

The poor swordsman did not even have time to react, merely falling to the floor. Jayce did him the favor of grabbing him by the scruff of the neck before lowering him down safely to the ground.

Now there were only two people remaining, the bearded man which had spoken earlier and the last remaining swordsman. He wasn't exactly sure of the bearded man's class, but he wasn't exactly worried either.

"So, are you going to return my woman? Or keep up with this futile struggle?" Jayce asked, his arrogance overflowing.

Perhaps it wouldn't be entirely correct to call it arrogance. Confidence would likely be a truer description as he certainly had the power and means to back up his words.

The bearded man's face fell, despite feeling annoyed, there was really nothing that he could do to the shirtless man. Not only had he easily dodged every attack thrown at him, he had also dispatched two of their men with a single strike. Not to mention he was unarmed.
