

After we finished our meals and also got some more fish To Go, we continue on our journey towards Windom. And In less than an hour, we arrive in the small and peaceful town.

"I think this is it," I say to Cthylla as we arrive at a run-down house outside of town.

"Can you trust your friend? This doesn't really look like a place where you can get some high-quality papers, more like a place where you come to get some drugs," she says after checking the map again.

I don't think people like that have a big company sign that says "fake ID's sold here"…

"Drugs sound good too. I kinda miss our hippie times…" I respond nostalgically.

She sighs at this and says, "You miss our hippie times because we spend most of our time naked in the woods."

Yeah, great old times…

"Like I said, I miss them, but anyway, drugs or fake ID, let's go inside. I can sense a person in there," I say then step out of the car and walk towards the trunk.

She rolls her eyes and follows after me. Then I open the trunk and give her a pistol, while taking one for myself too.

"You seem to really trust that guy your friend suggested…" Cthylla says sarcastically.

"Trust is good, but having guns is better… especially in a world like this," I say to my nodding girlfriend, then check my pistol before hiding it under a hoodie, and we walk towards the door.

I'm still astonished that not everyone is running around with silver weapons in this world, considering there are monsters and strange beings everywhere, including us…

*Knock, Knock*

I knock on the door, but no one opens, even though I can sense someone inside. "Hello? Frank Devereaux? We are here because of some business…"

But still nothing… I look at Cthylla, but she simply shrugs, so I try to open the door, and strangely, it is unlocked.

So I open the door, and we walk inside the dark house, with me gesturing to my curious girlfriend to stay behind me because whoever is inside here is waiting for us.

We walk towards the living room where I sense him. But when we arrived there…

*Click-Click* A table lamp is turned on next to a guy on a couch.

"Well, well, look what we have here: an undead and the missing lamb from Ohio. Seeing you together explains a lot," says the middle-aged man, who has glasses and grey hair, with a grin as he points a Franchi PA3 at us.

I would give him an A for the entrance, but only a C for our nicknames… because it is an insult to call an immortal an undead.

While stepping in front of Cthylla, I say, "Easy there, I have no idea what you think or believe we are, but we were sent here only by---"

"I already know who sent you here as soon as you move your asses out of the car," Frank interrupts me.

"Really?" I ask, confused because it doesn't look like he knows who sent us.

"The government…" he says seriously.

"Yes? … Wait, no, not the government---" this came unexpectedly…

"It is an associate of yours, Bobby Singer," says Cthylla from behind me to help me out.

But this seems to enrage Frank somehow, and he jumps up from the couch and aims directly at my head.

"Well, this is even worse. So, you probably really are an undead, and I should do you a favor by blasting your head off."

"Sounds intriguing, but I don't need more iron in me. I need some ID's."

"Do I look like welfare? I don't do favors for the government or hunters who are probably working for them."

"How about ten thousand dollars?" I ask him, because money always works.

This makes him smile, and he says, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Follow me upstairs."


When we arrive upstairs, we find ourselves in a room with barricaded windows, lots of computers, and other devices.

Frank then asks, "So why does the government want the old Frank to make some IDs for their agents? Did their machines break down or something?"

Cthylla seems to have had enough and says annoyed, "We told you we are not government agents. We only came here because of the Bobby guy."

"Sure, that is something government agents wouldn't say at all. Let me show you something, cherry head," says Frank as he walks to his computer and starts to print something.

While I stop Cthylla from shooting him by grabbing her wrist, and she hisses quietly, "This guy is crazy. Who barricades a room like this? Let me shoot him a bit, and then we can find another one."

"No wait, maybe he is afraid that Bill Gates spies through his windows, that's why he barricades them… let's see what he has to offer. You can still shoot him afterwards."

Cthylla looks confused at me but then sighs and calms down, while Frank comes back and places two big pictures of me, or better say of Aiden, who looks really nearly identical to me…

"When you arrived with the car, I checked it to see who arrived at my peaceful home, and look what I found out. First, this picture from two weeks ago.

Do you see the big red deceased stamp above the picture? Yeah, that means he died, and now look at the pictures from two days ago."

I checked the second picture, and it has no deceased stamp on it.

"Strange, isn't it? Suddenly back from the dead, and not only that, also a completely cleared file like from a baby too.

So that means either you came back from the dead, or the government needed a new identity for their agent who looked like this guy and revived him on the papers.

But since you know Bobby, maybe even both… and when you came with the missing girl from Ohio, where some crazy shit happened two days ago that got swept cleanly under the rug, I only needed to put two and two together."

This is strange. I'm pretty sure that I'm not a government agent, and Cthylla is probably not one either… aside from that, the only organizations I met were SCP and the FBI so far.

Well maybe it's them? I take out my wallet and show Frank the card from this Patrick Jane guy, and he freezes.

Then he walks towards his table and grabs some pills before swallowing them. He then falls into his chair, grabbing his head.

I turn towards my girlfriend, but she looks even more confused than I am.

"Frank, are you okay?" I ask him after a few seconds.

"Yes! I only wait until the pills make me forget you were ever here…" he says and then turns in the other direction.

I go near him and place a thousand dollars on his table, and he grabs it and says, "Ah, who cares about some crazy organization that plays in the shadows? Let's make their agent some IDs.

"I don't work for them either… But they seem to be interested in me, and that's why they probably helped me with—"

"Shhh, I don't want to hear anything about them. I'll make you your IDs, and you tell them that I'm a law-abiding citizen. Do we understand each other?" asks Frank after placing his finger on my lips, and I nod."


"You need new IDs because your old ones were burned down? Wait, don't tell me, I don't even want to know," says Frank after asking us what happened to our old IDs.

"It will be easier and a lot faster if I 'print' the old IDs for you, or do you really want new ones? If so, then you need to stay away from prisons and planes."

Well, I've kinda gotten used to Aiden Cross, and I guess Cthylla will stay with Anna too…

I look at her, and she nods before saying, "Then let's take the old ones if they are fine to use. I also had a college ID that could be useful. Can you print that too?"

"Sure, do you want a library ID too?" asks Frank snarkily.

She doesn't play along and simply says relaxed, "No, the college ID should be enough for that."

If he knew that she wanted to shoot him with the soul name eraser bullets, he would think twice about taunting her… this man's bravery or stupidity should never be forgotten.

"Fine, you get it too, but it will cost more. It will take a day or so to finish all this. So search for a love hotel or spy on someone like real agents and leave me alone to do my work," he says and waves us away.

Since people probably need to wear aluminum hats to sleep at his place, we decided to look for a hotel or something to spend the night in.

Luckily, I still have a bunch of money, but maybe I need to search for the Cullen family. They are evil for sure in this world, and taking their money…

Or find Plutus and ro… I mean ask him for money. The god of wealth should have plenty of it.

I could also work, of course, but that is a bit difficult if you have an octopus breathing down your neck. So the best way to earn some money is probably to get it from some rich supernatural being in this world.

During my time in my world, the most profitable job for me was being an antique seller.

Over the years, I had accumulated so much stuff from people that has turned into gold. As a result, I made it a habit to always get a souvenir from people wherever I am.

Who knows, maybe someday the pen from Elizabeth will be worth a ton of money…

"Do you think that this SCP organization will cause us problems? I mean, they helped you out, so they probably want something back," asks Cthylla after we get into the car.

"No idea, but as long as they keep their feet still, I have no problems with them."

If they try something, I'll make sure that they become so secretive that they stop existing completely…

"I hope they do. We already have enough concerns without intervention from some secret organization," she says, worried.

So I grab her hand and try to lighten her mood. "Everything will be fine, so don't worry. What do you say? Should we have our first official date in this world today?"

This makes her happy again, and she nods with a smile, and we drive towards the city.

Hey, guys! Welcome to the end of this chapter. :)

Next time, we'll have a date and a small lemon before we head to Bobby's and move towards a time skip.

After that, there's a very interesting case for the MC and the Winchester brothers. Stay tuned for more!

RetModcreators' thoughts