
Blood Bag

As Zuri struggled to look up, she saw Prince Kane staring at her. Hurriedly looking away, Zuri tried to shrink into herself, but the prince continued angrily, "Step out of the carriage, you slave. How dare you not pay respects to me?"

Kane ignored the business that had brought him to the apothecary and just wanted to taunt Zuri. He was glad and could feel the pleasure that Jaden was no were around. Kane thought it was careless of Jaden, knowing that this was a vampire kingdom and it wasn't every time that he'd be able to protect his little slave. The protection and somewhat special treatment that Kane had noticed Jaden giving t the girl irritated the hell out of Kane. He had the urge to put an end to it all right there and then -- and then he'd deal with Jaden later.

'He could handle Jaden,' Kane thought.

Nervously, Zuri jumped out of the carriage and bowed deeply, trying her possible best to avoid the prince's mean eyes. "Greetings, Prince Kane."
