
Fixing A Broken Friendship Part 3

After dinner Mi Young started to clean up when Sung ho stopped her.

"You just woke up from a comma, go get some rest and recover, Ha Joon take her to her bedroom." said Sung ho.

"Mi Young come on I'll take you to bed." said Ha Joon.

"No you don't have to I'll get myself to my room." she said plastering a fake smile.

"I know you're still in shock and I promised you that I'll never leave you, so let me fulfill my promise." he said warmly.

"Thank you." she said.

Ha Joon had put her to bed. He stayed there until she fell asleep, he closely observed her as she slept.

"What are you? You don't look like a beast woman are you a goddess? I know they're somethings that happened to you in your past it's clear that you past was painful I just wish I had the courage to ask you about it but it seems like Sung ho's right I am a coward but I promise you to protect and love you for the rest of my life." he thought to himself stroking her hair

"What are you doing you'll wake her up if you continue stroking her." said Sung ho.

"Oh, sorry." said Ha Joon.

He got up and moved towards the dining table where the two sat down.

"Did you just apologize? Hmmm, it seems Mi Young has rubbed off you." said Sung ho

"Why did she save me? And how did she heal me?" said Ha Joon.

"She's just like that. She's a very kind female, females like her are very rare." said Sung ho.

"Do you think she's a goddess? She can heal people with her blood which makes her even more precious." said Ha Joon.

"She might be a goddess but you shouldn't stress her out let her recover, you can ask her questions then. Speaking of questions, how did you get injured?" said Sung ho.

"I was attacked on my way back home some how they knew that my eyes weren't working properly. My powers get foggy when my eyes are infected in anyway. But my eyes are all better now she restored my powers. I just wish I knew what her pain is." he said.

"You can see it too? But why not just use you I thought you could read minds." said Sung ho.

"It seems I can't use my powers on her, it's also inappropriate to read her mind without her permission and besides I just got my powers recovered." said Ha Joon.

"Oh, permission has never been a word that comes out of your mouth. Mi Young truly a blessing to this world. I hope she stays with us forever." said Sung ho.

"So do I. Anyway I have to get some rest too." said Ha Joon. He started to walk towards Mi Young's room.

"Where are you going?" asked Sung ho.

"Am going to sleep, obviously." said Ha Joon.

"Where? " he asked

"In Mi Young's room where else? Look you mated with her. I think I deserve to at least sleep next to her, so don't stop me." said Ha Joon.

"Okay sorry." said Sung ho.

"And besides Mi Young's first born will be mine." he said with a sly smile.

"Why you asshole!!" yelled Sung ho.

Ha Joon just chuckled and went in Mi Young's room.

"Will see who her first born will be." he said with an evil little smile.


"I feel so much better I... Ha Joon? He looks cute when he's a asleep." she thought to herself.

She decided to wait until he woke up, she kept starring at him. He woke up and met her blue eyes.

"She has unique eyes and hair. I have never seen gold her before, I wonder what she is." he thought to himself while starring at her.

"Good morning." she said.

"Morning, how are you feeling any pain or dizziness?" he asked.

"Am okay, how are you? You are the one who almost died." she said.

"Don't worry am fine you healed me at the risk of your own life and for that am great full." he said.

"It's what family is about, having each other's backs, always remember that." she said with a smile.

"I will." he said.



She washed her face, brushed her teeth and combed her hair.

"Come on let's go eat."

"Okay, you go on I'll be there soon, I have to wash up too." said Ha Joon.

"Okay just don't be late." she said.

"I won't." he said.

She gave him a kiss and ran off to eat.

"You really are a mystery." he said.

"Sung ho! How are you?" she said.

"Am fine thanks. Am the one who should be asking that question. How are you feeling today any pain?" he said in a concerned tone.

She assured him with a kiss that she was okay. A few minutes later Ha Joon.

"It's good that you finally joined us, come set next to me, I hope you don't mind. Do you mind, Sung ho?" she said.

"No I don't, his your mate too." he said looking at Ha Joon with a smirk.

"You asshole you think just because she asked you for permission you think you are almighty. Just wait and watch you'll she'll love me more than she loves you." he thought to himself.

"Let's eat." she said. She took one of the chicken and was blown away.

"Wooooow, you did such a great job it's so tasty. Where did you learn how to cook like this?" she said happily.

Sung ho looked at Ha Joon's annoyed face and was happy to see it.

"I learnt it from you. I thought that I had the recipe wrong but you saying you like it made my day." he said starring at Ha Joon with a satisfied look on his face.

"Do you like it Ha Joon?" she said.

Ha Joon didn't want to admit that it was really good but he had no choice.

"Yes it's really good. Annoyingly." he mumbled.

"What was that Ha Joon I didn't quite hear you?" said Sung ho teasingly.

Ha Joon plastered the fakest smile in the world and said "It's a lovely meal Sung ho."

"You thought you can compete with me. But I knew Mi Young first so I know her more." Sung ho's thought was interested by Mi Young's laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" said Sung ho.

"Hahaha, you two act like children it's so cute." said Mi Young.

"Cute! Cute is a word used to describe a beautiful baby or female!" said Sung ho and Ha Joon in a angry childish way.

"See. You two sometimes act like children, sometimes you act like cold blooded killers. But you two are very loving and caring towards me and why can't you try and fix your friendship, am not forcing you but please give it a try." she said.

"We'll try, but if he tries anything funny this time I won't hesitate to kill him." said Sung ho angrily.

Ha Joon was about to say something when a massager budged in the house.

"My Lord am sorry to just budge in like this but..." he took one look at Mi Young and forgot what he was doing there. "You must be Mi Young. Wow you are as beautiful as they say you are" he said.

"Before I cut out your tongue why did you budge in my house like that." said Ha Joon with a cold evil glare .

"I'm..... I'm so sorry, the valley tiger's Queen has come to see you." he said frightened.

" Oh, go then." said Ha Joon coldly.

"Yes your highness, your so mercifully." he went out running.

"I have to go we'll talk about this when I come back." said Ha Joon.

He kissed Mi Young good bye and ran off.

"Please be safe." she said.
