
A bet with the Justice League

After 4 days...

Vishal was keeping an eye on the situation in Washington from one of the tall buildings and trying to get see if any villain or villainess is trying to cause chaos. Though he could do this with his powers and watch it from space, he was getting bored and needed a stroll.

"It seems like the situation here isn't bad. The new force which was started by the capital is working efficiently putting down normal criminals easily while the metahuman criminals mostly are in Capital reformation.

Though I could see that female villains have become rampant not only here but also in some of the other cities." Vishal said to system.

"It isn't surprising since the female population is higher than the males. Though they wouldn't come anywhere near to the atrocities committed by Joker and rogues of Gotham." said the system.

"I agree. When it comes to a race of savagery, cunningness and brutality Gotham's scumbags are top notch and none of the villains in the world are capable of beating them in that aspect except maybe the terror groups in other countries." said Vishal.

Vishal sensed 12 presences behind him and he knew who they are and why they are here.

"So, you three have recovered huh?" asked Vishal without turning back.

He heard the drawing of a sword from the sheathe. "Don't, if you want people to die in our fight." warned Vishal.

"Stand down." came a voice when Vigilante turned to them. Vishal saw the core members of the league along with Captain Atom, Atom Smasher, Raven, Beast boy and Terra.

Vigilante saw Batman putting his hand in front of WW  to stop her from marching towards him.

Vishal saw Clark using Heat Vision just like always to find the identity of Vigilante and finding a black fog covering inside the helmet to fail again.

"How did you recover so soon Bruce Wayne?" asked Vishal.

Vishal used heat vision and saw it was "Dick Grayson" who was wearing the Bat outfit.

"Dick Grayson. You can't fool me." said Vishal with a gruff voice reminiscing Goblin slayer.

The league did expect him to find out but theey were still surprised a bit.

He also checked if WW and Superman were the real ones and he was confirmed they are the real ones not some shapeshifter posing as them.

"You are past redemption as you have committed numerable crimes and caused chaos by revealing a truth that could have ended the world." said Superman.

"In addition to that you killed the gods and made them enemies of the humanity. If they rampage would you take responisibility for their actions?" asked Dick.

"I'll kill them again but this time I am going to make sure that they won't revive." answered Vishal without any hesitation.

"You think that's a solution? How many will you keep on killing? 10 ,20 ,100 ,1000 ,millions? There will be no end to how many you will kill." said Flash.

"Good question. The answer to your stupid question is "Irredeemable crime" and "Don't regret their actions."" said Vishal.

The league was taken aback by his words. It is the M.O. that Tim proposed to the league but did not take it into consideration.

"My solution has always been pretty simple. I kill those who are irredeemable and don't regret their actions. You must have seen in Blackgate, there are guys who did irredeemable crime but regret it and are repenting for it. I didn't touch them." replied Vishal.

"Maybe but you don't have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner." said GL.

"Then who is going to do that huh? F*cking guardians who are the cause for massacre of Sector 666?" asked Vishal sarcastically.

GL shut his mouth but was enraged as it was the the information that was kept secret even from the Green Lanterns. Recently he received information disclosed by the guardians regarding that sector when he questioned them about Atrocitus.

"Yeah, your face says everything as your bad at controlling your emotions." said Vishal.

Vishal remembers how he changed different rings during "Blackest Night" where the prophecy that Black Rings will bring destruction all over the universe.

"He is talking about justice system. Police and Courts." said Jonn.

"Pfff hahaha."

"Let me ask you something Martian Manhunter?" asked Vishal.

"If a criminal like Joker were to exist in Mars, what's his punishment?" asked Vishal.

"It is impossible for such a person to exist in my planet as the Manhunter force would have hunted him down during the early stages of his criminal life." replied Jonn.

Vishal looked at others and shrugged as he indirectly pointed out the flaw of the Justice system using Mars justice system.

"That was another planet and they have their own rules. You can't ask earth to follow their system right?" said Clark.

"Says the Kryptonian himself who is not of this planet." said Vishal scoffing.

Superman clenched his fist. Vishal saw his body trembling.

He sighed and asked "Let's say we follow the method you are saying. How many villains are in Jail and how many are roaming free committing crimes even now?"

"That's not your concern or the concern of the league as they can only be punished by the law." said Nightwing.

"Yeah, not completely buying it because that would make the existence of the league or mine useless." answered Vishal.

The league was dumbfounded by the answer because Vigilante has pointed out why the league was created and why he himself is fighting against the crime.

"Three simple words. "It's not working."" said Vishal.

"The prime example is Joker himself. How was he able to get a parole that many times even after killing so many people?" asked Vishal.

Vishal has gone through the police and court records. The evidence was overwhelming and there are 8 times parole has been granted and he was left scot free in the starting years. Vishal did not know if he should laugh at the incompetence of Police or shout at the courts for letting the guy live. He felt thaat both are useless because the fate itself is protecting that bastard as he was also stopped from killing that guy by the his system.

The league went silent on hearing the words of Vigilante. Seeing the silence of the league he rubbed his forehead in frustration as he felt that these guys won't change and won't let the things change for the better.

It took him a lot of effort and bloodshed to change things in Gotham, Metropolis and Central City. The things have changed for better after shedding blood of some villains. The casualties in every city were very high due to metahuman villains in all these cities. But after Vigilante did a sweep, the number came down to single digits. Besides he did not kill any innocent people.

Even after government put the law that insanity plea can only be used 5 times, the criminals have started exploiting the loopholes of the law recently. The spell did wipe out some of the villains in the cities but there are still large number of villains left. There are some irredeemable scumbags still left and he has marked their death for a certain date.

"You don't answer the question, right? This has always been the case with you self righteous pricks who think their way is always right and anyone who doesn't follow your way is wrong.

But it is my right to question you and the system about this and you have the obligation to answer me. I am not asking as a Vigilante but as a guy who lost some of his loved ones to crime. Tell me now." said Vishal.

"Boohoo. Everybody lost someone doesn't mean you have to do this." said Flash.

"Loss doesn't work the same for everybody moron." retorted Vishal.

"It's not working for you." said Nightwing.

"Maybe not. It's not easy to fix things broken again and again. I've believed that system would bring justice to our loved ones but look what they did. They spat on their deaths not just once." said Vishal.

"We don't do this to hurt people." said Superman.

"What is it? A job perk?" asked Vishal.

"We don't kill anyone." said Nightwing.

"Is that why you think you're better than me?" asked Vishal.

"No." replied Clark.

"Is that why you guys think you are big heroes?" asked Vishal.

"Doesn't matter what we think or what we are. Peopl don't have to die." replied Nightwing.

"You believe it?" asked Vishal.

"We believe it's not our call and it's not yours either." replied Nightwing.

"Somebody asked you to put on those costumes or did you take it on yourself?" asked Vishal.

The league went silent again.

"You know what I think? All of you have been filled with a superiority complex that "no killing rule" of yours make you different from the villains.

But let me tell you when you face one bad day or several bad days one after another it would not only break your heart but also your sanity. Bruce Wayne is the best example even though he didn't kill anyone, his mental health definitely seems to be affected." said Vishal.

Vishal received several glares from the heroes as they felt he has no right to talk about their personal life.

Vishal nodded his head in frustration and said "Let's make a bet."

The league looked at him with confusion.

"For the next 2 years I will stay away from killing villains or criminals. During that time you guys should make sure that deaths due to villains and criminals shouldn't exceed 150 in all the cities combined. If you do that not only will I reveal my identity but I will also plead guilty and get punished for the crimes for killing the villains.

But if the deaths exceed 500 below the time frame, you guy will stop bothering me from cleansing the cities and stay away." said Vishal.

"Isn't the deal completely against you since the cities are recording less crime these days and the death rate is in single digits?" asked Flash.

"I could propose a deal which would benefit me but since I am the one who started the bet I am giving you the advantage." said Vishal.

The league wanted to get rid fo the guy now but they know they are no match but this was the perfect opportunity for them punish "VIGILANTE" by sending him to phantom zone. Though they are heroes who don't like making bets or deals with criminals. Sometimes its necessary for the greater good.

The league discussed and said "Very well."

A magic circle appeared in between Vishal and the league. It cut the palms of all the league members and absorbed it forming an agreement.

"You little. What was thaat?" asked GL.

A document appeared towards the league next minute detailing the agreement on the bet.

"The magical agreement. It also has my blood on it."  Vishal said as he had made sure that DNA is modified to a cat using magic.

"I will keep my promise of not doing vigilante stuff during this time. If the count reaches 501 then I win the bet and you will stay the f*ck away from me." said Vishal.

"By the way there are three gifts hanging behind me to the ledge." said Vishal and teleported.

The league went to the ledge and saw Live Wire, Enchantress and Cheetah's heads hanging by the rope.

They fell chill running down their spines seeing the top of the heads sliced into half.

"He's a psycho. Should we go after him?" asked Flash.

"We can't because we made a bet. He deliberately taunted us by telling this. We need to inform the Police, they can take care of it." said Superman.

They made their way back to watchtower and started planning how to win the bet.

"Isn't this an unfair bet host?" asked system in the mansion.

"Of course. I made this bet because I am going to win. Injustice is going to happen in 1 1/2 year. The kill count will exceed 150." said Vishal.

"Isn't that supposed to be cheating?" asked the system.

"Not completely right. I lost the advantage when I brought crime down to single numbers." said Vishal.

"Hmm. Then I cannot say it is completely unfair." said system.

Vishal smiled and talked to system as the skill merging is going to finish tonight.
