

AN: The more I try to conclude the more the story expands lol. The mini-arcs of the side characters are too good to abandon.


[Location: Beach house]

I cooked nice steaks and delicious desserts for lunch and obviously, a bottle of one of the rarest wines I could get my hands on for her. I want Frost to have a good time with me today. We sat there chitchatting the whole time with drinks in hand, enjoying the lunch. I have always found her white hair and the blue iris of her eye extremely erotic.

"What?" She asked as she noticed my gaze.

"Nothing," I smirked at her. "Just admiring the view."

Frost blushed slightly and immediately turned to the side to avoid eye contact. But I could still see how her lips curled up into a smile as she shyly put her left leg above the other. She looked like an empress looking over her kingdom.

"I have been thinking for a while," She looked up into my eyes, "How does it feel to be at the top of the world?"

"Truth be told, it's exhausting. Work and work. Never-ending pressure. Countless politicians trying to get my chair, thorns lurking everywhere. And these occasional threats pop up every now and then... I barely get any time to spend with my girls," I sighed, the heavy pressure from my past few decades finally becoming visible to me.

"That bad, huh?" She chuckled softly. "Good job surviving for so long. Most others would have dropped from the pressure a long time ago. But you held on without giving up. But, I think you like what you are doing right now, don't you? If not, you could have easily wiped out everyone's memories and gone back to your old life as a chef or molded the world as you see fit with the infinity gauntlet."

Frost was correct in almost all aspects.

"Yeah, there are some perks of being the boss of all heroes. I get to meet beauties like you," I replied with a small chuckle.

"Oh, so the Boss of the Cosmic Spectre is after the female heroes, huh? What would others say if they heard that?" The white-haired girl raised an eyebrow while playfully scoffing.

"Girl, I could have used the gauntlet to get all the girls I wanted. But I chose a selected few to spend my life with," I shrugged, smiling at her as I said those words. "So, before we take things further, I want to ask you a question, do you want to join in? I promise to take care of you and never let you be unhappy, Frost,"

My proposal seemed to have stunned her since she just stared blankly ahead, her mind obviously processing everything and going through various outcomes of her answer. A few minutes later, she heaved a sigh and gave out her answer.

"You want me to join your harem? I mean, I am just a small-timer nobody ever paid any attention to... And I thought we were just friends with benefits..."

"Hush," I shut her up by raising my hand and then caressing her smooth face. "Look at me and answer the question. Yes or no. Do you want to spend your whole life with me? Answer honestly. I want both of your answers. Caitlin and Frost..."

I am done beating around the bushes.

"I... I..." She stuttered as her transformation began to flicker between Caitlin and Frost. Her body language is telling me everything I need to know but her answer has to come from herself.

A short while later, she transformed to Caitlin, "You are not making things easier for us, Brian."

"What are you afraid of? Don't tell me..." I looked at her face and understood that expression, "You think Frost would take over and erase this life of yours? You were afraid, weren't you?"

She slowly nodded her head, showing her vulnerable state and dropping her head down.

"Yes. The way she speaks of you... I was afraid. I thought she would take over and I would disappear forever. It's terrifying... And I love the times spent together... I don't want to disappear, Brian. I know Frost has this unique charm and all which this regular me can't hold a candle to..."

Her face had already begun to dampen with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I pushed my lips against Caitlin Snow's lips. It was a passionate kiss. I could feel her body tremble, but she didn't pull herself away.

When I separated from the kiss, the tips of our noses still touched, our lips inches away, and I said, "Whether Caitlin or Frost, you and your counterpart have different charms. You have your own perks while Frost has her perks. And if you want, I can separate the two of you so that you both can live independent lives."

"You can do that?" She gasped in surprise.

I could understand her fears and sadness. When Frost first takes over, she has no control over her emotions. Even if she could fight on the battlefield, it was Frost who held the reign of power. Being locked in a mind prison where you cannot take control is enough to drive anyone mad.

It didn't feel weird for me because her appearance was the same with different eye and hair colors, while Caitlin felt she had a split personality. The two were fighting for one body, and that is something I can easily fix with my reality manipulation.

"I can," I answered while nodding slowly. I kissed Caitlin again, only this time the kiss was deeper and the passion filled the air. My kiss deepened as my tongue danced across hers. I pulled away, "If Frost agrees, I can do it right now."

"Do it." Her voice reverberated, only the one answering was a frosty Caitlin.

So, I did it. With my reality manipulation, I separated them into two different individuals, Frost and Caitlin.

"Frost. Caitlin." I nodded at them both in respect. Frost just casually waved her hand but she was hiding how happy she was under that indifferent facade. While Caitlin looked at Frost and her palms, muttering, "This is weird, right? No longer being the one in the driver's seat is kinda liberating and also kinda scary at the same time..."

"Just like how afraid you were," I touched Caitlin's shoulder, "She was also afraid, afraid to lose this independence. That's why she would snarl at everyone when she was the dominant personality. She was afraid to disappear, too."

"Enough, Brian," Frost came up in front of Caitlin and gave a side-eye glance, "Can you give us sisters some space? I guess it's time to have a proper sisterly heart-to-heart chat, something we should have had a long time ago."

"Yeah, I will leave you two. Just don't fight," I smiled at the sisters and teleported back to Dazzler's practice room.

[Location: New York] [Dazzler's training room]

I teleported before Dazzler's training room. This is where she practices and trains her power. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Inside, Alison is dancing on the stage while being enveloped in a ball of pure radiance. It was pretty intense.

My entrance alerted her and as she noticed me peeking through the window, "Hey, Boss! Wanna join me for a bit?"

"Oh, no, I am a bad dancer. Plus I suck at singing so no point in me joining you," I raised my hands while taking a step backward.

"Come on, I will give you a lap dance if you help me practice!" She yelled in reply as she was too far for us to have a proper conversation.

A lap dance, huh? Oh, she is really getting aggressive about this. Oh, if you are wondering about my relationship with her, it's nothing romantic or serious. We are kinda friends with benefits, plus we never fucked once. I hook her up with different gigs, and in return, she throws concerts on Paradise Island free of charge every six months. But she gave me a couple of lapdances in the past and man, she can move that hip. I almost came just from the grinding. Heck, I am yet to see her tits. I could have gone after her, but I try to stick by my rules. No forcing.

I walked up to the stage, "Lapdance, you say?"

"Yep! How about it? Please give me a favor and practice with me, Boss?"

"Well," I leaned on the railing. "I want a strip tease this time."

"Did I tease you too much with just lap dances?" She smiled a naughty smile, her voice barely a whisper. Her hands landed softly on my shoulders, the light radiance coming from them letting me feel warm. Dazzler leaned into my ear and blew, sending shivers up my spine. "I guess, one little strip tease won't hurt," She stepped back and began her practice once more as her radiant, dazzling colors took over the dark atmosphere.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the stage.

Well, here we go...


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⭐Read 8 advance Chapters⭐ 

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Next Ch: Dazzler pt1 [She will get 4 chs]
