
Want to give all good things

A/n: This chapter has been fixed. Thank you for waiting.



Grandma Pei was woken up by the delicious smell of freshly baked brownies wafting through the gap in the door. She usually left her bedroom door slightly ajar at night to stay alert to any activity in the house. And events such as this, always prove that her decision was right.

Reaching for her eyeglasses, Grandma Pei glanced at the digital clock on her bedside table.

It was five in the morning. Who could be baking at this early hour?

In this inconspicuous part of the Lin mansion, there were only her, Maid Yan, the driver, and the Young Master. Could it be Maid Yan baking? But for what purpose?

The task of baking and cooking usually falls on her.

Grandma Pei got out of bed to investigate.

Upon entering the kitchen, she found her Young Master taking out freshly baked brownies from the oven.
