
Chapter 686 Lucky Viewer

Upon hearing Charles's words, the audience on site immediately erupted into excitement.

"Finally, we've reached the lottery section, that's exactly why I came here."

"I came here before dawn to line up, considering all my hard work, I should be picked."

"God bless, it has to be me."

"I've always been lucky, I can win a hundred bucks just by buying a lottery ticket, even stepping in dog poop when I go out, I should be able to become the lucky audience member."

"My luck has always been rotten, I probably won't be the lucky audience member."

"Me too, if I were lucky, I'd be working on Wall Street by now."

"Only ten lucky audience members, definitely not my share, I might as well buy it at half price."

"Buying at half price is pretty good too, that's just $4,444, no need for an installment plan."

"I don't have $4,444, I'll still need to pay in installments."

"Haha, neither do I, I thought you did, looks like we're in the same boat."
