
Repay Your Debts.

4 p.m. est, CornerStone Agency Building, Group 4, has arrived

Amelia, Lucas, and Tokito stood right next to each other outside Miss Noria's office. Each one in the appropriate attire for work. A black suit, white shirt, black pants, and a digital watch for reading XP levels. Amelia stood looking at the brown office door and said, "Mo– fuck. Miss Noria, we're here; can we come in?"

"One moment, please." Noria replied, then after a few seconds she continued, "Yall can come in."

The three of them entered a somewhat big room. Noria sat at the back of the room, at a big desk with a computer and several documents on it. To their right and left were bookshelves, and there was a massive rug on the floor. They stood a short distance away from her desk and awaited her orders.

"You all were called in on such short notice because of an incident that took place yesterday. Our number one criminal, Michael Turnner, turned himself in."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, he wanted to make a deal with the government. In exchange for our help and protection, he would give us the Theatom. He also claimed that someone named the Debt Maker was after him and, more directly, the Theatom. That's why I'm sending you all to the Hellingrad Insurance Agency. Turnner claims that's where the Debt Maker is carrying out his operations."

"What exactly are we looking for?" Amelia asked.

"To be honest, I can't tell you. I was hoping Turnner would be here to give us more information, but he isn't here right now."

"What do you mean he isn't here? Didn't he hand himself in?"

"Yes, but while he was being brought back to the agency from the headquarters, some gangsters jumped the van he was in and abducted him. We tried looking for him by searching for the chip we implanted in him, but he was nowhere to be found.

It's like he fell off the planet, and then this morning we tracked the chip to some motel to the north of Florida. We've been tracking it ever since, assuming it's Turnner. "

"I see."

"If anything, when y'all get there and meet this person, try to figure out if he's after the Theatom or not."

Understood, we'll go there right now."

Good, y'all are dismissed."

A few minutes later, Amelia, Lucas, and Tokito exited a black SUV in an empty parking lot. They shone brightly in the sky as the shadow of the 7-story building engulfed them.

Amelia was strapping a white-handled sword to her back as they walked towards the front door of the building. Lucas looked around and said, "Is it normal for an agency to have literally no cars parked outside?"

"I guess that's a bit strange." Amelia answered as they entered the building. Despite the lack of cars, there were about 10 people inside, some sitting on couches and others standing and talking. As they stood looking around, Tokito told them he wanted to use the bathroom, so while he went to the restroom, they approached the front desk.

The receptionist noticed them and said, "Good afternoon and welcome to Hellingrad Insurance. How may I help you?"

"Good afternoon. Amelia smiled. She pulled out her Contractor license and showed it to the lady, then continued, "We were sent here by the Cornerstone Agency to investigate someone known as The Debt Maker."

The lady froze and stared at the granite desk. She recalled something in her memory: It was a man speaking to her and a group of people. These were his words: "Kill anyone from the Cornerstone agency; only then will you be able to repay your debt."

Then she came back to her senses and said, "Oh yes, the debt maker; let me contact him quickly; in the meantime, you can sit over there." She pointed at some couches.

Amelia looked back to see where she was pointing, and then, in that moment, the woman pulled a sword with a white handle from off the lower part of the desk and sliced Amelia's head in half horizontally.

Amelia staggered as blood spewed from her sliced head. The woman did not stop there; she jumped over the table and swung her sword once again, intent on slicing Amelia's body this time. However, she was met with a punch from Lucas, which sent her flying into some vending machines that were next to an elevator.

Lucas stepped back towards the door. He looked to his left and saw Amelia standing next to him. Her head was fully regenerated, so he said, "Should we take them seriously?"

"I think so. They seem to be contractors, so watch out for any messed-up contracts." Amelia replied as she reached for her sword. The people in the lobby began to close in on them. each with his own weapon. They stood in a curved line, saying, "Please allow us to repay our debts."

"Go to hell!" Lucas shouted as both he and Amelia dashed at the people. Meanwhile, Tokito sat on the toilet bowl cover. He sat there looking out the open stall door, then he said, "I find it rather strange that a woman would be in the men's bathroom washing her hands for so long."

There was a woman on the outside, standing at one of the sinks. She raised her head but didn't reply. So he got up and walked towards the bathroom door. Upon seeing this, the woman immediately lunged at Tokito; her hands became furry, and sharp claws protruded from her fingers. She swung her arm at Tokito's neck to slice it.

However, just before the woman's hand connected with Tokito, her arm was sliced clean from her shoulder. Strangely enough, Tokito's arm was also detached from his shoulder. So the woman jumped back, and her arm slowly regenerated. She looked at Tokito, confused by what just happened.

While his arm regenerated. Tokito turned around and said, "Why are you trying to attack me?" But she didn't reply. Instead, she darted at him and swung her right arm intent on hurting him, but he casually dogged her, so she turned and swung her arm at him once again, but he once again dogged her effortlessly.

So she increased her speed. Which caused Tokito to take her seriously and exchange blows. Each one took blows to the face and abdomen until Tokito noticed an opening and punched her straight into a bathroom stall. She landed on the toilet in a sitting position. All the while, any wounds they received were constantly regenerating.

For a moment, she seemed knocked out until she got up and dashed at Tokito, but before she could land another blow, he grabbed her hand and flung her into the wall at the end of the bathroom.


The tiles fell off, and some of the concrete cracked as she laid on the floor, blood spewing from her mouth and parts of her body wounded. The woman raised her head and looked at Tokito, then said, Please, I'm only doing this to repay my debts."

Tokito became intrigued and said, "What do you mean by that? Could you elaborate?" However, once again, he didn't get a reply. Instead, she got on all fours and darted at him with astonishing speed. She was so fast that Tokito couldn't react.

Her claws were now only centimeters away from his neck. Within that split second, Tokito said calmly, "Clean Cut." This caused the woman to collapse to the ground. Lots of blood spewed from her mouth. She felt an unbearable amount of pain, and her eyes blurred as she lost consciousness.

Toktio also experienced the same thing: he fell to his knees as blood escaped from his mouth and nose. However, Tokito didn't go unconscious. He reached into his suit and took out a short white-handled knife and said, "You see, my contract with the cutting God allows me to cut anything I choose without warning, in exchange that cut will also be inflicted on me.

If you had a lot of XP like me, you could regenerate your hearts relatively quickly and escape death. Though you're no match for me anyway.'' Then he drove the knife through her forehead and killed her. After that, a strange green energy flowed from the woman to Tokito as he exited the bathroom.

I dont know what to say about this chapter. It just dosen't sit right with me. mainly the fight scene but let me know what yall think. Also there will be a chapter 6.5 to properly rap up this chapter since i want to sort out Amelia and Lucas. But other than that lmk what you thought about this chapter in the comments below. And as always if you like it add it to your library.

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LanumKingcreators' thoughts