
Chapter143-Chaos! The Ancient Battle with the Gods!

Nine realized that staying would mean certain death.

Desperate to flee, she started to rise, but the sinister writhing bone spike within her wound paralyzed her with pain. 

She crumpled to the ground, helpless, and watched as Pierce tapped a finger on her forehead.

An imperceptible force of chaos, akin to a slithering serpent, tunneled its way into Nine's brain.

What happened next was astonishing.

Nine, seemingly immune to the torment of her wound, stood up. 

She went so far as to yank the bone spike out with her hand, her face betraying no pain. 

Her eyes radiated an extreme fervor, looking at Pierce as if he were a true deity.

With a thud, Nine fell to her knees before Pierce.

Her voice full of reverence, she declared, "Honorable Lord Pierce, I am your most loyal servant, Nine!"

Pierce erupted in triumphant laughter, "Hahahaha!"
