
Chapter XXXVI: The Truth

This chapter and the next is the culmination of everything I've been trying to foreshadow and set up for this arc this year, so hopefully you guys enjoy it.


Danzo looked at himself in the mirror with a smile, feeling his newly revitalized skin. He chuckled and left the bathroom in the HPSC building, tapping the top of the doorway on the way out. He strolled outside and took a deep breath before walking down the busy street gazing upon everyone around him, 'Now I can finally take care of all these people properly for the next few decades at least. Japan will prosper.'

He averted his gaze from the morning sun to look west. 'They should be getting ready to infiltrate that base around now. Perfect timing. Perhaps I can sneak a meeting with Sasuke today.' Danzo leisurely strolled in the direction of the Edgeshot agency and glanced at a street sign. 'An hour? Hm, not like I have to rush anymore.'


Sasuke accepted the hand and shook it. "Danzo?" Sasuke thought of the only old guy he'd been talking to, "You mean Hiruzen?"

Hawks smiled, staring at him, 'He really looks a lot like you, Itachi.' "Is that what he's been calling himself? Sorry, but that's a fake name."

Sasuke's expression hardened, and Hawks continued, "You don't look that surprised."

"He's always rubbed me the wrong way... like everything he says is a half-truth, but just how much do you know about him and everything else?"

"Everything, I know why Danzo has been meeting you, how Crow really died, his identity, all of it. You have to prepare yourself for everything I'm gonna tell you, Sasuke. We're gonna be here for a while, but before I start, are you alright with these two staying to hear everything?" He pointed towards Tokoyami and Edgeshot.

"... I don't mind."

Off to the side, Tokoyami was dozing off, and Edgeshot noticed, then paid for an energy drink from the vending machine, offering it to Tokoyami. "Have some Broly Boost, I don't think you'll want to miss this."

"Alright..." Hawks pondered on where to start, "Danzo has been meeting you cause he hopes for you to eventually become a good and loyal black ops agent for him."

Sasuke replied, "I've known that much so far."

"Yes, but I don't think you know exactly what that entails. You'll be someone who kills without question and follows orders. The people you kill won't always be deserving either, they'll just be the opposition."

Sasuke looked down thinking back to the second person he killed.

"I recently learned that Danzo wants you to heal him... do you know what's up with that?"

Sasuke looked back up, "Yeah, he mentioned that to me, I healed him last week."

Hawks eyes went wide, "What?!"

"Yeah... the multiple quirks in his body were killing him, and it turns out I could repair that. He'd probably be dead right now if I didn't."

Hawks gritted his teeth, 'Damn it! If only I... alright fine... it's not totally over, but this could have helped avoid a lot of trouble.' Hawks cleared his throat, "That's unfortunate, speaking of that... I heard he gave you a quirk."

All eyes fell on Sasuke who put his hands in his pockets. Hawks continued, "I already know it was Crow's quirk, but I just wanna know he did it."

"... Quirk duplication. Some kind of lab-related process to copy quirks and inject them in people."

Hawks stayed silent for a while, "I see; well, are you able to use the quirk yet?"

Sasuke shook his head, "Danzo said it could take months until my body adapts to it, I can't use it right now."

Hawks frowned, "Makes sense. Did Danzo ever tell you about Crow?"

"He said he was his friend who let him copy his quirk, and that he died on a mission with you."

Hawks scoffed and shook his head with a mix of an amused and angered expression. "His friend... give me a break. He's the one that had the sniper kill him in the first place."

Sasuke tensed up and stayed silent for a minute, "... Why?"

Hawks answered, "Because Crow was an obstacle to him, he kept him in check to make sure he wouldn't try to get near you. Unfortunately… he failed, but he was watching over you for years, even though you didn't realize it. He protected you from people like Danzo."

Sasuke's hands got clammy and he began to sweat, looking down, "Why would he do all that anyway?"

Hawks peered into his eyes, "You already know deep down, don't you?"

Sasuke's eyes slowly got wider, "Crow... Crow is...."

"Crow is your brother, Sasuke. His name was Itachi Uchiha."

Both Edgeshot and Tokoyami had their own wide eyes but remained silent. Sasuke's hands twitched and his breathing increased.

As Hawks continued, "Everything Danzo has told you about Itachi has been a backward lie that I'm going to dismantle today. Your brother was the best man I ever knew, and you're gonna know the real story of Itachi Uchiha."


Itachi and Hawks walked onto the docks of Nabu Island in the afternoon, leaving behind their boat. Itachi waved his phone in the air, "They really did cut off all signals for this island."

Hawks replied, "You always say Danzo is a liar, but I don't think he'd lie about something so basic for the mission."

"You never know with him, well, let's go."

Itachi sauntered into the forest as Hawks followed behind humming along with some of the birds singing. The terrain of the island had them walking up and down hills everywhere they went as they searched for a town.

Hawks asked, "Did you watch the Sports Festival?"


Hawks nudged him, "Hey, your little brother got first place! Aren't you proud of him?"

Itachi looked off back in the direction of Japan, "Yeah, he's becoming strong. Although, he looks like he might get himself in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"It's clear that his goal revolves around revenge; I don't want to see him end up getting himself hurt or worse."

Hawks smiled, "Maybe you should take out AFO then."

"Heh, I'd have to find him first."

Hawks blinked, "Really? I was half-joking. You think you could do it?"

Itachi glanced at him and smirked, "Anything he tries would be turned to ash."

They heard voices nearby and ran to nearby trees and bushes to see what was going on. The voices came from a nearby small town. A tall lanky man with half his face covered in bandages was harassing the townspeople. Hawks caught his clothes with a couple of feathers and dragged him at breakneck speed through the dirt into the bushes with them. Itachi grabbed him from behind and pointed a knife at his throat. Hawks pointed his wings toward him and glared, "What are you doing on this island?"

His eyes darted between both of them, "Wha-what? Hawks?" Itachi drew a small amount of blood from his neck.

"I asked, what are you doing on this island?"

He had furrowed brows, "Chill out! How did you even get here? We cut off all the comms."

Hawks shouted, "It doesn't matter, now then, last time. What are you doing on this island!?"

"We're looking for a kid, alright!?"

Itachi asked, "Is there something special about this kid?"

Before the interrogation could continue, a blue Wolfman in a trenchcoat tried to slam them, but they jumped out of the way. "You Alright, Makihara?"

"I'm good, Kon," he rubbed his neck and Kon helped him stand.

The dust settled, and Itachi and Hawks stood parallel with Kon and Makihara. Hawks asked, "So how does capturing some kid help you guys out?"

"No point telling you since you'll be dead!" Makihara wrapped red bandages around nearby trees and turned them into mummy puppets that attacked in conjunction with Kon. Hawks slipped past the puppets and made a feather sword to cut the bandage connections with the puppets while going for Makihara himself. Hawks slashed at his chest, but he jumped away fast enough for it to be a shallow cut.

At the same time, Itachi weaved out of the way of a punch from Kon and lit him on fire with Amaterasu. Kon screamed and tried to roll away, but the flame didn't die off at all so he threw his trenchcoat, stating, "We should retreat for now."

Itachi shot another Amaterasu, but it just barely missed and they ran away. Hawks stared as they ran over the hills, "Should we chase them?"

"From far behind. Let them lead us to the rest of their group."

"Good idea."

They quietly followed behind them until they reached two other people near a cliff. One had red hair, and the other was tall with white hair and a mask of some kind.

"Nine, Hisaki, we're back."

The woman, Hasaki, asked, "What happened to your coat?"

"We ran into a couple of high-ranking heroes near a town."

Nine asked, "Were you followed?"

Hawks whispered, "Must be the leader."

Itachi stated, "Maybe I can get them all at once like this," Itachi's eye dropped a tear of blood, and black flames chased and engulfed the group; at least, that's what they thought until a yellow barrier blew away the black flame.

"You led them right to us, but no matter. With all of us here, this shouldn't take long." Nine raised his hand and shot lasers from his fingers at them. They jumped out of the way.

Hawks said, "Maybe it's our turn to make a tactical retreat?" He flew away from the hair spikes by the woman.

"Too late for that now!" Makihara turned more trees into puppets and they all performed a synchronized assault on the two of them. Hawks and Itachi dealt with the pressure of weaving and dodging through mummy puppets, hair needles, Kon chasing them, and Nine shooting finger lasers. Some attacks clipped through Hawks' wings and hit his side. Itachi made eye contact with Kon's fist and set it on fire, but Kon punched him through it, sending him into a tree.

Itachi was momentarily dazed and barely dodged some hair needles that slashed his arms. Kon was immobilized by harsh burns as his group called out to him. Makihara used a puppet to pick him up and try placing him in the ocean below, but the flames didn't go out. While he was distracted, Hawks took the opportunity to rip through his chest. Hasaki tried to shoot hair needles to stop him, but Itachi intercepted them with another Amaterasu.

Once Itachi saw that both Kon and Makihara were immobilized, he extinguished his flames.

Nine grunted, "Hasaki, stay close!"

Hasaki ran next to him and two blue hydras came out of his back, going for Itachi. Itachi dodged them and hit the hydras with Amaterasu, although Nine forced it off them with his air barriers. Itachi glared and Hasaki rained hair needles at them.

The four of them were in a deadlock for a while, mostly dodging the onslaught of lasers, hydras, and needles until Nine grabbed his head and nearly collapsed. "Nine!"

Neither hero let the opportunity pass up. Itachi landed a massive Amaterasu on both of them and Hawks separated her from him using feathers that flew her into a tree. After she was knocked out, Itachi extinguished the flames and all that was left was Nine.

Hawks asked, "Ready to give up?"

Nine glared at them and ripped his mask off as purple glowing cracks showed up around his body, "Never! You're not going to ruin my plans!"

He summoned an enormous storm above them that covered the entirety of the island and rained down lightning. Itachi felt his hair rise and backstepped, barely avoiding a bolt of lightning.

"Die!" Nine manifested dozens of hydras that assaulted the duo in conjunction with the finger lasers. Itachi barely dodged through the attacks but still got grazed by some. Hawks tried his best to weave through the hydras and cut some in half with a feather sword.

Hawks exclaimed, "It's not looking good, Itachi!"

Itachi breathed heavily and covered his bloodshot eye. "Yeah, I'll end this now!"

Itachi braced himself and got a good view of Nine. His eyes bled aggressively and he felt like the blood might blind him as he shot a tidal wave of Amaterasu that engulfed Nine and everything around him. Nine put up barriers, but it surrounded him on all sides and ate away at the air barriers.

Nine screamed, trying to put the flames out, and Itachi rushed him, drop-kicking him over the cliff into the rocks below.

Itachi collapsed to his knees and breathed heavily as he wiped the blood away from his eyes. Hawks landed next to him, and patted his shoulder, "Maybe don't extinguish those flames this time. I don't think I could fight that guy again," Hawks wiped sweat off his brow.

"Didn't... plan on it." The storm above them slowly dissipated, giving them a clear view of the setting sun.

Hawks sat next to Itachi as he caught his breath, "You gonna be ok?"

Itachi nodded, "Yeah, just have to catch my breath."

Hawks didn't respond for a long time. The only sound heard was the crashing waves below and the birds flying above. "Do you plan on meeting Sasuke?"

Itachi stared at him, "What's bringing this on?"

"You weren't seriously gonna abide by that stupid deal you made with Danzo your whole life, are you?"

Itachi's gaze turned back to the orange-tinted sky, "No, although the threats Danzo made were real. Besides, even when I killed him once, he didn't die."

Hawks grunted, "Yeah, yeah, I know... but hey, see it this way: Sasuke is gonna be going to Musutafu for his internship. I can help you sneak a meeting with him!"

Itachi tilted his head, "Hawks... if it was as simple as sneaking, don't you think I would have done it?"

Hawks spread his arms, "Come on... no one will know! I'll make sure it stays a secret. I'm the new number-one spy for a reason!"

Itachi was silent. "I'll consider it."

Hawks patted his back and they stood up, "Great! I'm gonna let the townspeople know that their island is safe now, see you soon."


Hawks flew away and Itachi turned back to the sunset, admiring the scenery. Itachi thought about Sasuke and clenched the note in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the title of the envelope: From Mom and Dad. He put the letter back inside his pocket and gazed at the horizon, 'Perhaps it's time I give this to Sasuke.'

His thoughts were cut off by an empty cold feeling in his chest as a bullet ripped through it, he instinctively turned around and set the sniper on fire before collapsing in an increasing puddle of his blood. He shakily grabbed the feather in his pocket and ripped it.

In moments, Hawks came back, darting through the trees, rushing to Itachi's side, "Itachi! What happened?!"

Itachi remembered the black robes and mask the sniper wore and croaked out blood with his words, "D-Danzo's... assassin..."

Hawks' hands were shaking as he held Itachi. He cut his jacket, trying to cover Itachi's wound as blood poured out like a waterfall. "Damn it! There's so much blood! Hold on, Itachi! I got you!"

He tried to put pressure on it, but blood leaked from both sides of Itachi's torso, and his eyes became dull.

Weird memories and thoughts from throughout Itachi's life came to his mind as he felt colder and colder. The blood seeped through the clothes Hawks tried to block it with and his nose scrunched at the new smell.

Hawks' voice was shaky, and he gritted his teeth. Itachi weakly reached into his pocket and put his hand over Hawks' with the letter.

Hawks froze, his eyes darted between the letter and Itachi. He smirked, "Itachi, come on man. You were supposed to give that to him!"

"Hawks… I'm bleeding too much."

"No, you're not; come on, I'm about to stop the bleeding."

"Hawks!" Itachi hacked and Hawks stopped. Itachi held strong eye contact with him as his vision became blurry. He tried to smile, "Thank you, Hawks." His speech slowed down, "Make sure... Sasuke... stays safe..." Itachi's eyes glazed over and he became motionless.

"...Itachi?" Tear droplets fell from Hawks' eyes, and he stayed silent. He stared down at Itachi, who lay in his blood-soaked lap. He took a bloody glove off, and picked up the letter, putting it in his pocket. "I swear... Itachi..." He heard Itachi saying 'Danzo's assassin' in his head and his expression hardened. "I'll do everything you weren't able to do in your place!"

Danzo walked past a park, and a ball hit his legs; he glanced to his side at the kids who called for him to kick it back. He chuckled and sent it back to them before continuing on his way. He passed by a street vendor whose sign showed a burger, and he handed some Yen to the vendor, "Give me a cheeseburger… with no pickles."

"Sure thing!"

Danzo gazed among the crowds of people going about their daily lives, he eventually turned his gaze to a nearby street sign, 'Not much longer now.'


After Hawks finished the story, Sasuke collapsed to his knees. Tokoyami called out, "Sasuke!"

Edgeshot stopped him from approaching him and shook his head.

Everything around Sasuke became blurry as his eyes couldn't focus. "You have to be kidding me... what the hell is up with that..." 'Is he lying? No... it matches the memories...'

Sasuke's hands shook as they raised and dug into his hair, "You're telling me... he was alive just... just a few months ago after the sports festival?"

Hawks answered, "... Yeah... That's not where the story begins, though; it all goes way back to before I was in the HPSC... back when your own parents were still alive."

Sasuke looked up from the ground with sweat pouring down his face, "W... what?"

"Itachi was kidnapped as a baby."

In the hospital back in 21XX, Fugaku and Mikoto cried together as they got the news of a neonatal death. Not far away, a man in a mask ran under the cover of night with a crying baby to a hidden warehouse. Once he arrived he met with a younger Danzo in a suit. Danzo smiled as the agent offered him the baby, "The Uchiha family's child."

Danzo looked down at the crying baby, "Excellent. This baby's quirk will help bring Japan into a new golden age. Did the parents have a name for him?"

"Itachi, sir."

"Mm... no need for such a name; from now on, he will be Shisui."

About 13 years later, Danzo sat in a different smaller office than the one he would eventually have. It was on a lower floor of the building and gave no view of the city. He sat in his chair conversing on the phone, "Mr. President, I believe I've mentioned to you before that the Uchiha family has recently had another child."

"Yes, I remember, but no, you're not kidnapping their second child, Danzo. I regret ever letting you kidnap the first since the child has a mutated quirk."

Danzo grunted, "I'm well aware, Mr. President, but"—

"— And another thing. I saw this child's records, he's been recorded as quirkless anyway!"

Danzo clenched his fist, "My unit has been trying to track down Dr. Garaki; those records are likely faked!"

"You aren't making sense, Danzo. Just drop it; you're not having that child; make due with Shisui."

Danzo gritted his teeth, "I understand... Mr. President."

Another 4 years later, Danzo secretly had his black ops keeping track of Sasuke's growth. Nagant strolled through the halls of the dark gray underground parts of the HPSC with a glazed-over look until eventually, she heard Danzo's voice behind a door, "Excellent. If AFO plans to take care of Shisui's parents himself, then that works perfectly. Make sure those phone lines in South Chiba stay cut off until it's over. And do anything else you can to make sure help isn't able to come. Then, in the aftermath, we'll retrieve Sasuke."

Nagant blinked, 'Chiba? AFO killing Shisui's parents? Someone called Sasuke? What's going on?!' She turned and speed-walked out of the agency, dialing the emergency services on her phone, 'AFO is a major threat; if he's gonna be there, then they need to get All Might out there!'

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, this is the pro-hero Lady Nagant. I got a tip that AFO is going to be revealing himself in South Chiba soon."

The lady on the line choked on whatever she was drinking, "Really?!"

"Yes, I'm serious! Get in contact with All Might as soon as you can!"

"Right away!"

She hung up and Nagant turned back to the agency, 'South Chiba... isn't that where they got Shisui from?'

She connected the dots in her head. 'Shisui was an orphan... always been in the agency, his parents might be killed to get another child... is that what Danzo did originally with Shisui?'

Her lips tensed and she ran back into the agency, finding a desk worker, "Hey, do you have access to family records?"

He looked up with a raised brow, "Yeah, why?"

She glared, "Pull them up."

He opened his mouth, but shut it and started pulling up records with sweat falling down his forehead. "Check for Uchiha's from Chiba."

He complied and pulled up the files. "Only one family."

"Click on it."

He did so, and Nagant pushed him to the side, reading through the records. Her eyes went wide reading over the names, 'Sasuke, born 9 years ago... and an older brother named... Itachi. Died at birth 17 years ago...' She clenched her fist and took a picture of the screen. "That's all."

She left and sauntered down the halls, unaware of everything around her, 'I knew this commission wasn't good… but I never could have thought it was this bad... all this killing that gets nowhere... kidnapping babies to be soldiers... this is supposed to maintain some kind of... peace?'

"Nagant, you're back early."

She slowly turned her head and met her eyes with Danzo. She turned her arm into a sniper and shot Danzo's head off.

Or at least, that's what she imagined doing. "Hi... the mission was easy, so it didn't take long."

"You're good at your job, but take a shower, Nagant, you look awful." Danzo walked past her and she resisted the urge to glare.

'I need to talk to Shisui... no, Itachi.'

She waited in the agency for a couple of hours for Itachi to get back from his own mission. Once he returned, she speed-walked toward Itachi. "Hey Naga"—

—She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to an empty lounge, making sure no one saw them enter. "Is something wrong?"

Her eyes moved frantically, "There's something you should know, your parents, I found out who your real parents are."

Itachi drew a sharp breath and tensed, she pulled up the picture on her phone, "I just went through some family records, "Your name isn't Shisui! Your name is Itachi. Itachi Uchiha!"

Itachi held the phone and analyzed it, "I had suspicions about my past, but how did you figure this out?"

Her eyes narrowed, "Cause I overheard that piece of shit Danzo talking about getting your parents killed, that's why. I connected the dots from there."

"What? They're going to die?! When?"

"Danzo cut off the phone lines in South Chiba, I called to hopefully get All Might over there, but—"

"—Who's going to kill them?"


Without another word, Itachi ran out of the agency building at top speed and made his way over to South Chiba as fast as he could. He recalled times when he asked about his real parents in the past, he had given up hope on it at this point, but the thought they could really be alive reinvigorated hope in him as he saw black smoke in the distance and the sounds of battle. He saw All Might fighting a bloody battle with AFO and turned to the destroyed house.

His eyes scanned through the rubble and fire and he saw an unconscious black-haired child. He picked him up and carried him to a safe distance before turning back to the house. "Mom... Dad..."

Itachi's heart thumped, and his eyes shot back to the half-unconscious boy as he took a good look at his face. "Little... brother?" More parts of the house collapsed and Itachi rushed inside the crackling orange flames. 'Where are our parents?'

He ran around the entire premises of the house and pulled up pieces and beams of wood with sweat and gritted teeth. Eventually, he found them. Dead and covered in blood looking at nothing. Itachi sat there as the flames around him no longer bothered him. He closed their eyes as the shadow cast by his hair blocked the sight of his own teary eyes.

He saw a piece of paper hanging out of his mother's pocket and took it out. It was a letter to Sasuke. He remembered what Nagant said, "Danzo was talking about getting your parents killed."

Everything added up quickly in his head. Being kidnapped, tricked, and his real parents being killed. He slowly got up to his feet, and his red eyes glared back at AFO and then in the direction of the HPSC building. 'All Might will take care of him.'

He got back to the headquarters faster than he left with one goal in his mind. Although, Danzo knew he was coming.

Not long after Itachi arrived back at the HPSC building, it was evacuated, and Itachi stood on the opposing side of the Amaterasu-covered office room with Danzo and a dozen of his black ops members in robes. A couple of black ops lay dead on the ground, and Itachi covered the slash going down his arm. The sprinkler system was set off, and the blood mixed with the water on the floor as Itachi thought, 'How is he alive? I burned him to a crisp.'

Danzo asked, "Who told you?!"

Danzo appeared to have no wounds and Itachi replied, "I'm never telling you, and I'm killing you here and now."

Itachi's eyes pierced daggers into Danzo's soul and made him sweat, but he feigned a smile, "You can't kill me, Shisui"—

"—My name is Itachi!"

Danzo's mouth twitched, "All you've done is ruin your life. What do you think will happen if you somehow killed me? You'll be hunted the rest of your life!"

Itachi's expression remained unchanged, "I don't care. I'll burn down this entire building if I have to."

Danzo sweated and gulped trying to think of something. He pulled out his phone, and Itachi shot an Amaterasu at him, but another black op jumped in front, protecting Danzo and ripping his uniform off. "Hold on, Itachi. The people here aren't my only black ops. How about a deal?"

Itachi glared harder, "Do you think I came here open to negotiations with you?"

"You'll want to be open to this one. With the press of a button, I can order for Sasuke to be killed right now."

Itachi winced and gritted his teeth. "You sick bastard."

Danzo continued, "But neither of us wants that. So how about this... forget any ideas you've had about killing me, leave this building, and never come back or talk to Sasuke, and he gets to live."

Itachi paused before making an ultimatum, "You're delusional if you think I'm just gonna let you have free reign with Sasuke, so here's how this is gonna go." Blood leaked from his eyes and black flames surrounded his feet, "Do not approach Sasuke. Don't talk to him, message him, watch him, or even think about getting close to him either personally or through any of your slaves. If you do, I will burn this entire building, you, and everything you've built to the ground."

Itachi's eyes borrowed into his soul and Danzo shivered and remained silent for a long time. "..... Fine."

Itachi extinguished the flames and demanded, "And one last thing. Cover this up, I'm not getting hunted the rest of my life." He turned and left, leaving Danzo seething.

Hawks finished the story, "The next day, Nagant killed the HPSC President at the time and got placed in Tartarus. Although, Itachi went on to become a pro hero, reaching rank 3 and preserving the deal with Danzo... at least until he was killed... that's the story of Itachi."

The room was dead silent until Sasuke chuckled and covered his face, "What the hell..." He remembered every conversation he ever had with Danzo. What he said about AFO killing his brother, protecting Itachi from potential kidnappings, being friends with Itachi, and so on. Sasuke's chuckle turned into seething as he almost pulled his hair out, 'To think... everything... everything was a fucking lie! All of it, everything was his fault... even... delaying heroes helping my own parents...'

Edgeshot saw Tenten outside of a window and met her at the door. She whispered, "That old guy just walked onto the grounds."

Edgeshot's brow hardened, "Shut down the entire agency. No one goes in or out, have someone lead him this way."

She nodded and ran off.


Sasuke's eyes were red as tears fell out. Images of his brother crossed his mind, and what could have been if his parents had been able to call for help on his own, but then something else clicked. He grinded his teeth and released his hair. "Danzo... I'm going to..."

The door opened and everyone's head turned to the door, seeing Danzo in the doorway. The reaction from Sasuke was instinctual as a contorted Susanoo arm blitzed straight toward Danzo. He shot up to his feet with glaring red eyes yelling at the top of his lungs, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!"
