
Chapter 31

"Noa...!" Cardan exclaimed in surprise as he watched her enter the restaurant. She was dressed in bagger black pants a white baggy t-shirt and a windbreaker with a matching black cap.

She looked at me before sending a smile in my way. "Hello Cardan" she said blankly as she looked at the menu.

A smile graced Cardan's lips as he watched her. He hadn't seen her and days hell even weeks since that day of her argument with Wren and with the restaurant and all as well as the school giving him special clearance.

"Where have you been?" Cardan asked as he took his much needed break from receiving orders. Today it was his turn to serve and not cook.

"Around..." she replied a bit to forced sounding as though she didn't want to talk about it. Cardan couldn't help thinking that it had something to do with Zaden and so he asked.

"...Yes" she finally responded.

"I see then you're just worried but don't worry Zaden will be fine and probably has a way to deal with them if push comes to shave... but if he doesn't do something I might as well" Cardan muttered the last part. Seemingly to not of heard him Noa just ordered what was good on the menu.

"What will you be doing in the sports festival?" Cardan questioned as he followed her to an empty seat.

"Basketball...you" she returned as she sat down.

"Well as you can see I'll be cooking most of the time but I won't miss your game" Cardan replied a charming smile making itself to his face causing a slight blush to appear on Noa's face.

Shaking her head a bit Noa finally said in order to change the current mood "So did you hear about Choe's latest movie?" taking a bite of her food Noa didn't seem to notice the brightness that appeared on her face when she talked about Cloe.

Willing to indulge her Cardan chuckled a bit before answering "No as you can already tell I've been busy but please enlighten me." Cardan really didn't know that his sister-in-law had another movie.

"It's called [Descendant] it's about the descent of the zombie apocalypse and she as the main heroine has to find out why they're here, how they got here and how to find a cure for those turned to zombies and ensure that it never happens again and guess what- her husband is the biggest investor isn't that cute their feeding us single dogs dog food" Noa sighed as she stuffed her face with food.

'Cute' Cardan couldn't help but think after nearly snorting at the possessive and showy actions of his cousin James. After all the man was a showboat and now that he had a woman it was worse. It wasn't surprising considering that their family members mostly male tendered to love spoiling their women in high momentum.

There was no such thing as outshining the Chang women (unless their women somehow convinced their men to not do it which was not rare.)

Smirking Cardan leaned closer to the table with his folded hands "I may not be as rich as James (because I'm wealthier) but I can assure you that you won't have to dog food as long as you agree to go out with me"

Noa paused before a nervous laugh left her lips, Cardan frowned for a bit before adding "Noa...if I'm making you uncomfortable with my advances please don't be afraid to tell me. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable" Cardan finished as he full attention was on Noa.

Noa felt that she couldn't handle how his eyes pierced through hers as if he could see through her inner thoughts which caused her to look down. There was just something intimidating about how Cardan looked at her, then again maybe she was just imagining things.

"It's not that but just that it's the first time someone has approached me the way you do-" pausing she saw a look of confusion on Cardan's face before continuing and adding "Easton is more... 'aggressive' with his approach while you are more 'flirty' and like I said I'm not planning on dating in highschool" she finished which caused Cardan to nod in understanding.

Slowly they both switched their conversation and returned to eating. Easton had seen Noa entering the restaurant and was about to approach her but was too late as Cardan got to her first. He wanted to interrupt them but something stopped him from doing so as he opted for spying on them from a distance where he could hear everything...and he was honestly hurt by her statement.

How was he aggressive of all things and Cardan flirty. Now he finally understood what his mother meant when she said that if a girl doesn't like you you'll most likely see it in the way she treats the boy she likes.

And yet he wasn't about to give up he still had time all he had to do was change his approach a bit.

hi been a while update will move to once a day now still busy with exams

The_Golden_Age_creators' thoughts