
Guinea Pig

In a dark underground cell, a burly-looking man can be seen chained up with both his hands hanging in the air. 

This burly-looking man was none other than Gorgon.

Blood dripped from his face, injuries were all over his body, and his eyes were closed as if he were dead.

His aura was constantly being absorbed by the chain that was holding him, so he had no way of escaping, even if he were a Peak Royal Swordsman.

Suddenly the door leading to the underground cell opened, illuminating the entire room, which then made the burly man open his eyes.

His gaze fell upon the doorway, but his eyes were blinded by the light so he could not see who entered. "W-who?" he said weakly.

Then a figure walked in dressed in all white, and as the door closed, his appearance was revealed.

"It's you! Why did you leave me alive? Just kill me!" Gorgon shouted, using up all his strength.
