

"That's not how it works, Mr. George. The menu is right on the table before you. Please go through it and make a choice. I'm sure you will find something you like." Ellie repeated the usual response she gave him whenever he asked that question, which happened to be every day he was there.

Although her professional smile was still plastered on her face, she was inwardly glaring at the man for trying to ruin her day. Why did he have to be the first person she got to see and attend to that morning? Maybe if she had waited a minute longer in the changing room, Sam or another waitress would have gotten to him first.

George flashed her a knowing smile and adjusted in his seat. "Same response every day. I must commend you, Ellie. You do your job well, although I must say you are missing out on a lot. I'm certain this place doesn't pay you enough for your services. I can offer you more." He looked away from her for a moment and ran his index finger over the menu booklet on the table. When he looked back at her, she was wearing a serious expression.

"Are you hinting at a position in your company? Do you have any openings I can apply for?" Ellie probed, not wanting to let go of the opportunity if that was what he was talking about, although something told her it wasn't.

Considering that she had to cater for herself and her brother alone, a better-paying job will do her lots of good. But all she kept getting were rejections everywhere she applied.

"Not yet, but I can move things for you if you cooperate. It may take some time, but I assure you will get the job." He responded, and all the hope Ellie had died down. She knew it would turn out to be something like this, but there was no crime in hoping, was there?

"But, I have another offer for you. Just an hour of your time spent with me after work hours and you get extra income. Consider it a side business." He added, winking at her at the end of his sentence.

"How much?" Ellie asked, and surprise flashed in the man's eyes before a wide grin took over.

This was unexpected. For weeks he had been trying to win her over and was expecting a strong rejection just like she does every time. Her question only gave him confidence that his persistence hadn't been in vain.

"Five bucks," he responded, and Ellie twisted her face in disgust, making him quickly change his mind. "I can make it ten just because of how beautiful you are."

Ten bucks for an hour of pleasing him with her body. Not bad, and the extra money could go a long way. It was almost the same as what she gets at the restaurant after a full day's work. Tempting indeed.

But that line of business doesn't appeal to her.

She was no untainted damsel or anything like that. She'd had her fair share of the street life and was still trying to pull away from it, but after narrowly escaping sexual abuse at a young age, pleasuring men for money was one lifestyle she would rather not indulge in.

"Give me some time to think about it." She responded to George's delight. His eyes twinkled in excitement, and he rubbed his palms together.

"Don't take too long." He urged her, then picked up the menu and called out his order.

Ellie gave a short nod after writing his order down, then turned around toward the kitchen with a smirk. 'You'll wait forever.' She said in her mind.

At this point in her life, stealing from the rich sounded more appealing and rewarding than his stupid offer. If he had offered her a job, she would have dropped the idea. But since that was not the case, Adala will be welcoming a new vampire, who would terrorize them for a few days until she reached her goal.

The darkness of the night was beginning to blanket the town when Ellie closed for the day. A few customers left her tips, and that included George. In fact, his tip was the biggest, probably to serve as a drive to aid in hastening her decision. A chuckle slipped out of her lips.

Back in her black hoodie, she walked a distance away from the restaurant, coming to an alley with fewer people. Once there, she reached into her bag and brought out large, dark goggles, which she wore over her eyes, and a red bandana, which she tied around her nose and mouth.

Satisfied with her preparation, she turned around with the intention of heading to the warehouse, where she would pick up the items she ordered last night.

It arrived early because she had intentionally ordered from a store that could deliver in less than twenty-four hours.

However, as soon as she turned around, a man passed by her, going in the opposite direction of where she was about to walk. He was also in a black hoodie and paid her no attention.

But the strange thing that made her look back at him was that a chill ran up her spine when he passed by her, and goosebumps appeared on her skin as if she just encountered something scary and life-threatening.

With brows pulled together, she stood still, watching the man's back as he moved farther and farther away from her. He walked like one who had no problems in this world — slowly, with elegance and a hint of pride.

Ellie wished she had seen his face. She wondered why her body reacted that way. Was it the man or was it just her mind playing tricks on her because of the dangerous endeavor she was about to embark on?

While her mind was still trying to come up with an explanation, her heart leaped to her throat because the man's feet came to a halt. Why did he stop? Was it because of her? Did he notice she was looking at him suspiciously?

The last thing she wanted was to draw any attention to herself. So when she felt the man would turn to face her, she turned around first and hurried away from there.

Her gut feeling proved to be correct because the moment she turned away and started walking, the man turned around to see who wanted to bore a hole in his back with their eyes.

Seeing her walking away, his brows pulled slightly together as his dark grey eyes surveyed her retreating form.

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