
Setting Sail

When they got back to the previous yacht, Henry and Adam found out that the two girls had already finished preparing the meal. Even though the meat was supposed to take a long time to prepare, since it was from the system, it was somehow easier to cook.

But of course, rather than cooking it, the girls had decided to roast it, before finally preparing it as stew.

The group gathered at the dining section of the yacht. It was only when the group started eating that they finally realized how different the food was.

Although Henry and Adam had already eaten the food that was served to the official staff of the facility, they actually couldn't compare that food to this one.

Henry couldn't help but wonder how food that he had bought from the system store was of a higher quality. It seemed that he would have to purchase even more, to ensure that even in the future, if they were having a large group, at least, he will have food to eat.
