
Chapter 017 - Trust

"What do you think, really happened?", the white guy said.

"I don't quite understand either. It's quite unbelivable that they died just like that...after the meticulous planning and the intelligency he showd it that few moments. I don't quite understand they died just like that?", Kadios said.

"Are certain about your belief? That it's kinda impossible for them to die without a last bit of trying?", A guy with long black hair replied. He was standing beside the white hair guy.

Two contrast colour was standing side by side. One is completely white. A devine aura was coming out of his body, it seems he is the future patriarch of the Heka Clan. Such beatiful god like existance.

The other one is complete black. He has long black hairs. Black iris and a black dress. The aura od death is lingering his body. Probably, he is the next patriarch of Persus Clan also Kadios's elder brother.

"You know, what it means right?", The youngstar in the black attair said, "You are spreading untrust towards the whole assassin clan."

"But, you also sent them away and asking me it behind others...it also means that you don't trust them either...right brother?", Kadios replied with a half scared face.

"Hm...", The person in the white dress lift a hand and support his chin with it. Then he started thinking. After a bit he said," Actually they are too suspecious. Even our elders don't trust them. And didn't the report from Triton clan also mentioned that, there seems to some people who helped the prisoners to get caught again after they ran away?"

A moment of silence.

"But-but, their locations aren't showing in the book either!", Kadios anxiously said that in a bit louder voice.

"That's the corncern. If they are alive, where are they? And how are they avoiding the book's location tracking ability.", Heka clan's young patriarch said.

"Then, let's just wait. How stronger are they anyway. If they ran away from our Knights then, they don't seem like a threat to me. I say, just leave it for now. If they appear again we will know right away the moment they appear again. And if they are really died just like that, then matter end here.", Persus clan's young patriarch said that.

"I see... Btw how is uncle?"

"...He won't live much longer. Our corrosion ability also eat away on our life. We can't absorb Aether like you. I'm even afraid to look at his face. He looked like a skeleton now."

"Did you contact the Hygieia clan?"

"Just leave the matter. These thing won't do. Even if no one inherits the abilities in our clan, the maximum one has lived ifs only 62 years. While your clanmembers lived 300+ years."

Kadios saw the expression on his brother's face. And he can't bear to see it again. He also have great admiration for his father. And they can't do anything but wait for the end day.

After few more chatting they also leave the court.

On the other hand, inside the sealed world's forest, those four beaten up fellows were constantly killing wild animals and Solon was teaching the practical bloodline abilities to Finn.

"Now let me show how you can gather the fresh blood from these animals again." , Solon said to Finn.

In the whole day, Finn already learned quite a bit of a hunting skills. And his Aether management has gone up too. He can now run while spreading Aether to his legs. It gives him great agility and decreases the fatigue.

Finn cut his finger tip with the small sharp blade Solon lended him. His white blood came out. Then he activated the Aether in the blood by sending a bit of his Aure to it.

Instantly the Blood droplet cchanged to a needle. Finn threw it towards a wild fox. It hit on the fox's butt. Finn chuckled a bit, "Hehe". And Suddenly something errupted from the Fox butt and it fell on the grass cold.

"Yoho...This poison blood needle is amazing.", Finn shouted with amaze.

"Yeah I understand...but whyit has to be the butt?", Solon asked with a straight face.

"Well actually i tried to hit the balls, but it was a female fox...so I hit it's butt.", Finn said,"Hey, why are you guys showing such a face full of disgusts towards me? I'll supposed to become the villain and destroy the 12 clans right? It is the villanous way of killing."

"But I think, you enjoyed while hitting the butts with your needle?"

"Leave the small matters...It's the enjoyment of my first day of hunting. But still, this skill of yours is very good. How did you come up with it?", Finn asked.

"As I said I also has a special clan's abilities. I have Hygieia blood line mixed in me. They can use Aether as a poison . I just mixed it with our clans Blood needle ability."

"Was your mother from Hygieia?", Finn asked.

"No way. Unlike your our ancestor were a failed product. Not all Shezmu clan can absorb all types of bloodlines. Your ancestor was the only special case out of hundreds of children. And our ancestor was a failed product of that batch. And it was also the reason, how I collected the rat's poison from it's blood in the cellar and able to get away back then."

"I see. By the way, teach galliyan some hunting techniques too. Or he will be just dead in this chaos.", Finn said while looking at Galliyan with a bit of a worried face.

"That won't do. I don't know any other skill which will fit him. But There's some people i know who can teach him. When we get away from here, I will let you meet them. Besides, I think, Galliyan has a bit of a tendency towards blood although he is a innocent kid."

"You are giving me more worries without proper explanations. Now we have enough food for the night. Explain me the Monster attack first.", Finn asked while lighting a fire. After all the sky is already getting dark.

I was busy these days...and I had a low fever. So the chs were a bit late. I will publish two chs per day from tomorrow to fill up the gap

StarGazer0807creators' thoughts