
I'll contact the military

Once breakfast was finished, Ella and Xavier left for their wing to prepare for the day.

"Jellybean, how long will your business trip be? Should we consider moving the wedding?" Xavier asked as he buttoned up his shirt and swung his tailored blazer.

"I'll be back on time sugarplum, the real question is, are our army siblings going to be back on time?" asked Ella.

Silence filled the room, Xavier had not heard from his twin since almost 3 months ago when they left, but this was normal for them; however, Ella was wound up very tight as she'd been speaking with Alice almost weekly but now it was nearing a second week since they'd last heard from her and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 

"I'll contact the military." he stated, observing the concern from his little wife's face. Ella though absent minded as the last phone call she'd had with Alice kept replaying in her head just nodded.
