
Chapter 329: Whirlpool Mess!

After an hour passed, any pirates that hadn't returned to Pandemonium were left behind as we hit the waters, leaving Onigashima behind; the pirates we left behind would also serve to replace that dude I killed for taking Trenza's leg and speaking of her leg.

"What did you say, Father!?" Asked Trenza with widened eyes as she hopped towards Sebas, nearly falling over, yet he barely caught her.

"Hoho, please be careful, dear. You're not a child anymore, and I can't pick you up like I used to." Said Sebas with a faint chuckle as he glanced at Trenza, who was being held in his arms, preventing her from falling.

"Hmph, Trenza is hardly larger than a child anyways; it's your old and frail self who can't pick her up." Remarked Mael with a scoff as he glanced at Sebas, whose face scrunched in annoyance, yet before he could respond, a bullet harmlessly whizzed right through his skull.

"Not right now, Mael!" Stated Trenza sternly as she pointed Sunaipu at Mael, who grunted before folding his arms and closing his eyes, prompting her to shift her focus back to Sebas.

"Were you speaking the truth, Father? Can I really get my leg back?" Asked Trenza with bated breaths as she stared at Sebas in disbelief, causing him to faintly smile while nodding.

"Yes, it's possible-" Replied Sebas softly as he looked at Trenza, who began laughing in joy, her voice completely overpowering his while Scar, Grand, and Janet hugged her.

"Hahaha, great!" Yelled Trenza loudly while hugging Janet, who was doing the same.

"Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but before you four get overly excited, Sebas clearly wasn't done speaking." Said Freyja lightly as she tossed grapes at Jant, Grand, Scar, and Trenza with enough force that they all winced.

"Tsk, those are my grapes." Said Diddy with a click of his tongue as he bared his fangs at Freyja, who simply rolled her eyes, unimpressed by his threats.

"Now that you four had calmed down, as I was saying before you started celebrating…" Remarked Sebas with a bland expression as he stared at Trenza, who sheepishly rubbed her head, causing him to softly shake his head before clearing his throat.

"…While you're acquiring a new leg, it won't be a normal one; it'll be a bit special, and the surgery will be quite painful." Added Sebas while staring at Trenza, who raised her eyebrows at his words.

"Surgery? What kind of new leg am I getting?" Asked Trenza in confusion as she eyed Sebas, who opened his mouth only for a feminine voice to echo throughout the room.

"I presume my Father will be the one to conduct the surgery on Trenza? He's already done so on all of his children, so creating a new leg wouldn't be a problem for him at all." Asked Reiju curiously as she leaned against the table, calmly glancing between Sebas and Trenza while the former nodded.

"Yes. I may have destroyed his ego, but his brilliance still remains in all its glory." Replied Sebas with a nod as he glanced at Reiju, who softly hummed before looking at Trenza.

"Welp, I don't care; so long as I can get a working leg, I'll be more than happy! So, when will the surgery start!?" Asked Trenza with renewed vigor as she clenched her fist while staring all three of her eyes at Sebas, who chuckled in amusement.

"For now, you shall heal; the surgery will only occur once you've healed from all your injuries. I'm sure neither of us wants unforeseen complications while you're undergoing the surgery simply because of your eagerness." Stated Sebas firmly as he narrowed his eyes at Trenza, causing her to pout before sighing.

"Alright, fine." Muttered Trenza softly with a dejected nod, only for her to suddenly grab a bottle while raising it into the air.

"Now then, it's time to celebrate!" Added Trenza loudly with a smile as she downed the entire cup, prompting Grand, Janet, Scar, and Chala to join in on the fun.

While half my crew mates were getting drunk and partying despite literally having just left Onigashima only a few hours ago, I stuffed my stomach full of food and returned to my hammock to take a nap; I was still injured, and the little fun I had with Kaido only worsened my injuries, though it should only take a few days for me to fully heal.

"Make sure to keep it down!" Yelled Diddy loudly, his voice reverberating throughout Pandemonium before he finally closed his eyes and drifted to sleep amidst the quiet chaos.



Stretching my body, feeling all the bones pop into place, I sighed in satisfaction while plopping onto my hammock. I had just finished training, and I was a little sleepy, though I wasn't able to sleep as we were in the midst of a rather terrible storm, even by New World standards.

"Tsk, I don't think we've ever encountered a storm as terrible as this one." Muttered Diddy lightly as he gazed at the dark clouds in the sky that roared with thunder and flashed with lightning, briefly illuminating the entire sky.

While the storm was very terrible, Mony was taking it rather well; granted, it was pretty rough and turbulent, but there wasn't really much she could do, so other than grunting in annoyance, I headed to the lounge; since I couldn't sleep, I might as well eat. Entering the lounge, I grabbed a few slabs of meat from the fridge before sitting beside Reiju, the only one present.

"Hmm, what? Hungry?" Asked Diddy curiously as he glanced at Reiju, who was calmly reading through the violent weather.

"No, thank you, Captain." Replied Reiju calmly as she glanced at Diddy before shaking her head and returning to read, causing him to also ignore her.

While calmly eating, time flew by, yet even so, the weather only continued to get worse, and when I finally finished eating, I couldn't help but frown; however, before I could do anything, Mony violently jerked to the left all of a sudden, causing Reiju to slam into me, though I was too busy with observing our surroundings through my haki to worry about her.

"What the fuck? Where the hell did this massive whirlpool come from?" Muttered Diddy in confusion as he furrowed his brows before quickly standing up and exiting the lounge, only to leap towards Mony.

I wasn't the only one who was confused about the appearance of this whirlpool, as every single one of my apocalyptic commanders approached Mony.

"What the hell is up with this weather? For such a massive whirlpool to appear from seemingly nowhere is weird even for the New World." Said Freyja in pure confusion as she floated in the air and glanced between the sky and the violently surging sea.

"I have to agree with Freyja on this one; that is beyond rare." Remarked Sebas with a slight frown as he glanced at Mony, who was struggling to resist the might of the whirlpool.

"Not to mention one so strong that Mony can barely resist its pull." Muttered Scar lightly as he rubbed his head before glancing at Diddy, who was staring at the center of the whirlpool.

It might just be some weird illusions the weather was doing, but I faintly sensed something interesting yet super weird from the center of the whirlpool, and now I was too interested not to go and look, so with a kick of my feet, I left Pandemonium and headed straight for the center.

"Where are you going?" Asked Mael as he and everyone turned and glanced at Diddy, who didn't even bother turning around.

"To check out the whirlpool." Replied Diddy calmly, causing Freyja to roll her eyes while she folded her arms.

"…And if for some reason you don't return?" Asked Freyja blandly, her voice barely reaching Diddy through the explosive thunder and lightning.

"Then go and do something else; I don't know or care." Said Diddy as he dismissively waved his hand while descending the center of the whirlpool.

I didn't even need to make it far before I saw what I was looking for, though despite staring right at it, I couldn't sense it through my haki at all, which was very surprising since it's been so long since someone had managed to confuse my observation haki. When I arrived near the sea floor, I gazed at the translucent oval that was continuously sucking up the ocean, though where it was going, I had no clue.

While staring at the portal for some time, I reached forward and placed my arm into it, half expecting it to suddenly rip it off my body, but nope, no such thing happened; actually, for all I know, it could've happened since the moment I placed my arm into the translucent oval, portal thing, I lost any sensation to it.

Retracting my arm, I intently gazed at it, trying to spot anything special, yet nothing was wrong with it except it was a little wet. Tilting my head in confusion, I gazed back at the portal before suddenly smirking as I positioned myself upside down before, kicking my feet and launching myself right into the translucent portal.

The inside of the portal was completely dark; even most of my senses were completely useless right now. Just as I was about to question where the hell I was, I clenched my fist and punched whatever my instincts warned me of; however, to my surprise, although I broke the wall, my hand broke in the process.

Yet, I wasn't able to even think about what I had just hit since I was suddenly engulfed with a tremendous amount of pain as it felt like my very existence was being destroyed. I couldn't even scream out in agony, and I was forced to silently tolerate this constant pain for what felt like an eternity; however, eventually, I smashed through another wall that my instincts warned me off, and other than bracing myself for impact, there was nothing I could do.

"Haa, finally, the pain is over." Muttered Diddy weakly as he stared at the sunny sky before falling unconscious with a completely broken and wounded body, one that shouldn't even be alive.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 312: Hundred Steps To Heaven) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 194: Weeks Passing) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 339: Destruction & Realization)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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