
An Unexpected Fire      

When Xin consumed about half of the bottle, he noticed something and reflexively spat out the milk when he read the dark ink on the bottle's frame. 


It hadn't been noticeable before, hidden by the dark chocolate color, but now that he had consumed some and exposed the clear plastic, it became glaringly evident.


There was a handwritten message on the bottle that caught Xin's attention: 


[Evelyn, you're the reason why we have overtime. . .]


Frowning, Xin continued to read the note as he took another sip: 


[. . .  You're the reason why the company's food budget went overboard . . .]


[It's because I want to spend more time with you, and the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and out-of-town meetings were just excuses to be with you. . .]


Xin finished the bottle, feeling a sense of regret for delving into the note further. 


[Will you be my partner for life?]
