
Chapter 347: Delta Island

(Note: I don't think I said this before, but the stuff that happened in MHA is non-canon and not part of the story; I just wanted to write it because I thought it would be fun.)

Standing on the balcony of my private room, I leaned against the railing and gazed at the island in the distance, which, by all accounts, should be where the Pirate Festival shall be held, from the few other pirate ships I spotted sailing to the island, I concluded it must be, otherwise, they're just incredibly unlucky to encounter us.

"Hmm, I wonder how many men I'll be able to drain dry." Muttered Freyja softly as she reached down and played with her crotch while faintly moaning, her breasts swaying with the movement of her body.

While I pleasured myself imagining all the men I'd get to devour, I glanced at the hundreds of men down below staring at me with fervor and lust, causing me to chuckle faintly, though I swiftly ignored them and allowed them to gaze upon my body while I masturbated.

"~Ahh~, drink up my little slaves." Said Freyja lustfully as she spread her legs and orgasmed over the balcony, raining down onto the many men down below, who all fought for just a drop of her juices.

Once I finished orgasming, I licked my fingers clean before entering my room to wear clothes since it was a little chilly outside.

'Hmm, fishnet stocking, bra, jacket, high heels, and a beanie? Yep, just as I thought, I look absolutely fabulous.' Thought Freyja lightly as she glanced at herself in the mirror before smiling and giving her butt a nice slap.

Exiting my room, I headed towards the lounge, as that is where everyone tends to congregate, though I could hardly make it six steps before I felt all of Pandemonium shake, followed by an obnoxiously loud voice.

"Tsk, it's not even nine O'clock! How the hell is Grand already fighting someone?" Asked Freyja in slight annoyance as she stomped toward the lounge while Pandemonium occasionally shook, which only served to further her anger.

Kicking the doors to the lounge, I got to witness the sight of Scar and Grand taking turns as they violently attacked each other; neither held the intent to seriously harm the other, but they didn't seem to be pulling their punches either.

"Haa, why?" Asked Freyja, confused as she rubbed her head in frustration while glancing at Reiju, who was calmly sitting in the corner, quietly watching.

"I do not know either; they just started doing this shortly after entering the lounge… It's rather entertaining." Replied Reiju as she glanced at Freyja before shifting his focus to Scar and Grand, the two having punched and kneed each other, respectively.

Rubbing my head at the sheer stupidity that was flowing between Grand and Scar, I groaned in annoyance before approaching them, only to slam them both into the ground after having coated it with my haki, ensuring I didn't damage the floor.

"Ouch." Muttered Scar and Grand simultaneously as they looked up at Freyja, who was dusting her hands off, prompting them to slowly stand up while rubbing their heads.

"Now, I don't care if you guys do this later, but not right now when we're about to attend some festival. Also, I expect this type of behavior from Grand but not from you, Scar." Remarked Freyja as she eyed the two brothers, only for her to glance at Scar in disappointment, causing him to awkwardly lower his head in shame while Grand furrowed his brows.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean, Freyja!?" Exclaimed Grand in annoyance as she looked at Freyja, who gave him a playful smirk while grabbing his butt.

"It means nothing, my dear muscle-brain; now, just continue strengthening those sexy muscles of yours." Replied Freyja with a playful smirk as she winked at Grand, who smiled before raising his arms and flexing, nearly tearing his shirt off in the process.

"Haa, how did I let this fool coerce me into that bet?" Muttered Scar with a shake of his head as he glanced at Grand, who had approached Reiju to show off his muscles.

Before I could ask Scar what bet he was talking about, Pandy let out a loud hiss, catching our attention while the four of us exited the lounge, only to see that we'd arrived at the island.

"So this is Delta Island? The place where the Pirate Festival will be taking place?" Asked Scar curiously as he gazed at the sizeable Island before him, too big for any of them to see fully.

From what I could see, Delta Island was pretty big for an island, and it even had a deep cove that led directly to the center of the island; unfortunately, Mony was simply too large for her to fit into the cove, though that was fine, we have ships for situations like this.

"Well, now that we're here, let's check out the pirate festival." Said Freyja with a faint smile as she leaped into Scar's embrace, prompting him to carry her like a princess before jumping into the air, propelling himself through the sky using geppo.

We weren't the only ones leaving; I could see Sebas flying towards the island in the distance, Chala skating across the ocean, and Mael heading towards our previous location, probably to pick up Reiju. As for Grand, Trenza, and Janet, well, Trenza was already boarding her ship alongside her pirates; Janet had probably already reached the island, given her incredibly versatile devil fruit, and Grand was swimming… He'd reach his destination eventually.

However, while Scar flew us through the air, following the cove from above, I gazed down at the ships, only to spot a rather familiar ship, causing me to smirk as I pointed toward it, grabbing Scar's attention.

"Heh, look… The Kid Pirates. C'mon, let's go say hi; it's been some time since then." Remarked Freyja with a faint smirk, her words causing Scar to roll his eyes, though he still listened to her words and descended towards the ship.

Once we reached just above the ship, I leaped out of Scar's embrace and gracefully landed on the deck; though I was immediately spotted, yet I restrained my bewitching charm as it wouldn't be much fun if I didn't do so.

"The insatiable." Muttered Killer with a grim expression as he stared at Freyja, though given his mask, they could only guess his emotions based on his voice.

"Quickly, alert Captain Kid!" Yelled one of the kid pirates as he ran towards the captain's quarters while Killer lunged at Freyja.

With a wave of my hand, my nailed rapidly grew as I extended my hand forward, blocking Killer's scythes, though one of his crewmates breathed fire at me, which was practically the same as attacking Diddy with lighting, I wasn't immune to fire, but you'd damn sure need a lot of it to harm me.

"Heh, don't be like that, Killer; why don't you take that mask off?" Asked Freyja with a faint smirk as she gazed at Killer while completely ignoring the wave of fire that engulfed her, not harming her in the slightest.

"Why don't you just die instead?" Replied Killer through gritted teeth as he pushed against Freyja with all his might, yet he could only force her arm back.

"Oh, you're funny, Killer; you and I both know you don't wish for me to die." Said Freyja with a faint smirk as she brushed her lengthy, black hair behind her ears while looking at Killer, who smiled beneath his mask.

"Why don't you give me a chance to kill you, and then we'll see?" Asked Killer with a murderous smile as he stared at Freyja, only for the ship to tremble while a massive arm formed of various metallic items busted through the captain's doors.

Eyeing the attack heading directly for me, I smirked and pushed Killer back before igniting my nails ablaze as I slashed down at the incoming metallic fist, cutting it in two.

"Hahaha, The Insatiable… It's good you're here. Now I can finally kill you." Stated Kid with a savage grin as he exited the Captain's quarters while eyeing Freyja with a slightly psychotic look, one that reminded her of Diddy.

"I'm glad you're eager, but with strength like that, you're going to be for a rough surprise, though how is that wound of yours? Has it healed?" Asked Freyja with a shake of her head as she gazed at Kid in fake concern, causing him to laugh while he removed his coat and revealed several scars and injuries from past battles.

"Hahaha, you can watch over me after I rip your head from your lifeless body and put it on display." Remarked Kid with a feral expression as he fearlessly eyed Freyja while everything metal aboard the ship converged towards him.

Chuckling in amusement, I took a deep breath before releasing a breath of flames, forcing Kid to create a wall to protect himself and his crewmates while I used that chance to leap into Scar's embrace. I didn't intend to fight Kid; I simply wanted to see how he was doing after the defeat he suffered at my hands a year ago.

"HEY! COME BACK!! COWARD!" Yelled Kid furiously as he gazed at Scar's retreating figure while throwing spheres of metallic objects at them.

"He seems quite upset with you, Freyja." Said Scar calmly as he glanced at Freyja while kicking away an incoming sphere, causing her to chuckle.

"Oh, that boy's always angry. Just ignore him for now, Scar; I wanted to experience the pirate festival, and I can deal with him later." Stated Freyja lightly as she waved her hand, causing Scar to nod as he headed deeper into the Island while Kid's voice faded into nothingness.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 322: Convergence) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 204: Dominating Michelle) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 357: Freyja Vs Bullet, Again)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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