talks?"

Tanya nodded, "The cat talks."

With that, alongside the Dwarf brothers and their skills I also had Tanya who I wanted for a few reasons. For one, if she was an otherworlder like me, then I wanted to be able to talk to her in private. Secondly, she seems to be stronger than me, at least for now, so having her be in the village means it automatically has another layer of defense. If the firepower on that gun has anything to say about her strength, she's easily a walking tank with how much firepower she can wield.

Only as we finally began to near the village did I realize something:

Wait… Is Eiga literally just named 'Sharp Fang'... How unoriginal can yo-

[Notice: You did the same exact thing with Ranga]

Ah…. right… I literally named Ranga "Storm Fang" didn't I…
