
Chapter 37

Two days had swiftly passed since Cai Wen's return to Spirit Hall. His arrival had fortuitously coincided with the culminating day of the academic term, a day he had chosen to spend in the serene solitude of his quarters, far removed from the bustling classrooms.

The ensuing two days were blissfully devoid of obligations, providing him with a much-needed respite to recover, rejuvenate, and mentally gear up for the anticipated challenges that loomed on the horizon.

On the first day following his return, Cai Wen sought out his senior sister, Hu Liena, for a leisurely visit. The mere sight of Cai Wen piqued her curiosity, prompting a flood of queries about his recent adventures. To satiate her curiosity, he recounted his experiences, deliberately omitting certain intimate and personal details.

Her eyes expanded in astonishment as she discovered his possession of a spirit ring over a thousand years old. "Most individuals only have either a 100 or 10-year-old spirit ring as their second one! Although our teacher has mentioned such a possibility, it's still...", she trailed off, her voice wavering between awe and incredulity.

The surprise quickly morphed into shock when he revealed his acquisition of a rare spirit bone. Her palpable jealousy was fueled by her own absence of even a single spirit bone.

In a playful sulk, Hu Liena lamented Cai Wen's swift advancement, jesting that her status as a senior sister was becoming obsolete due to his rapid progression.

In an attempt to remedy her perceived disadvantage, she playfully demanded compensation, stating, "Mou, Cai Wen, now I am dejected. I've always wanted a junior brother or sister, someone I could command around in exchange for teaching or helping them. This isn't how things were supposed to happen."

Cai Wen, finding her request slightly unreasonable, obliged reluctantly, swayed by her pleading eyes. He wasn't really concerned that she would demand anything excessive from him.

In the end, he dedicated the majority of the following two days to her, training together and introducing her to various games from his previous life. This was born out of his realization of the lack of entertainment in this world, a realization that came after several years of living here.

Cai Wen found himself at her mercy when she directed him around, justifying her actions with her status of seniority.

Despite her domineering demeanor, he complied as her demands were far from excessive and, to his surprise, helped him relax. He even went to the extent of preparing meals for her, once she discovered the unique dishes he had learned to cook in his past life through watching YouTube Shorts.

While his culinary creations were not extraordinarily delectable, they were distinctive and refreshing, especially considering that the food in this world was predominantly based on Chinese cuisine.

After their two-day break, they embarked on their journey to the Academy. Upon reaching their destination, Hu Liena and Cai Wen bid each other farewell, after which he proceeded to the dean's office to meet with Guo Qiang.

Guo Qiang, the affable dean, consistently welcomed Cai Wen with a delightful assortment of treats during their meetings. These interactions typically commenced with customary polite dialogues, until Cai Wen, in an unexpected move, brought forth his request to bypass his grading.

Taken aback by such an unusual request, Guo Qiang inquired, "To what level do you aspire to advance, Cai Wen?" His tone was infused with a clear touch of curiosity.

"To the disciple level," Cai Wen replied with unwavering confidence, without a fraction of hesitation.

(Note: The Spirit Hall Academy here has 5 levels, Novice, Apprentice, Disciple, Master and True Master level. Then the class is divided into four from lowest Class 3 to 1 and the highest, the elite Class)

Addressing him, Guo Qiang stated, "Cai Wen, you must initially reach the Spirit Grandmaster level before you can be evaluated for progression to the disciple level." He was under the impression that Cai Wen was still situated at the spirit master level.

In response, Cai Wen summoned his Dragon Ring Gloves, proudly showcasing his two spirit rings – one bathed in yellow, the other in a deep shade of purple.

The sight of a mere 7-year-old attaining the Spirit Grandmaster level was enough to render Guo Qiang speechless. However, the revelation that Cai Wen's second spirit ring was a millennium-old one? It was a spectacle so surreal that it caused Guo Qiang to question the credibility of the situation.

His eyes widened in disbelief, mirroring the shock he felt at the reality unfolding before him.

"Is this... is this genuinely your second spirit ring, Cai Wen?" Guo Qiang asked, his voice wavering with incredulity. Cai Wen simply nodded in response, a modest smile slowly taking form on his face. The dean fell into a stunned silence, his gaze darting between the two spirit rings in awe and wonder.

"Truth be told, Cai Wen," he eventually stuttered, "I have never encountered a student as prodigious as you in my entire career. This achievement is absolutely unprecedented. Taking into account the glowing evaluations from your teachers and your present level of accomplishment... I am persuaded to directly elevate you to the Disciple Grade."

"Thank you, Dean Guo," Cai Wen replied, his face brightening with a radiant smile as he graciously accepted the unanticipated advancement.

Their conversation then transitioned to how Cai Wen managed to secure a thousand-year-old spirit ring. When probed, Cai Wen openly revealed that his robust physical constitution and spirit power, already on par with a 30th level spirit grandmaster, had made this feat possible. He expressed his belief that others might struggle to replicate his achievements unless they possess a unique attribute.

Upon bidding farewell to Guo Qiang, Cai Wen was directed by the dean to part from his classmates. Starting from the next day, he was to accompany Hu Liena in the elite class.

Cai Wen visited his classmates to announce his promotion and subsequent transfer. Even though he had climbed the ranks rapidly, he had formed strong bonds with his peers, who viewed him as a sort of elder brother figure.

Their initial sorrow rapidly transformed into fervent support for Cai Wen's accomplishment. Even Li Huo, a child who had previously attempted to intimidate him, pledged to intensify his training to match Cai Wen's prowess.

"I believe in you," Cai Wen responded, despite being fully aware that this was a lie. He knew that the gap between them would only expand over time, but he didn't want to shatter a child's dream.

Sorry, and thanks for the reminder

Ayries_Jeseacreators' thoughts