
Unpleasant Memory

The Crown Prince observed Damien's face turn red with genuine embarrassment and furrowed his eyebrows. Although there was no way he could confirm Lady Ashter's story to be true, the duke had never expressed even the slightest interest in Rosalie or any other noble lady. Therefore, the sudden marriage proposal combined with an intricate blooming romance story did not sit quite right with him.

'The Rosalie Ashter known to high society is a timid and introverted person, frightened by her brother, and looked down upon by everyone else. Apart from her outstanding beauty, there is absolutely nothing she can offer, yet... The two of them want me to buy their far-fetched romantic charade. What kind of game are you both trying to play?'

He fixed his cold azure eyes on Rosalie's smiling face as she kept talking to Angelica, then leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He did not mean to leave her alone just yet.
