
Another Try

The midwives crowed in delight as the baby was tugged from Camilla's body. All William could see was a blur of flailing pink limbs and an open little mouth as the infant wailed in outrage, still connected to Camilla by the cord of life.

William gaped, completely stunned.

"It's a boy!" one of the women called out cheerfully. "A fair haired boy. Congratulations, Your Highnesses!"

Camilla rubbed her eyes with shaky fingers. William could tell she was desperately trying to see. "Is he alright?" she asked, her voice hoarse from screaming.

"I think so. He looks perfect." William hoped his words were right.

"Yes, he's a good size and weight. Strong cry. And a head full of golden hair." The crone holding the baby grinned at Camilla as if she hadn't just spent hours berating and yelling at her. William watched as a second midwife cut the baby's cord, prompting fresh wails from the infant.
