

Timecurrent came too, spitting out a few movie tickets that had gotten stuck between her teeth. Sweeping a hand over her shirt she found it tattered and hole-pocketed from the storm. Once vertical, it became apparent that the booth had not left her side, having landed at the same place. A booth attendant jumped up from underneath, looking out through the glass, and smoothed his disheveled brown hair. "How do you guess that happened?" he said, opening the door and hobbling over to her. "It must just have a mind of its own. You just have to train it better" she suggested, thinking of a good zinger for the occasion. "I'm going to go back in there and see what's up" he chuckled, and went back into the booth, and began looking through some panels to find where all the supply was coming from. Focusing on his endeavors, Timecurrent barely noticed when the ribbon extended out once again, weaving itself across the ground to her ankle, and began winding its way around and up her leg. Lifted up off the ground by the strength of the strand, it wound its way around her chest and arms. "That's really tight" she exhaled, tearing part of the ribbon from her shoulder. It left a red mark.  Flexible ribbons alternated along her body, squeezing hard. She watched as one of them found its way into a hole of her shirt to the skin beneath, "wait, what are you doing?" she pleaded. Timecurrent's hair dropped down as the ribbon shifted her in mid-air, laying her horizontal, staring up at the clouds. The patron labored to breathe as the unruly bands continued, the blue sky looking on helplessly. Each breath ferocious as she inhaled and exhaled. More of the tatters drifted to the ground, removed. "I'm locked in!" she could hear the attendant shout, and looked down, seeing him pound on the front glass. Without letting go, the ribbon returned her to the ground, as if obeying her will. "Get down!" Timecurrent cried, and tossed out her yo-yo on its string, breaking the glass. Quickly crawling out, the man dusted off the front of his employee uniform that she recognized did not truly match the dignity of his features. "Let's get you out of there", he proposed, moving forward, trying in vain to tear away all of the ribbons that ensnared her. A thread of drool fell from the patron's lips, and instead of helping the cause let him resume the endeavor as she stared with purpose at soft brown hair. Timecurrent felt a twinge of shame as he looked at the red marks criss-crossing her body, then reached out both arms, bringing him closer, planting both lips on his. It continued in that fashion for some while. He ran his hands through every inch of her hair. "There must be a refuge from this ecstasy" she thought, scanning the blueness with her eyes. Looking back, she blinked once or twice. "Your face is … different" the patron noticed "Do you like the real me? I'm not normally a lover" he replied. Words became empty of meaning, like gateways into the wide spaces of nature. Easily, summoning a portal Telenon carried her into the inner chamber of the Temple of the Voices of Reason.
