
The Penitential Room

Once Damien was finally able to regain control of his breathing, he suddenly realized how light and energetic he felt, as if he were reborn in an entirely new body, filled to the brim with unused vigor and strength.

Excited to share his emotions with Rosalie and thank her for her help, he carefully tapped her on the back, but the girl did not respond and continued hanging down from his shoulders, almost lifelessly.

"Lady Rosalie? Lady Rosalie, are you alright?"

The duke gently took her petite body in his arms and rounded his eyes in utter shock – she was unconscious, pale, and cold, with only her faint breathing and slow, quiet heartbeat as the signs of her still being alive.

"God, Lady Rosalie, can you hear me? Damn it, it must have been too much for her!"
