
End of career

'An explanation? Do they really suspect me of using drugs?' Morgan wondered, utterly shocked at what was happening.

"An explanation about what?" he asked, his eyes darting from one agent to another.

"We've received reports that you were using drugs during matches, so we're here to conduct a test," one of them replied calmly.

"Drugs? Me? That's absurd. Why would I be using drugs?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

At 21, he had tried many things, but never drugs. He barely took medication even when sick, so why would he take something to boost his performance during games?

"We only need your samples for the test. The test will prove your innocence," another agent added.

Morgan noticed the look on their faces, indicating they weren't interested in his protests; they just needed samples.

"I need to call my agent first. He should be here," he said, making his way to the locker room to grab his phone.
