
Chapter 9 : Catch Up

[Finn POV]

Now as I was being dragged up the staircase I was just going through my memories, when the flying fuck did I say I was coming for dinner exactly?

"Haley, when did we talk about a dinner?" This little vixen is planning something, I can feel it in my bones. This one has a mean vindictive streak I'll tell you that much. The number of times I got pranked by her are frankly horrifying, she ain't book smart but she sure as hell is street smart.

She turned around and gave a little grin.

"I took an executive decision on that one, well now you gotta stay because mom isn't letting you go!" that little grin grew into a massive smile. And why the fuck have I been kidnapped into a dinner at the place of the girl I hit on for a year?

"Women are so fucking confusing..." I muttered that out, and for my troubles I got a punch to my shoulder.

"Alex get out!" Haley slammed the door open and I saw a kid that was about thirteen reading a book on her bed. It looks like Haley and her sister shared a room huh?

The kid looked up and had the most irritated look I'd ever seen, like she's been through this bullshit so many times. It was fucking hilarious to look at not even gonna lie.

"I'm getting kicked out of my own room because you want to smooch your boyfriend, such typical behavior..." Excuse me what the fuck?! With that she left the room and Haley closed the door. WHEN DID THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS GET THAT SASSY?!

"Your sister is one hell of a character huh..."

"I think she lost her filter in the womb." Haley said while rolling her eyes. This family is interesting, pretty similar to my own. I put my guitar down near the door.

"Anyway, you've got the homework topics that are up for submission yeah? I need to show up back to school with at least the homework done or I'm getting kicked back out." I said with a sigh, I've got a lot of catch up to do. Haley nodded at then looked confused.

"Didn't you want notes tho?" I let out a half laugh and caught myself, Haley was glaring at me hardcore from that laugh. She knows exactly what I'm going to say now.

"Let's be honest Hales, you've got as much notes as I have don't ya?' and with that I was currently getting pummeled by a very annoyed brunette.

"See if I give you any notes I have now!" Haley said as she turned head away in faux anger, she then grabbed her laptop and jumped onto her bed.

"Oh forgive me wise one, and share to me your wisdom." I turned up the drama and started acting out some medieval drama scene.

"Oh my god, you are so like my dad it's ridiculous... " She let out a massive sigh of annoyance, but I could see her lips curling up! Corny shit may seem like it never works but the secret ingredient is always confidence. Wait why am I taking this like a flirting lesson?

"Anyway come sit here, there's this awesome new TV show called Castle!" Has this woman forgotten why I came here?

"Hales I came here for the homework topics and if the stars aligned, some notes..." I saw her freeze, this little shit thought she was slick with it. She then put her finger on her chin and put on a thinking act.

"I'll give you both if you watch the first episode with me!" She said with a cheeky grin as she started patting the spot next to her. For the love of god, she always gets her way...

"Fine, only one episode tho ok?" I said as I sat down next to her with my back against the wall, this girl keeps throwing me for a loop. But it's oddly fun.

[Claire POV]

It was 7:40PM now and dinner was almost done, I am honestly so proud of Haley! She is reaching out to someone who really needs some support. I'm sure losing your parent isn't something that's easy to deal with.

I was without doubt on the fence about letting a boy come over and be in the room with Haley alone, but they are doing homework. Haley has never used that as an excuse because she knows damn well that it's never working. If she actually said it then I'd say that's exactly why that kid came over.

Besides even Phil met him, Phil has always had a soft corner for troubled kids so I know he wants to help out. And speak of the devil. I heard the door open.

"Hey there, Claire-bear! Mmm, that kiss tells me you're the most delicious thing in this house, but is dinner almost ready too? I can't wait to taste your amazing cooking!" that nickname is by far the most infuriating and endearing thing ever.

"It'll be ready in 10 minutes Phil, oh and Finn is upstairs with Haley doing homework." I told him because I know he wants to talk and bond with Finn, Phil is too kind to ever ignore a child that needs some guidance and help. He may not always provide the best guidance but I digress. And I was very much right, Phil lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I'm so proud of you Claire, you didn't let Finn being a recovering drug addict influence you!"...wait what?

"Drug addict?" Phil looked confused and then a look of horror came on his face.

"I should not have told that should I?" I could hear Phil muttering but that's something I need to keep aside for now.

Being a recovering drug addict isn't bad...right? He wants to do homework so he can straighten out...right?! Oh god I left my hormonal teenage girl in a closed room with another hormonal teenage who JUST STOPPED USING DRUGS!!

I immediately started running upstairs without even listening to what Phil was saying. Finn might be a good kid but sometimes things can trigger a relapse. And what if Haley gets influenced by that?!

I opened the door to Haley's room and what I saw stumped me immediately..
