
Chapter 90: Transition to Levels (3)

For the past week, Kai's friends had been touring Mount Koi and had returned to their own development paths. Emma was doing the training Michael had prepared for her for the Art of Red Lightning. Kevin and Melony had disappeared. No one knew where they were. Jack still had the energy of excitement in him. So he went to Milah and started to meditate, but it seemed to take a little longer as Milah took the energy into herself by expanding her energy vessels this time.

Quentin wobbled around his house and travelled to and from the academy. Although his District 2 housemates didn't like him, Quentin's power was terrifying. It was hard to ignore him. In the 1st year class, he was the strongest person after Kai. Even Boyd couldn't compare to him.

A lot of people were improving themselves and preparing for the World Tournament. There were those who had heard some things beforehand, but they had also heard that the tournament would only last for 9 months, but with the subsequent decisions, the tournament would end when there was only one academy left standing. Even in District 1, there were at least 4,000 people who switched to blue lightning. Considering the number of 1st years in the academy, the number of people from this 'elite' stratum was not small. However, the top 32 in the 2nd District Tournament had overtaken these elites.

Kai continued to meditate for a week. He strengthened his muscles, bones, and joints. His body was in much better shape than before. Now he was truly the iron man.

Six rays shot into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. Their capsules were completely empty. Kai looked at the capsules with a smile, stood up and entered the data zone of the Garden of Eden. He didn't say anything. He knew that his words would no longer reach the masters. They had succeeded.

The transition to the levels was normally an incredibly difficult breakthrough. It was so difficult that even the heaven-defying genius Uranus could not pass this stage. But the Garden of Eden was one of the most special places in the universe.

Auron was the easiest to pass the levels. Games of the mind were an easy challenge for him. Still, he stopped thinking about going through the levels. He succeeded because he had prepared for it a long time ago. Among the 6 masters, he was the closest to the unfolding Sky.

After him, Eros and Diana had passed comfortably. Both of them had faced the most difficult events in their lives.

Lea, on the other hand, faced the biggest enemy of her life. A friend from the past and a woman she loved. Artemis. Goddess of Hunting.

Artemis was from the Dramer tribe like Lea, but she had betrayed her like Era. Lea had sworn revenge on her, but now she had to let go of that revenge. Was it that easy? Could an oath be so easily broken? Never!! It was definitely not that easy. Lea had managed to break through the Illusion a few seconds before the 9th lightning struck. She was able to break the limit only by vowing to return.

Then Elvis succeeded. After the last lightning strike, he left Ul behind. But it wasn't easy for him. After 100 millions of years of restlessness and unhappiness, he had found peace.

But Ezra was undoubtedly the one who crossed his borders and reached the Opening Sky the hardest. Leaving his brother was not simple enough. It was not easy to leave his family without taking revenge.

Ezra's Transition to Levels

After Ezra fell into the illusion zone, he looked around. He had lived for a long time. He knew that Era would be the one to face him.

But it was not as simple as he thought. Nothing formed. There was only Era. His jet black hair and eyes indicated how handsome a man could be at most. This white skin and thick eyebrows... He wasn't a Greek god. He was as perfect as if drawn with a pencil. His gaze was cold as ice. Ezra felt as if Era was really there. Suddenly, a sword appeared in Era's hand. It was the Hell Sword of the 7 Dimensions. He walked slowly and swung it at Ezra. Ezra easily pushed the sword back with his own sword. Because of the wild look on his face, even Era trembled even though he wasn't there.

"Come on, Ezra. Kill him." the second lightning bolt struck.

Era was attacking fast and Ezra was blocking him and repelling the attacks. It looked like a fierce struggle between them, but Ezra was stronger. He was faster. He was angrier.

"What are you waiting for, Ezra? Come on, kill it."

The heavens spoke once more and the third bolt of lightning struck. The words were not words. No sound. But Ezra understood what the Heavens wanted to say.

"Hasn't killing your brother been your dream for years? Why do you hesitate now. Let me tell you, Ezra. Because you are no longer angry." Lightning strike 4.


"Your anger at Era no longer exists. You do not meet the qualifications to be the Guardian of Anger. You are not worthy to pass through the levels." said the Heavens. I fell on my 5th and 6th lightning bolt.


But all the while he was saying these words, Ezra neither broke his focus nor allowed Era's attacks to pass. His face was very rigid and never changed.

"I can't say you're wrong. "

At that moment Ezra felt strong enough to speak.

"Yes, you're right. I'm not angry anymore, nor do I feel anything else towards him. I can't possibly still be angry after all this time. Not at him. I miss him and even though he is an enemy to me...

he is still my brother."

Then he put down his sword and the 8th lightning bolt struck.


Ezra's face broke into a smile that hadn't been seen for years. If it wasn't an illusion, there would have been crunching sounds coming from most of the bones in his face. These sounds could indicate how long he hasn't smiled.

As Era's sword passed through Ezra's heart, Ezra smiled and put Era's head on his chest.

"Neither levels nor techniques can replace you for me, Era. Even though you killed my parents, you are the only relative I have left. You are my brother. I could never kill you anyway." Ezra said. Blood was coming from his mouth. Although the power of the universe was surprised at first, that mystical aura enveloped his body again and the world trembled one last time. With the only word of the universe.

