
Mission successfully completed

Looking at Kenji's side. He danced around his opponents. One is already dead, one had light cuts around the body and the other was on it's last leg(literally).

"Let me take second and I will help him." Kimimaro thought.

Kenji practically danced around his opponents. Soon he decapitated the pirate wannabe and duelled with the last enemy combatant. Kimimaro stood up and took out bone short sword from his shoulder.

And rushed against his opponent. The enemy ninja sensed him and started to panic. He was already tired and moved more slowly and now when it is not three versus one the pressure started to overwhelm him even before the enemies did. Kenji looked at Kimimaro smiled and jumped back, clearly expressing his intention to not interfere.

Kimimaro rushed against his opponent, he back gripped his short sword. And positioned his body to a low stance. And rushed for his opponent legs.Seeing this the enemy ninja raised his leg and bring an axe kick trying to stomp Kimimaro, but Kimimaro didn't panicked, he raised the sword upwards(changed the grip) to meet the enemy kick so if he continued, he will stab himself. Seeing this the enemy was caught in awkward position and decided to flick away, but kimimaro already saw his chakra moving forward his legs so even before the enemy flicked Kimimaro already knew where he is going to be.(because in my opinion if you flick away to the left naturally more chakra will go to the left foot, same for the right. And backwards and forward is same chakra for both feet, or in the more preferable leg.) he stabbed the sword to stop him self and extended his arm at the enemy combatant. He shot five Teshī Sēndāns at him and three hit accurately. The enemy grunted and and back stepped a few times. Kimimaro flickered behind him in his distraction and impaled him trough his chest.  The enemy gasped and slowly bringed himself to the ground where he will stay for the remainder of his miserable life.

"Why you didn't let him live." Kenji said.

"No need tomorrow we will finish the mission. And after that it is not our circus not our monkeys."Kimimaro replied.

"Excellent answer, but why you think we will not meet any more enemies?"

"Because they are from the escaped slave clan, and only they can be so desperate to send nine clan members for one simple mission after all they need reputation in this kind of work."

"Indeed." Kenji said with a smile.

After that they returned to the inn.

"Go to sleep i will stay for the rest of the night."

Kimimaro nodded and went to the nearby cauldron of water to wash himself out from the blood then went to sleep.

On the next day the journey continued. At noon they were already in front of Sendai city.

It's been pleasure doing business with your clan Kenji-kun. Then we shall await further missions from you Fujita-san take care. Soon Kenji and Kimimaro departed from the gate.

"Three for you five for me Kenji said."

"And the other and the other two? Kimimaro asked."

"For the clan ofcorce, after all we need to feed the slaves, maintain the city shops and everything."Kenji replied.

The journey was uneventful after all they crossed straight trough forests and mountains but because of Kimimaro age they were required to stop more often for a break.But eventually they returned to the clan.

They passed the guards and went to the mission hall. To give report and to give the reward. Fortunately Zangetsu was there.

"So how was the mission boy" the old man asked.

Strange we fought against three clans.

Zangetsu raised an eyebrow.

"And who were they."

"Uchiha,Miamoto and Imagawa clan." Kimimaro replied.

"Hmm, strange I thought there will be only one clan but I guess I was wrong."

"How did you know we will fight ninjas." Kimimaro asked.

"Well the Emperor wants to build a palace for the princess and there was tough competition for every construction branch. But I guess that Fujita is tough competition for them in the dye business. I expected one clan to try to take you out but three I thought it was unlikely. After all we even got couple of assassinations missions for other branches of the industry." Zangetsu said.

Kimimaro lips twitched." Only a bastard like you will send his grandchild to face enemies to the death so willingly." Kimimaro thought.

"Well it doesn't matter now,does it? Excellent job you two, you deserve rest. But only for one day for you Kimimaro." Zangetsu said with a evil smirk under his nose.

"A monster" Kimimaro whispered.

"What you want to go right now.Alright . But beware there is only five hours left to climb the mountain. And if you don't manage well let's just say you don't want to know what will happen." Zangetsu crackled with evil laughter.

" Old man, when you die I will piss on your grave" Kimimaro angrily replied and started dashing towards the mountain.

" I love you too" Zangetsu said with laughter.

"So Kenji-kun how did my grandchild did."

Zangetsu said turning toward Kenji.

"Fine I should say he has a good instinct and good fighting style complimenting his kekkei genkais."

"Well that's good do you like him?"Zangetsu asked.

"Yes he is a good kid."

"Then you will be his main teacher about the ninja way of life. Do you accept?" Zangetsu said with narrowed eyes."

"I see no problem with that arrangement."Kenji said with a slight smile.

"Excellent, you are dismissed." Zangetsu said and returned to his paperwork.

Kenji bowed and started leaving.
