
In Half

The work week was not in vain. I had a new ax in my hands. She was so hideous in appearance that it seemed as if I had molded her from mud. But she was extremely strong.

A week of work without rest! Day and night I worked on this work of art. This ax was made of a material unknown to me. And the melting point of this material was so high that my hands were covered with burns and wounds that I got while working.

Next to me was the skeletal remain of my clone. There was not a single whole bone or armor. I melted everything down and used it. And the reason for this was that I hardly added steel to my axe. She was almost entirely made of bones.

Unfortunately, most of the organic compounds from the clone's armor turned to ash. Non-organic compounds that could melt and resembled metal were very few and only enough for one axe.

At first, I mixed the "juice" of the armor with metal in proportions of 1 to 1, but this material also did not withstand high temperatures and was not strong enough. I ended up using 10 drops of "juice" and 1 drop of metal. Metal played the role of glue and as a result I had a very strong ax in my hands.

To create the ax, I made a special huge metal box filled with water. And in this water i did my work on mixing materials. After each stage of work, I had to add fresh water, as the old water evaporated.

I was mentally and physically exhausted. I felt like my energy reserves were completely depleted. But the result was worth it! This ax was so strong that I couldn't bend it no matter how hard I tried.

The design of the ax was similar to the previous ax, but this time I really tried to make the blade sharp. While the ax was hot, I hit it with a hammer until the hammer started to melt. The ax had a one-sided blade and was very rough and had a brutal shape. The handle was long enough to hold with both hands, but felt good in one hand.

I had no material left for anything other than this axe, and I didn't want to do it anymore. It was too hard and painful. I looked down at my hands, which were charred.

`Time to check out this brutal work of art.` I took a deep breath and fired to the blade of my new weapon. A moment later the blade of the ax turned red and I raised the ax above my head and hit the brick wall to my side with all my might.


With a quick wave of the hand, the ax passed the stone without even noticing the resistance. A large scar of molten lava formed on the wall. Lava slowly flowed from the scar on the wall to the floor like blood from a wound.

The result amazed me. The next thing I was going to hit with the ax was a metal cube I was making for sale.

Taking the ax in both hands and raising it above my head, I hit the metal cube on the floor with all my might.


As soon as the ax blade made contact with metal, a loud clang rang out. The metal could not hold the ax for even a second, melting immediately. The ax quickly and confidently passed through the cube and sank into the stone floor.

  'Perfectly! This time, if I lose this axe, I will look for it no matter how long it takes me!'Thinking like this, I decided to rest. I lowered the ax into the ocean to cool it, and the water immediately boiled.

The only drawback of this weapon was the heating time. But if I have the opportunity to prepare for battle, then I will have no problems in this life. With a small smile, I returned to the main island and placed the ax under the wall. Just as I was about to go into my house and take a nap, the base manager ran up to me and started yelling something.

"Ruby was attacked!"

Hearing these words, I froze in place.

'Who's crazy enough to do that!?' I had to get to Ruby quickly. If I swim there it will take half a day at top speed.

"I need a jetpack! Is he ready?"

"We need 15 minutes to prepare it."

"Do It!"

After these words, the head of the base ran into my house and began to command the workers. My old jetpack was attached to one of the walls, and a new one was under construction on the opposite wall. Many people worked around the clock to create a new jet pack for space flight.

It was a very long 15 minutes. I couldn't find a place for myself, worrying about Ruby. Even though I had only known Ruby for a few weeks, I still really liked her. I took responsibility for her when I got her out of the lab, and if anything happened to her, I would feel bad about it.

Also, Ruby has an amazing intelligence. She was kind, and that was rare in the world. She wasn't proud like the Titans and all she wanted to do was eat greens. She was obedient and did everything I told her. It could be from fear or simply because she understood me and she was pleased to show the result of our communication.

'I shouldn't have left her there!' The realization of my own stupidity overtook me. Ruby was a huge monster and there will be many evil people in the world who just want a souvenir and will be able to organize an attack on her. But the strange thing was that now is the day! If they were some kind of smugglers, they would have attacked in the middle of the night so that no one would notice them.


I heard someone say this and without paying attention to that person, I immediately went into the house and put on my jet pack. Quickly stepping outside and standing on the edge of the island, I fired up the jet engines. I heard people screaming and running in panic. They did not have time to prepare for my departure.



The jet engine started and the whole island was covered with white smoke. My feet left the ground and I flew at full speed to the Marshall Islands.

Almost immediately I managed to overcome the speed of sound. Maybe people perfected my jet pack because my speed kept increasing.

2 Mach

3 Mach

My gigantic body dispersed the clouds in its path. Wind was whistling so loudly that it hurt my ears. My body was not adapted to flying and every protrusion on my body cut the air very loudly. The jetpack hummed and vibrated violently as it worked at full power. Maybe if my body was smooth and fluid, I would reach mach 5 or more.

Half an hour later I was near the Marshall Islands. And what I saw made me very angry. Three warships stood several kilometers from the island and fired their guns. The islands were on fire and Ruby could be seen running from one island to another as her entire path was covered in craters from the explosions.

I tried to see Ruby, but she was nowhere to be found. When there was another explosion, I noticed that there was something big lying on the ground without moving!


'You scoundrels!' I shouted in anger. I was flying too fast, so I turned my body and directed my jet pack fire towards the ocean and began to slow myself down. Smoke filled the entire area between the ships and Ruby as I flew into it at high speed.


I fell into the water, causing a great splash of water.

As soon as my feet touched the ground under the water, I immediately ran to Ruby to check if she was alive. Throwing the water around, I ran fast enough to outrun the tsunami I had caused by my fall. The jetpack hummed, speeding me up, but it began to stall through the water.

Running over to Ruby, I immediately scooped her up in my arms, just in time to avoid being hit by the tsunami, and examined her. The armor had several round holes from which blood flowed. The skin on her legs was scorched by fire and cut by shrapnel, her mouth was bleeding and she was unconscious. Her head rested motionless on my hand.

'Hey! How are you? Are you still alive? Say something!' I felt sorry for the poor tortoise. For almost an hour, she was abused by people. Being an ordinary herbivorous creature, it was attacked as a terrible predator that destroyed cities. It wasn't fair. I would understand if they were thugs coming for Ruby's armor, but they were military!



When the ocean calmed down and the smoke from the jet pack cleared, the ships started firing again. But this time they were shooting at me! Several shells hit my legs and one hit my jetpack because I had my back to the ships.

'Are you crazy!? Do you want to die?' I was shocked! Not only did they not stop shooting when I showed up, they were also shooting at the jetpack! And this could cause an explosion that would destroy even these ships standing at a distance of several kilometers.

I turned to face the ships, covering my jet pack and covering Ruby with my arms.


Several more explosions rang out.

One of the shells hit me in the head and I got really angry. I began to accumulate the remaining energy I had and directed it towards my tail. Slowly, the spikes on the sides of my body glowed orange. The spikes heated up one by one, making a buzzing sound. Every spike down to the tip of the tail lit up, and the next moment a golden beam of light shot out of my tail.


I flicked my tail, directing the beam at the target and cutting the ocean in half, vaporizing the water until the beam passed through the middle of the ship. After the beam passed through one of the ships, I stopped the attack.

After my attack, the ship immediately split in two. The metal was red and molten at the cut site.


Several explosions rang out in the middle of this ship, and its two halves drifted further and further apart and began to sink. Hot steam covered the entire area, hiding the ships. After my attack the ships stopped firing and I could hear screams and sirens blaring.

I turned around and turned the jet pack back on.


At first it was unstable due to the water, but eventually it turned on and I flew back. I had hope that Ruby was still alive and that the people on the island would help her. I had no chance to heal Ruby with my big hands.


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