

With the start of the last day of the test, a sense of anticipation filled Adam's heart.

It was almost over. Having proven to himself that he successfully changed, he was excited to see the day and test through.

Through spearmanship practice, he was able to work up a sweat.

He knew that he shouldn't over do things today.

The last day was the last chance for troubles to appear.

Troubles would not give him peace just because it was a test.

Once he finished with the exercises, he examined the skills he had received during the tests so far.

A subtle metallic buzz echoed, as the system's screen appeared, showing the descriptions of the skills he had yet to examine.

[Unbreakable Will: Your willpower is tempered to the extreme, allowing one to withstand severe mental and physical stresses. With the control to match, enabling the ability to direct and maintain one's own conscious and instinctive actions and thoughts with precision and force.]

[Dauntless Courage: Your sense of fear is extremely suppressed. You can think clearly in mentally exhausting and otherwise dire situations. Bravery is heightened and immovable.]

[Sage's Patience: You are able to wait, and endure long periods of time, regardless of types and number of variables at play, without acting hastily and brashly.]

[Combat Aptitude: You have talent for battle, and fighting. You are able to learn skills faster during combat.]

Seeing these skills, Adam, was shocked. They were extremely helpful.

Having them would expand his plans.

While he was partially able to surmise what the skills sort of did, but seeing them described made it much clearer to him in the extent of their usefulness.

Continuing to examine his status, he saw that, in the time that he was in the tests, his experience accumulated to '20,000.'

He restrained his urge to level up that eased into his thoughts.

Things were looking great.

Adam looked at the meat of the wolves that he had stocked up. Having only prepared one of them, he was running low. However, he only had today left

He looked down, his stomach that usually protruded heavily, was slimming slightly.

Adam gazed around the cave, that he had made his base.

He would miss it, if only slightly.

That said, he wouldn't miss the odor, that had been growing each day.

He would definitely be able to live without it.

Adam sat, waiting.

He waited for a scream, a howl, a signal to a grand finale to the test.

For better or worse, hours passed with nothing happening, which did not deprive him of his caution.

Without warning, the ground shook subtly.

Trembling the cave's floor and everything within.

Not sure to laugh or cry, Adam stood up.

Grabbing the spear, which he sharpened, he left the cave.

A test almost always had a tricky question, in this case, it was a tricky boss.

In the distance, he saw a sickly green towering figure, with a bulbous stomach, sharp ears, and a stout figure. That looked to be 10 feet tall.

As it moved, the ground quaked.

The well-lit forest of the morning had been disturbed.

The forest's creatures from rabbits, to squirrels, to deer were scrambling and bounding away from the large creature.

It's larger build, and similarity to goblins made him think it was an ogre.

'Its bigger than I would expect one to be.' Adam remarked.

Adam sprinted, collecting long branches that his gaze fell on throughout the forest.

Glancing every so often, to see the distance of the ogre.

He had an excellent idea, as he was more well-versed now with spears, he could craft several javelins.

'The larger an enemy was, the more space their was to throw javelins.', Adam mused.

He got to work, rushing through crafting javelins, as much as one would stockpile snowballs for snowball fight.

He willed himself to work swiftly.

Adam could not be wasteful with the time he had.

Admittedly, what he deemed an 'ogre' was not approaching his direction, it could eventually. He did want to go out by being crushed.

Quicker than he anticipated, the Ogre changed directions. Its nose angled to the ground.

'That's no good.' He noted, sweat running down his back.

In the time it took for the ogre to make his way to him, Adam had made 5 makeshift javelins which he spiked the tip of, to make it more difficult for it to pull them out.

He would have to be much closer, for his throws to land anywhere near the ogre.

Grasping the small stack of javelins, he headed back into the forest.

His gaze set on the ogre, he approached it from the side.

For his plan to unfold smoothly, he would have to not have it hawk its eyes at him, as he began throwing the javelins.

If he was lucky, the javelins would get lodged in the ankles, or in an artery.

Adam did not have much hope for the latter.

Their positions shortened, Adam arrived a handful of feet away behind it. Hiding at a corner of a tree, he saw the ogre attempt to pick up a boar.

A contented grin stretched on it's face, holding the boar with both hands.

This would be his best chance.

Aiming as best he could, Adam stepped into throwing the javelin, it narrowly missed.

The thrown javelin, however was out of sight of the ogre.

He quickly began his next throw, as the ogre took a bite of the boar.

The boar painfully squealing, as it trembled, trying to escape the ogre's clutches.

Adams next throw landed on its heel.

The ogre held a pained grimace on its face as it tossed down the boar.

It looked around, its line of sight from it's height obscuring parts of it's vision.

Moving to avoid his location being identified, Adam threw his third javelin, which pierced the ogre's ankle.

The ogre threw his arms out, bashing trees, as it roared.

Adam, weaving through the trees, got ready to throw the next javelin, when the ogre craned its neck.

The ogre's eyes bloodshot, it locked onto Adam, who carried two javelins.

It had found him.
