
Chapter 15

(not my best works)

I was back to school this time to submit my form and to now start the program for school.

Those who chose business were divided from those who chose science and art. Basically our homeroom was still the same but our timetables were different. We would all be in the same class when attending the compulsory subjects.

Zaden had chosen science after hearing a conversation between Mia and her sister. Noa my beloved wifey had chosen science as well, Easton had chosen business, Austin chose business and Belinda (I snickered once more at her name) had chosen art. Surprisingly she was also in A...

For science students their subjects were... well in Zaden's case

Physical science.


Computer science.


Korean second additional.

"Why'd you choose geography?" I cringed as I remembered the pain I had to go through because of this subject in my old school. It was the only subject I would get 40% on while the others reminded on 90% on average 80%. A stain on my report card.

"Because I get to work with gold" Zaden said in a monotone voice, as he put his hands on the table preparing to sleep.

"What?" he asked after noticing my unmoving stare on him.

"...Did Mia choose geography too"



"...I see" after I paused I added "I honestly thought you were going to choose agricultural sciences" I said as I gave him back his timetable.

"I was too until I asked myself a very important question 'Would Mia date a farm boy?' my answer was no in case you were wondering" he stated leisurely as our class teacher got prepared for roll call.

"Since you all are here I will give you a month to select two class reps and two vice reps. Two girls and two boys" our class teacher said as she looked for any disapproval after finding none she let us go back to our business which would end in 15 minutes as the next class would begin.

"What about Noa?"

"She's doing all the same except that she's doing agriculture"

"Smart girl"

"That's why she isn't with you" Zaden fired back in a monotone manner.

"What's that supposed to mean" I gritted out.

"It means what you think it means Cardan"

"You mean the fact that you're a perv that doesn't stand a chance with Mia" I returned a look of fake inquiry taking over as I waited for his response.

"You know what I mean" he retorted before the first bell rang to signalling the first lesson

Since accounting was my first lesson I went to teacher Wei's class which was in block B the block of the year eleven students.

As soon as I opened the door I was met with a semi chubby man with sun classes and an orange bottom down and blue trousers. His hair was jellied to the back and he looked relaxed based on the fact that his legs where on the table.

"Move it" a voice from behind me said as he pushed right through me. It was freaking Easton for a moment I had forgotten that he does Business.

"A please would have been more sufficient" I said as I immediately walked to the seat he was aiming for a huff left his lips as his face began to twitch.

Taking a deep breath he took a seat a distance away from me. Snickering at his misery my eyes turned to the front.

After the class began to fill in teacher Wei stood up as he looked at everyone in the class.

"I will be you accounting teacher and as such I have a few rules that I live by. If you fail my first paper something isn't good at home, you got your heart broken or someone died you know real world problems but if you fail it a second time you're just plain stupid any disagreements" he finished as he looked around the class both of his hands folded in front of him.

"Nothing good then let's begin..." a short laugh left me lips after his introduction and I wasn't the only one who was laughing.

I think it's safe to say that this man may end up becoming my favourite teacher.

After his lesson we went to English where I encountered Zaden, chinese home, mathematics economics and computer sciences. So far my day had been good.

During break I set with Zaden and we where joined by my beloved Noa ...and her friend. My eyes followed Noa's every movement as I couldn't take my eyes of her beautiful self.

This time she was wearing a black skirt similar to that of other students and I'd be lying if I didn't say her long legs didn't have me distracted for a while.

"So how was physics?" I finally said after a nudge from Zaden.

"Confusing" Noa replied her voice sounding a bit detached. Raising my eyebrow at her detached tone I turned to Zaden he just shook his head as if it were normal.

"I'm sure you'll understand it in no time Noa" Brianna said in a shy cheerful manner my eyes narrowing at her for stealing my thunder. I really didn't like her.

"Thank you Anna and what about you, how is art?" Noa returned her voice relaxing and going back to normal.

Brianna's smile left just as quickly it appeared again this time forced.

"It's great" Noa's eyes narrowed down.

"Anna don't lie to me" Noa said with a tone of worry.

"...It's Wren..." as soon as that would left her lips I stopped paying attention to her voice as my eyes moved to Noa she looked very angry and annoyed. Why did I have an inking feeling that Anna just wanted to start drama with Belinda and Noa.

"I heard you have Austin in your class has he tried anything" Zaden said out of nowhere turning to him I shook my head.

"I had forgotten he was doing business until you mentioned him.Why do you ask?" I said as I began eating the rice cakes on my lunch my eyes turning back to Noa.

"Nothing just watch out for him?" was all he said before I nodded back at him.

Not before saying "Honestly the one that tried something with me was Easton"

"What did he do?" he asked with interest of which I explained.

After nodding he just told me to ignore him. Would have been easier if his mother wasn't my boss and he so happened to work with me sometimes.

Noa stood up in anger as her eyes began scanning the hall.

Realising that I stopped paying attention I knew that a fight between Mia and Belinda was about to break out as soon as Noa found her.

"Noa why don't you go outside and catch a breather" I gently told her as my hand held hers she paused for a second before nodding and making her way out of the lunch hall.

Brianna stood up to follow "Where do you think you're going" my voice became cold as I turned to her.

"A-after Noa of cause" she stuttered out her eyes becoming watery.

Rolling my eyes I said "If you were really worried you wouldn't tell Noa about your issue with Be-Wren since you already know how she feels about her and the trouble she would get in"

"I-I-I'm sorry" this time she was shaking as she clenched her fists. At this point I was already annoyed.

"Just leave Brianna" Zaden cut in with a sigh as Brianna shakingly nodded her head as she rushed outside the hall which caused eyes to turn on me.

A groan left my lips at the attention as I put a hand over my face.

"Just ignore her" Zaden muttered.

"And let her continue on manipulating Noa" I exclaimed a bit annoyed.

"What else can you do you'll just create unnecessary drama plus I already talked to Noa about the off feeling I got around Brianna but she got angry at me and didn't talk to me for a month" he explained as he took a bite of my rice cake.

"So what you're telling me is everyone but Noa knows how manipulative Brianna is except for Noa"

"No you and I including Easton are the only ones who know she already has everyone on the palm of her hand" well at least he has eyes.

"That's why you told me to just ignore her" what if her antics end ruining Noa I inwardly thought.

"At least for now" he murmured.

"...Fine" I sighed a bit reluctant.


The_Golden_Age_creators' thoughts