
First encounter

The Kaguya trio rushed trough the forest towards Hiratsuka. At noon the sky was full of clouds,making the already grey world even more greyer. Kenji looked at Kimimaro and assessed him. Then he jumped on the ground and waited for the boys to catch up to him.

Soon they went next to him.

"Kimimaro, what is the most important rule in assassination missions?

"Leave no traces behind." Kimimaro answered almost immediately."

"Then why are you leaving traces?"Kenji asked.

"What do you mean Kenji-san?" Kimimaro asked bewildered.

"Look at your steps on the snow and then look at mine." Kenji answered.

"Kimimaro looked back and was shocked. On the snow covered ground there is only one pair of steps.

"How?" Kimimaro asked.

It's on the same principle as tree walking, except that you must expand your chakra on the surface beyond your feet so that you do not brake the fragile structure of the snow." Kenji said.

You can do that? I thought the water walking exercise, was the final walking exercise." Kimimaro said.

That's right,if you live in warmer climates.But if you walk on fragile soil, sand or snow. That exercise is a must.

When we stop at the evening after dinner remind me to teach you that." Kenji said as he started jumping again on the trees continuing towards their mission.

The sun started to fall towards the horizon, marking the end of the day.

"Alright, Kimimaro build the tent. Mangetsu catch something to eat. We have one more day to move and we need more energy than a dried jerky." Kenji said as he started looking for dry wood to light a fire.

Soon Kimimaro build the tent and sat next to Kenji. The wood cracked under the fire giving relaxing feeling,after rushing all day the muscles of the young Kimimaro ached slightly. Soon Mangetsu came behind the woods no one can hear his steps, but instinctively Kimimaro and Kenji turned around to see Mangetsu smiling slightly with two white rabbits on his belt. He trew one towards Kimimaro and created a knife out of his hand. Kimimaro got a kunai out of his leg bag and started skining the animal.

Soon after they were done, Kenji chopped of the bodies of the rabbits and started to cook them slowly on top of the fire. After they ate Mangetsu went for the first lookout for the night. Kimimaro looked at Kenji and asked.

"So how exactly you make no sound steps?

Kenji thought for a second and said.

Imagine it like tree walking, but instead of concentrating it solely on your foot and the tree, you expand the diameter of the chakra released, outside of your foot. Imagine that you create a bigger step. Like when you put a bigger shoe on your foot. Like that you distribute your weight on the fragile snow without breaking it. The first step is, to do it on land that has almost no snow on top of it, then you go to the deeper snow that is fragile and after that you are done.

It's easier than water walking but slightly harder than tree walking the only odd thing is to expand the chakra outside of your footprint.

Now see the demonstration with your byakugan.

Kimimaro activated his byakugan and saw how Kenji did it and instantly understood the theory after the demonstration. He stood up and tried it. But his feet kept sinking in the snow. He started walking around the camp slowly expanding the radius of his walking on top of the snow.

After ten minutes he got it but couldn't do it on every step. He already started walking on deeper snow in one of the forest clearings. And after half an hour he mastered the technique.

( the reason he mastered it so fast is because the walking is not that different than water walking and tree walking. He already mastered them, so that technique even if is different is just different variant but the principle is the same.)

He activated his byakugan to go back towards his camp but he saw something unusual. In the edge of his vision he saw a pineapple head looking kid, next to a black haired woman, right beside them he saw two blond women with light armour, and two burly men eating what you can guess is a hundred kilogram boar. Kimimaro frowned and quickly returned to his camp to report.

After rushing back he saw Mangetsu sitting on top of the tree branch. He signaled to follow him and Mangetsu followed. Soon they reached the tent. They woke up Kenji who looked slightly annoyed but serious nonetheless "What is it Kimimaro?"Kenji said.

I think I found the rest of our team for the mission. Kenji raised an eyebrow waiting for Kimimaro to explain himself.

"Around four kilometres northbound theres a camp with six people. One have a pineapple hairstyle, two blondies and two burly men with armour with kanji written on top of it that says food."

"Hmm alright get ready for battle they are probably our teammates but we can't trust them completely." Kenji said and thought for a moment.

"But we should greet them. So we wouldn't surprise each other." Kenji stood up and got his sword ,he put out the fire ,donned his light armour and signalled Kimimaro to lead.

Soon they reached the bald spot.

"They are seven hundred metres in that direction." Kimimaro said.

"Alright follow my lead and don't talk. After we close on then I will fluctuate my chakra. The Yamamakas are natural sensors after all.

Soon they were at seventy meters distance from their camp. Kenji flared his chakra and they waited. Soon six people came out of the woods with solemn faces.

"Hello I presume you are ninjas." Kenji said .

"That's right." The Nara woman spoke.

Do you per chance have item like this."Kenji said as he showed the pendant towards the ninjas.

The ninjas saw it and relaxed a little. The Nara woman nodded and showed a similar pendant.

"So we are on the same mission then, do you want to go together tomorrow?" The Nara woman said.

Kenji contemplated for a second before nodding towards them.

"Alright we will wait for you here ,after that we will continue towards Hiratsuka together.

"Fine by me." Kenji said as he started walking backwards. Soon they were engulfed in the darkness.

"Isn't it dangerous to move with them Kenji-san?" Mangetsu said as he walked back to the clan.

"In most cases yes, but we have amicable relationship with those clans. Actuality we do more group missions with Yamanaka and Nara than any other clan except Hyuga. So the changes of harming us are quite low because of that. And also Kimimaro must learn how to communicate with other clans. Did you saw their ninjas. Three of them are actually kids. Around your age or lower. So let's just say that it's a group exercise for you and Kimimaro and them. We fight if we benefits after all. Now both groups will benefit from that encounter. So we can assume that we have no reason to fight.


I came back from the grave boys
