
Catching Fish (2)

Parfit glanced back to see a girl standing there. She had on a loose, dark sportswear, sleeves pushed up to her elbows, a gun buckled at her waist, and a small backpack on her shoulders. Aside from her smooth skin and pretty hands, she didn't fit the typical image of a beta Parfit pictured.

"You're the East Shore alphas?" she asked.

"Yep, I'm the leader of the East Shore outpost, name's Parfit Derek." Even though he'd seen pictures, Parfit was a bit unsure, "And you're...?"

"I'm from the SRD." Kestrel showed him her work ID, and pointed out her name, "My blimp broke down on the way here. So I got a ride."

She didn't sound excited or shy, just kinda bored. But Parfit was stoked. He quickly took Kestrel's backpack, handing it to his buddies behind him, then held the door open for her.

"I heard about it. Your blimp was stranded in a Polluted Zone." Parfit said warmly, "That must've been tough. I was worried you wouldn't get here."
