
The Wrath of the Blade Empress

As Wu Long turned to leave, he suddenly stopped all movements, and a sharp aura rose around him as he turned back in the blink of an eye as a sheathed sword appeared in his left hand, his right hand grabbing the hilt at the same time as his body turned. 

Old Yen and Butler Bang's eyes widened as they did not expect him to make any movements while the golden swords behind the Blade Empress spread out to her sides pointing toward the point she was looking at with eyes, her pupils contracting to the size of a pinhole.

Wu Long's figure blurred and at the same time, the swords of the Empress went forth with unbelievable speed.

A drop of sweat came down from Old Yen who turned around with a slight delay and by the time it hit the floor sparks went into the air with metallic noises.
