
The Coronation


I had my hair combed and an excessive amount of gel placed in my air, to refine it perfectly. Of course, that was necessary, if I wanted to reach even half the glamour that these other guys have.

"The coronation is upon us!" a man in front of us yelled. He was an old elf, dressed nice and formal. Reminds me of General.

With the way we were formatted, I was standing behind Isalda, with Jisvo. Today was definitely an important day. For the first time, I saw Isalda wearing a dress.

"It's crazy, right?" Jisvo whispered to me. I turned my head to him, though he was looking straight ahead. I decided to appear professional as well.

"What're you talking about?" I responded back with a whisper, also facing my front. His expression was unchanging, but I could almost tell he was trying to hold back a smile.

"Isalda. She looks a lot less like a man today."

I snickered in my head. But on the outside, I kept a straight face. The funniest part is that Isalda definitely heard Jisvo. But she couldn't do anything about it, since there were lots of people watching.

The coronation is a strange concept to me.

Since the previous king had no relatives, a new family had to be chosen, or something like that.

Isn't this far too... democratic?

There were thousands of people watching. All of them being royals, from places around the world. I seriously don't get the interest in going here. 

"As all coronations go, it will be up to the Holy Priest of Anore."


Another woman came from behind the old man. I didn't even notice her presence at all? 

This was the Holy Priest of Anore. Her hair was as white as mine, though far longer, falling down her back. Her skin wasn't necessarily pale, but it wasn't tan either. More in the middle.

Her eyes were purple and doe-like, but at the same time, sunken. For me to make the same expression she was making, I would have to be squinting.

Despite her eyes appearing dull and bored, her face made a light smile, more like her cheeks turning upward.

She dressed just like a priest would, though her sleeves were large, obscuring her hands. She held a staff in those obscured hands, however.

Her smile brightened, ever so slightly, as she raised her hand up toward the crowd.

"I am glad that you all could attend this coronation. As all coronations go, it will be my decision to choose this kingdom's next ruler."

It's a little strange of an idea. Putting all your faith into one person. But there was something even stranger.

Ice was starting to form in my hair. My body was aware of this danger. 

This feeling... it's the same feeling I felt when I encountered the captain of the Iron Vanguard.

It's... dangerous!

[Cast: Thorned Chains of Frost]


I sent my chains. I was sure of it. But... nothing came out. The only thing that came out of it was the priest's glare at me. Nothing about it was Holy. She turned back around to the crowd, slowly.

"Now, let the coronation begin."




(Author's Note)

hey guys, it's me again. this time, i have some important stuff to say! i will not be writing out the coronation, just like how i didn't write out the exams. why? this time, i actually have a good reason! this coronation was really just to lead up to a new character. so, all you really need to know is that isalda doesn't win.
