
Chapter 407: Genius Ideas!

"Huh, so you really did nothing? I find that… Impossible to believe." Remarked Freyja quietly in disbelief as she rubbed her chin while constantly glancing at Diddy, who was sitting across from her, voraciously shoving food into his mouth.

"Oi! Don't change the subject, woman! I want to know why you're always messing with Captain! Can't you just fuck around with someone else?" Stated Trenza in annoyance as she slammed her hand onto the table while glaring at Freyja, who glanced at her before looking at Diddy.

"Hmm, are you sure he is telling the truth, Freyja? You've been living with him for longer than any of us." Asked Sebas suspiciously as he cautiously looked at Freyja while glancing at Diddy, who continued to ignore them.

"Hmph, while I think he's lying, I also don't believe he remembered the name of my Axe; I've only mentioned it a few times, and none of the times as Captain has been paying attention. Hell, half the time, he wasn't even present!" Declared Mael solemnly as he glanced between Sebas and Freyja before eyeing Diddy, prompting them to nod in agreeance.

"Hey! Don't just ignore me!" Stated Trenza as she sat on Diddy's lap, blocking their line of sight, only for Sebas to wave his hand, forcefully moving her to the side, causing her face to twitch.

"Diddy is pretty good at lying; besides, he rarely ever lies in the first place; still, I have to agree with Mael. Even I didn't know the name of his stupid axe. I thought it was just golden axe." Said Freyja softly as she shook her head while narrowing her eyes at Diddy, her words prompting Mael to scoff in annoyance while Sebas nodded.

"First off. Just because I'm not paying attention doesn't mean I suddenly lose the ability to hear; do you not know how ears typically work? Secondly, with how acute my senses are, I don't need to be anywhere near you to hear you; I would still be able to clearly hear you whisper through 50 feet of solid iron. Thirdly, if you guys continue to stare at me, I'll gouge out your eyes and swap them between each other." Stated Diddy as he raised his head, glancing between Mael, Freyja, and Sebas while gorging himself on bowls of rice and slabs of seaking meat, only for him to ferociously lick his fangs.

At my foretelling words, the three clicked their tongues in sync before shifting their focus away from me, causing them to glance at each other in annoyance, though before they could start arguing over something foolish, Trenza, once again, made her presence known.

"LISTEN. TO. ME!" Yelled Trenza angrily as she shot at Mael, Freyja, and Sebas, prompting them to stop as they turned and looked at Trenza, who was standing on the couch while her chest heaved up and down in anger.

"Hmph, sorry, Father, but now that I've gathered your attention, care to explain why you're always fucking around with Captain? Don't you have something better you could be doing, Freyja?" Asked Trenza in annoyance as she holstered her pistol and apologized to Sebas, who chuckled before sitting on Diddy's lap while glaring at Freyja, who blankly stared at her.

"Do I need to explain it, or would you like Diddy and I to reenact what happened? C'mon, Diddy, stand up; we've got a show to put on." Replied Freyja blandly as she stood up and tied her hair into a bun while snapping her fingers, causing her appearance to change along with three other people materializing beside her.

Raising my eyebrow, I turned and glanced at Freyja, only to see her old appearance along with two somewhat familiar faces and a baby, though that baby could be anyone.

"Who the hell are they?" Asked Diddy as he glanced at Freyja, whose face twitched in annoyance before she turned and glanced at Trenza, who was staring at her in shock.

"Woah, is that what you used to look like, Freyja? Even I'm sexier than the old you." "Tsk, not too fast now, Trenza; I can't let that disrespect just slide; even if you were slightly better looking, I still had a decent body that a man was capable of enjoying." Remarked Trenza and Freyja, respectively, as the latter scoffed while rubbing her hands across her body, causing the latter to squint before grunting and folding her arms.

"Anyways, the reason why I always fuck with Diddy is because he slaughtered my family and then forced me, a former noble, to be his slave for the next two years. Tell me, Trenza, why would I ever be nice to him?" Stated Freyja as she folded her arms and eyed Trenza, who winced before clearing her throat.

"Well, first off, look at where you've gotten, thanks to Captain? You're a super strong pirate and the Vice-captain of the strongest crew to ever exist! Your name will go down in history! I-I don't think I need to mention you being the world's most beautiful woman and all that; however, you've also got a hot new boyfriend; he's younger, stronger, pretty hung, and doesn't really seem to care that you're a complete whore." Renarked Trenza with a slight smile as she raised her fingers into the air while eyeing Freyja, whose expression twitched in annoyance at her valid argument.

"Hmph, well, you're not wrong there. Scar is pretty damn hot, and he does have a large cock." Muttered Freyja softly as she rubbed her head and nodded in agreement.

"However! It's the principle of the matter, Trenza. I may have lost any attachment I had to my previous family over the years, but I vowed to get my revenge, and that is something I will do; I will die to achieve it, and there is nothing that will stop me." Declared Freyja solemnly as she eyed Trenza, who clicked her tongue while grumbling in annoyance, her words causing Diddy to chuckle in amusement.

"Hehe, a conqueror's mind isn't so easily swayed." Said Diddy quietly as he glanced at Freyja, who rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers again, causing the illusion to vanish while she returned to her usual sexiness.

"Anyways, now that I've finished eating inform everyone that we'll be leaving in a few days. I want to raid Mariejois as soon as possible!" Ordered Diddy with a feral grin as he slammed his hands onto the table, eagerly baring his fangs, his mind solely focused on Imu.

"Ho, we can certainly do that, Captain, but it's only been a few days since the war officially ended, so there are still many injured, not to mention the thousands that died, although I doubt you care. However, it would still be wise to prolong the time until we set sail to Mariejois." Said Sebas with furrowed brows as he glanced at Diddy, who growled in annoyance.

"Hoho, before you get upset, Captain, what if we do this instead? Let the whole world know you defeated the Marines; I'm sure pirates from all over will flock to Marineford to join your ranks once they learn of the truth. By then, our forces will have been significantly bolstered, increasing the likelihood of us emerging victorious against the Celestial Dragons." Added Sebas with a slight smile as he looked at Diddy, who grew annoyed, only to close his eyes and fold his arms, silently pondering.

Although I really wanted to raid Mariejois and fight this Imu person, Sebas was correct; the war against the marines left us greatly weakened; we had less than half the number than when we initially started the war. Not to mention, I had never considered the war against the Marines to be a concern; I knew we would win one way or another, but my main focus has always been on Mariejois; defeating the Marines was just a step we needed to take.

After all, I wasn't about to underestimate the government that has controlled the world for the past eight hundred or so years; besides, after my little visit, and learning that the weapon that could destroy an island was in their hands only further solidified my assumption.

"Tsk, alright, fine. We'll stay here. However, get Janet on that task ASAP! I don't want to stay here longer than we must." Declared Diddy as he pointed at Sebas, who nodded before huffing in annoyance while folding his arms.

"That's a good plan and all, but I'm curious, Diddy. How the hell do you intend to get tens of thousands of pirates onto the Red Line, which is about 10,000 meters tall." Asked Freyja as she gazed at Diddy in curiosity, her words causing him to furrow his brows, only for him to grin wickedly.

"Hehe, I think I just figured it out." Muttered Diddy with a grin as he licked his fangs while standing up and exiting the lounge, only to turn back around.

"Almost forget; I'm going to need you." Added Diddy as he picked up Trenza and tossed her onto his shoulders, carrying her out of the lounge.

Exiting the lounge, I leaped into the air and summoned Nimbus as I sat atop my comfy cloud while Trenza fell onto my lap.

"So, where are we going?" Asked Trenza curiously as she glanced at Diddy, who simply chuckled, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Somewhere decently far. However, while flying, let's have some fun." Replied Diddy with a smirk as he grabbed Trenza's clothes before ripping them off her body while doing the same to his own, freeing his cock, which plopped onto her lithe stomach, causing her to inhale a sharp breath.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 353: Concubine's Teasing) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 416: Invading Mariejois!) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 417: Enemies From Different Era's!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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