
Ch 5: Sweet Release

Saturday finally rolls around which makes ---- excited, her date with Dabi is finally here and this time they are going to a confectionery festival. Checking the temperature as she gets out of the shower she sees it is chilly so she dries her hair and puts it in a neat clip. Putting on a mid-sleeve shirt and warm leggings she slips on high tops and a decent slim jacket. ---- hears her phone ding and looks at it, she sees it is Dabi and her heart swells.

' Hey babe I'll be just a few blocks down from UA to pick you up, from there we will head to the festival.' Dabi texts her.

' I'll be leaving soon, I can't wait to see you!' ---- texts back in a jubilant way.

' Also uh.... I have something to show you as well, I know you said you don't judge but I'm kinda nervous to show you.' Dabi mentions.

---- looks shocked at his message, something to show her? She is curious as to what he means but she is slightly saddened that he is nervous to show her whatever he wants to show.

' Well whatever it is don't worry, no matter what you can't scare me away Dabi <3.'

' Heh ok then, I'll show you at some point then, I'll see you soon babe.' Dabi tells her.

---- puts on simple make-up and just a little perfume, its a pheromone infused perfume a friend of hers gave her from the states. She doesn't believe it has any pheromones in it but it smells nice so she puts a little on. Putting her cellphone and wallet in her backpack she heads out, while leaving Shoto and a few others notice.

" Hey ---- you look incredible, whatcha up to?" Sero smiles.

" Aw thanks Sero, I'm just going out to enjoy the chilly afternoon, I love weather like this." ---- smiles.

" Would you like company?" Shoto asks.

" I'm ok, I want to run around and explore more, everyone has been so nice to me here it is a nice change. Being feared is rather tiring." ---- giggles.

---- slips out before anyone bugs her more and she heads down a few blocks, she sees Dabi and decides to sneak up to him. Dabi smells an alluring smell and looks around, he turns and sees ---- and chuckles.

" How in the hell did you hear me?" ---- pouts.

" I didn't, are you wearing that perfume?" Dabi asks as he approaches her.

Standing in front of her he leans forward and places his nose against her neck, he inhales deeply and lets out a deep groan.

" Fuck.... you smell decadent...." Dabi purrs against her ear.

' Oh fuck that perfume really does have pheromones in it....' ---- thinks to herself.

" Oh you like it? Its just some perfume my friend got me in the states I'm glad you like it." ---- nervously giggles.

" It is perfect on you, you ready for the festival? Got paid a mighty nice bonus for all my hard work and I'm just lookin to spoil a beautiful angel with it." Dabi smirks playfully.

" What I can't pay?" ---- giggles.

" You wanna get punished?" Dabi jests as he spanks her.

" Mmph...." ---- moans softly.

Dabi's gaze snaps to her and she is blushing hard, she looks away like she is about to cry. Dabi simply wraps his arm around her waist and holds her close, she looks up at him and can sees faintly turquoise colored eyes.

" You ready to be pampered doll face?" Dabi asks her.

" That sounds incredible, yah let's go." She nods in a happy way.

Dabi walks with ---- to the festival, ---- looks in awe at the beautiful trees and flowers. She sees couples everywhere and blushes, Dabi holds her close as he walks around and explores for a bit.

" Oh what's that?" ---- points to a stall.

" That is Ichigo Daifuku, it is a special treat from Osaka, it is a strawberry mochi in a sense." Dabi explains.

" Ah! That sounds tasty." ---- salivates at the treat.

Dabi smirks and brings her over, he grabs an order to share and walks away with it. Stopping in the middle of the large walking path he grabs one of the daifuku and puts it up to ---- lips. ---- takes a bite and hums out at the delicious treat, Dabi eats the other half and enjoys it as well.

" Mmmm its so tasty!" ---- smiles.

" Here have another, I'll have the other 2 and we can go and explore around more." Dabi chuckles.

" Japanese treats are so tasty, you guys are similar to Americans in that way, we have wicked sweet toothes as well." ---- giggles.

" Well you just wait princess, today I am spoiling you rotten." Dabi smirks to himself.

They walk past the stalls and one catches Dabi's eye, he stops for a moment and keeps ---- still.

" Stay here and don't look over, it's a secret." He tells her.

" Awww ok I wont peak." ---- giggles.

Dabi heads over and looks through the beautiful hand made necklaces he sees a songbird pendant with enamel and gemstones inlaid into the design. Normally it is expensive but to someone like him it is pocket change, Dabi buys the necklace and turns to see some guys talking to ----. Dabi glares at them and approaches, he listens to what they are saying.

" Hey come with us we'll show you around." The leader of the group asks her.

" That's sweet of you but I'm here with my boyfriend." ---- tries to dodge their advances.

" I don't see him around, come oooon, we'll show you a good time." Another insists.

" She said she has a boyfriend dumbass." Dabi growls as he walks up behind ----.

The group glares at Dabi and look like they want to square up, Dabi is taller then the group, looking down on them he lowers the body stocking on his face and glares at them. The group feels fear run up their spines, Dabi places the expensive necklace around ---- neck. He clasps it and looks down at her, she smiles at the beautiful necklace and turns to hug him.

" It's so beautiful! Thank you." ---- smiles.

" Get lost...." Dabi warns only once.

The group nods and runs away, Dabi looks and sees ---- admiring the necklace he gave her. She is smitten with it as she runs her fingers over the different textures on the songbird pendant.

" I love this so much Dabi thank you, I've never had a gift ever in my life." ---- smiles at it.

" Wait, you have never ever had a gift ever in your life?" Dabi asks.

" No, on my birthday's or Christmas they would just give me a cupcake and call it good.... my superiors didn't think it was necessary to give me gifts as I grew up under their supervision." ---- shakes her head.

" Well then I'm honored to have been the first person ever to give you your first gift." Dabi smiles slightly.

Holding onto her they continue to walk, Dabi watches her fiddle with the pendant and look at it fondly. His heart hurts to know she has never had the joys of a least having one loving parent, her whole life she has never had a true birthday, no celebrations, no gifts, no one to enjoy the holidays with.... no one. She has truly been alone all her life, Dabi holds her close and brings her to a Dango stand.

" Dango? So many flavors they all look so good! The peach mango ones look tasty." ---- points out.

" My favorite is the chocolate and caramel ones, let's get 2 each so we can share." Dabi suggests.

" I like that idea." ---- nods.

Dabi grabs two of each and they head over towards a blossom tree in bloom, Dabi stands under it with ---- as they lean against it. He feeds ---- her Dango as she leans against his chest, ---- enjoys the sweet treat with him as they finish their Dango.

" Your Dango was incredible as well, it was so soft and chewy." ---- smiles in an unsure way for a moment.

" Im glad you enjoyed yourself." Dabi notices and nods.

The pair watch others quietly pass by, Dabi sees ---- is sad a little now as she lays her head against his chest. Dabi tilts her head up to face him, she looks a little shocked at first.

" What's wrong babe?" Dabi asks ----.

" Sorry I used you in a rude way earlier, saying my boyfriend was here and all...." ---- apologizes.

" And who said I didn't want that?" Dabi questions.

" I.... o-oh!.... well you could certainly do better then me I'm broken goods you are way out of my league and I'm just some broken soldier you don't want this at all trust--." ---- is cut off by Dabi covering her eyes.

Dabi pulls down his body stocking and holds her body close to his for a moment. Placing his hand against her cheek and cupping it he leans in and kisses ----, her face instantly turns red as she feels his lips slowly dance against hers. Dabi feels ---- wrap her arms over his shoulders, Dabi deepens the kiss only for a moment before pulling back ever so slightly.

" Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Dabi asks.

" I! I y-ye-" ---- is cut off by Dabi kissing her again.

" Give me your answer tonight when I take you to my studio." Dabi tells her.

" O-oh ok." ---- nods and blushes.

" Such a little cutie, so flustered over a kiss." Dabi jests.

" I.... it was my first nice kiss I've had so...." ---- tells him.

" What do you mean?" Dabi asks with concern.

" I was.... forced to kiss and.... they took away my virginity...." ---- looks away in shame.

Dabi tilts her head up to meet his smoldering gaze, ---- isn't scared however and instead sees a man with all the care and concern in the world for her.

" Who touched you?" Dabi asks as calm as possible.

" Commander Haiko, Major Duvall.... just to name a few.... it is because of the pod inside of me, not only is it a tracking beacon that activates when I leave this city, but it stunts my quirks and power and it is also a.... contraceptive.... they don't need me being 'irrational' so they keep me from having periods too.... and since I was 12 they...." ---- pauses and holds her head.

" Stop.... don't say another word ----, Ill take care of this personally. You will never be touched like that again you hear me?" Dabi tells her.

" Ok, I trust you Dabi, I will always love and trust you." ---- nods as she feels his warm embrace.

Dabi brings her around to different stalls and gets different gifts for her, every time he does he sees her smile more and more. Throughout the time they are there guys keep hitting on her and Dabi quickly marks his territory with a show of force through intimidation. Kissing her, running his fingers through her hair and giving her affection are all ways he keeps the little fuck boys away from what is his.

" Man I am so full, its getting late too aren't we going to your place?" ---- asks.

" Eager aren't we? Heh yah are you ready to go?" Dabi smirks.

" Yah I want to have a chill night with you back at your place." ---- smiles as she holds his arm.

" Ok then let's go baby." Dabi nods.

Leaving the festival his stomach is in knots, she has never seen him and he wants to show her everything. His intrusive self deprecating thoughts start again as he gets to his studio and puts his hand on the pad. The locks open and he heads inside with ---- who gets comfy and puts her things down. Dabi wipes the pad outside down and closes the door, he walks in and stops in front of ----.

" About my question before, do you want to be my girlfriend? But before you answer...." Dabi speaks.

Dabi grabs his trench and removes it, ---- is shocked he is doing this as she sees his raven colored hair revealed to her. He removes his sunglasses and she is awestruck by his turquoise colored eyes, he removes his white shirt and removes the body stockings that concealed his entire body. There in front of her she sees Dabi's body from his head to torso, he looks at her intently as she walks up to him. Placing her hands gently on his burns and scars she runs her fingertips across his skin. His breath hitches at her gentle touch, he lets her feel and explore until she is ready to stop.

" Does it hurt?" She asks in a sad tone.

" Heh no.... not anymore, its ok though I'm not worried about the past. I'm only worried about what's right in front of me." Dabi smiles.

" Can.... can I still be your girlfriend?" ---- asks in a mousy voice.

" You would want to go out with a monster?" Dabi questions.

" Would a monster take me out on dates? Would he care for me and text me when I'm at my lowest, call me to check on me? Would a monster console me and make me feel protected? If you are the monster you say you are then I'm the fucking devil Dabi.... I have done such terrible things I can't forgive myself for. What matters is us here and now, never once have you hurt me Dabi, you have been honest to me and I know you need to keep your secrets hell so do I, it's in my line of work. But no you are not a monster Dabi, you may see yourself as one maybe but.... I see you as the man who truly put a smile on my face for the first time." ---- tells him.

Dabi is at a loss for words, he has never been told anything positive really in his life. After the accident and he was transformed into this monstrosity.... people have seen him as being a monster. ---- has shown that he is just a normal person to her, a normal person who loves him purely.

" ----...." Dabi chuckles.

Dabi catches one of her hands in his, he looks at it fondly as he intertwines his fingers with hers. Placing his other hand against the small of her back Dabi leans forward and kisses her again. He feels her free hand cup his face which makes him sigh out softly. He nuzzles his nose against hers as his forehead rests against hers.

" I love you ---- be mine.... all mine." Dabi asks.

" I love you too, I'm your's Dabi, every part of me." ---- smiles softly.

Dabi purrs softly as he brings her to his couch, he sits down and brings ---- to sit on his lap. ---- runs her hands over his staples and skin in a loving way, she smiles at him as he leans in and kisses her again. Placing his thumb at the corner of her lips and pressing softly ---- opens her mouth to him. A hum of approval rumbles in Dabi's chest as he tilts his head and deepens his kiss with her. ---- feels his tongue claim her as his hands roam around her body slowly, Dabi doesn't rush things with her. He knows now that she is a assault victim and this act deep down is terrifying to her. So he gets her comfortable, seeing where it is ok to touch at that current moment.

Dabi feels ---- hands leave his body, opening his eyes slightly he watches as she removes her jacket and shirt. His eyes travel down her body, he sees multiple scars and marks on her flesh from the years of abuse. Dabi runs his hands over them all and looks up at ---- who is red in the face. She reaches back behind her back and undoes her bra, Dabi's mouth goes dry as he watches the bra slip from her chest. He looks down and sees her perky breasts, large enough that he cups both breasts in his hands and they barely can hold all of her.

" So.... how far do those burns go down?" ---- smiles cutely.

" Eager to find out?" Dabi smirks.

" Maybe." ---- grins as she kisses his cheek playfully.

" Why don't you go down and find out baby...." Dabi whispers as his lips are against hers.

---- blushes but she stands and kneels in front of him, Dabi puts his arms back along the edge of the couch as he watches ---- intently. She starts with his belt and starts to remove it, opening his pants she feels his bulge already and looks up at him. He is unfazed that she is feeling him, she continues to remove his pants with a little help from him. He lifts his hips and lets her remove his pants, boots and socks, ---- runs her hands up his legs to his thighs as she looks up from her eyelashes at him.

" Your burns and scars give you character, why hide them?" ---- asks.

" In my line of work.... I'm not well liked, so when I go out I need to hide myself." Dabi tells her.

" I won't pry because that is your business for now but, just remember I will never judge you Dabi." ---- smiles.

Dabi feels guilt pull at his chest, he needs to tell her who he works for, who he is. Dabi grabs one of ---- wrists and looks into her eyes, he sighs out and leans forward.

" I'm going to be honest with you, I shouldn't be keeping this to myself and.... I don't care what they said you deserve to know." Dabi tells her.

" What is it?" ---- asks as she sits next to him.

" I was there.... the day your contract was bought. My boss is Shigaraki and we were the league of villian's before we took over the Meta Liberation Army.... Detnerat is the Army and.... yah I'm a villian...." Dabi admits to her.

---- is quiet for a moment, this makes Dabi nervous but her gaze is not one of her judging him. More like she is processing what he just said, ---- simply smiles and giggles.

" You are brave to tell me that, thank you Dabi. No matter what I still love you, you haven't hurt me now and you just laid your self out there. It was incredibly brave to admit to me." ---- smiles as she leans in and kisses him.

" Fuck baby.... you're so perfect." Dabi groans.

Laying ---- back he starts to roughly kiss her back, nails biting into skin, teeth gnashing against one another in primal need. Dabi removes ---- shoes and tosses them to the side, getting to her pants he also removes them until she is in just her silk lace thong.

" Such a slutty body baby, I can't wait to devour every little bit of you." Dabi hums as he leans his face against her neck.

Dabi nips and bites at ---- skin as he takes in deep breaths of the pheromone infused perfume that still lingers on her skin.

" Fuck! You're so fucking delectable.... mine.... all mine." Dabi groans as he slots his hips against hers.

Biting down hard Dabi then sucks extremely hard to create a massive hicky, he continues to leave love bites everywhere as he travels down to her breasts. ---- is a moaning mess, music to his ears as he sucks in one of her nipples hard into his mouth.

" Ah! Dabi!" ---- groans out as she attempts to close her legs.

However with Dabi pinning her hips down with his she cannot move, he can feel a wet spot form on her panties as she unintentionally grinds against him.

' Fuck.... this is better then any fantasy I've had of us....' Dabi thinks to himself.

Ever since she stayed over that one time he has been having depraved fantasies of the both of them. Pleasuring himself quietly as he would imagine ---- riding his cock.

' Fuck right there baby right there....' Dabi remembers one particular night.

He was holding onto the back of his couch as he was on his knees, fisting his cock like he was taking her from behind.

' ----.... fuck baby back that ass up for me....' He imagined her.

Dabi sped up and he remembers feeling his voice crack as he let out a loud moan. Fisting his cock harder and fucking into his hand he moans out loud, his body freezes and comes to a halt as thick ropes of cum spray out from his tip.

' Fuck baby.... I need you so bad.... need you to be mine....' Dabi groans out in frustration.

Dabi snaps his focus back to ---- underneath him, he continues to suckle on each nipple. He takes large mouthfuls of her flesh in his mouth and bites down, leaving more and more hickies everywhere.

" There will be no question who you belong to baby.... such a gorgeous body.... all mine." He groans as he lays his head between her breasts.

" Dabi please...." ---- begs as she grinds against him.

" Hmm? Please what?" Dabi teases as he looks up.

" Need you so bad...." ---- whimpers out.

" Oh? Is my darling little baby desperate for my cock?" Dabi asks.

" ....yes...." ---- shyly speaks.

" What was that? I couldn't hear you babe." Dabi smirks.

" I...." ---- tries to say.

" Tell me what you want baby, tell me you want my fat cock, tell me you want me to breed this fuckin cunt of yours, you have to tell me." Dabi growls.


" Fuck.... such a good girl.... and good girls get rewarded." Dabi whispers into her ear.

Dabi's lips travel down ---- stomach, licking and biting every part where his lips touch. Reaching the edge of her panties on the top he looks up into ---- pleading eyes, Dabi picks her up and brings her to his bed. Laying on his stomach he removes ---- panties and is eye level with her smooth lips, waxed and slick with her wetness. Dabi watches ---- as he runs his thumb over her clit, she whimpers as she clutches his sheets tightly. Placing his tongue on her slit Dabi slowly licks up, ---- grabs his hair and lets out a long moan of pleasure.

" Dabi please.... I need you so bad." ---- sobs.

" Patience baby.... I want you so sensitive that you cum again.... and again.... and again." Dabi chuckles.

Closing his mouth over her sex Dabi focuses her clit and opening, his eyes watch ---- as her chest heaves. Pleasured cries of ecstasy fill his place as she feels her body move, her hips grind looking for release.

" Grind on my mouth baby.... fuck such a little slut." Dabi groans as he sucks her clit.

" DABI! PLEASE DABI I WANT YOUR COCK!" ---- cries out in desperation.

" I know baby I know, just hold on you're doin so good baby." Dabi hums.

Inserting his middle finger in her he starts to prod for her sweet spot, using 2 fingers he hits a spongy spot deep within. ---- arches her back and nearly screams with pleasure, Dabi sucks her clit roughly as he fingers her g spot. Sitting up slightly Dabi sees tears prick the corners of her eyes, he isn't sure if its good or bad so he stops for a moment. ---- whimpers out and looks at him in frustration.

" Are you ok babe?" Dabi asks her.

" Y-yes!.... please it feels so good.... please don't stop it feels so good...." ---- cries out.

Dabi presses his mouth over her clit again, this time sucking harder and hooking his fingers into her spot over and over. ---- grips his silky black hair and let's out a final loud series of moans and gasps. Skillfully Dabi catches all of ---- slick as he plunges it all out of her, suckling on her clit he helps her ride out her orgasm.

" I can't hold back anymore baby.... get me wet.... I need you now...." Dabi groans.

Sitting her up Dabi removes his boxers completely, standing erect in front of her ---- wraps her fingers apround his cock. Leaning forward she licks from his base up to his tip, the feeling causes him to hiss at the sudden pleasure. Wrapping her lips around his shaft she immediately hums as she goes down, Dabi's eyes roll back as he holds onto her head.

" Fuck baby.... you suck dick like your a pro." Dabi groans out.

" I got good at it when I was forced to do it...." ---- mentions under her breath

Dabi hears it however and pulls her away, he looks at her with a serious look as he brushes his thumb across her face.

" Are you sure about this?" Dabi asks.

" Yes, please Dabi.... please be my first good time." ---- nods as she embraces him.

Dabi holds her close for a moment, his heart is calm in her presence, his body at ease even in the situation. Dabi smiles softly as he holds her back and peppers kisses along her neck and jaw.

" I promise to make you feel so good baby." Dabi hums.

Laying her back he slots himself against her hips, his lips connect yet again to hers. His eyes looks intently into hers as he ruts his cock with piercings along her clit. ---- instantly wraps her arms around her lover as his lips move with hers.

Dabi pulls back and angles his hips, his tip slots against her opening as he takes his time. Pushing himself in all the way he is shocked at how tight she is, a sharp groan leaves his lips as she moans uncontrollably. Her fingertips bite into his flesh as he grinds himself into her, Dabi buries his face between her breasts as he slowly pulls out and thrusts back into her.

" Shit baby.... you're so fuckin tight...." Dabi smirks as he sets his pace.

" This.... this feels so good." ---- moans softly.

" Im going to make you scream my name soon enough baby.... gonna claim you over and over.... have you take all of me...." Dabi croons as he readjusts.

Dabi puts ---- into a mating press as he leans down and watches her face, he starts to hit one spot in particular as he is pumping into her. A loud moan is ripped from ---- throat as she arches her back, Dabi leans forward closer and starts to make out with her in a wild display of lust. Biting, licking anything he can think of he starts doing with ---- as his tip hits her cervix again and again.

" Dabi! Oh fuck Dabi don't stop dont you fuckin dare stop!" ---- moans ring out in his place.

" Fuck you like that don't you baby? Like it when daddy's cock hits you deep inside? You like it when I fuck you like a wild animal?" Dabi growls.

" Yes! Yes Dabi yes!" ---- cries out.

" Uh uh, call me by my real name.... call me Touya baby...." He intently looks at her.

A look of shock hits her but she soon brushes past it and holds onto his shoulders as his ruthless assault on her insides continues. Touya fucks into her harder as he keeps her in position, his cock twitches and throbs with the need to release.

" Touya! Touya it feels so damn good!" ---- moans out loud feeling another orgasm.

" Fuck fuck fuck.... cum with me baby cum with me fuuuuuuck!" Touya grunts.

Kissing her deeply with one hand over her throat and the other pinning her leg back so he has a better angle he cant hold back anymore.

" Take it take it take it, take all of me baby.... fuck you take me so fuckin well!" Touya praises ----.

" Touya! Cumming! Im cumming!" ---- cries out in ecstasy.

Touya slams his hips into her, letting out deep moans as he feels his release, he ruts against her as rope after rope of his seed pour into her. Touya feels her insides throb as her orgasm surrounds his cock. Touya dips his head between her breasts for a moment and lays there, he feels his cock stay hard and he still hasn't had enough.

" Holy shit.... that felt amazing." ---- breathes heavy.

" Heh.... we ain't even done yet." Touya smirks as he pulls out from her.

---- looks in shock to see he is still hard, this time Touya flips her over so she is on his hips. She looks down at her lover who is drunk on lust, lifting her up slightly he slides her down on his cock.

" That's it baby doll that's it, now ride me the best you can." Touya praises ----.

---- starts to ride his cock in slow deep thrusts at first, she starts to feel a build in her lower stomach. ---- places her hands on his chest as she ruts back and forth, up and down. Her whines turn into moans as Touya grabs her hips and starts to move her up and down on his length.

" Fuck you feel so fuckin good.... like watching a work of art in motion...." Touya groans out.

" Touya.... s'deep.... so deep...." ---- whimpers out.

" You take my cock so well look at you.... shiiiit." Touya rolls his head back.

" Ah! Cumming!" ---- gasps.

" Don't hold back baby, don't stop." Touya commands.

---- rides him harder as she feels her release, her orgasm makes her body spasm as hot slick coats Touya's cock.

" Get on your knees and bend forward baby." Touya tells her.

---- nods and slowly gets up and gets on her knees for him, looking back she sees Touya now on his knees behind her. He admires her body as he runs his hands over her ass and hips.

" Nice strong hips and ass baby girl, shiiiit.... how did I get so lucky to get a girl like you?" Touya muses.

" Because you saw me.... truly saw me." ---- responds in a mousy tone.

Touya looks at her fondly, holding her hips he slips his cock back into her awaiting walls. A soft sigh escapes both their lips as he hilts his cock entirely into her, Touya snaps his hips back into her over and over. He can feel it, another release but this time if ---- didn't have that implant that kept her from getting pregnant then this load would be a baby maker. He can feel the heavy build-up which makes him moan out loud, watching ---- he stops for a moment to gather himself. ---- whimpers out and looks back, ---- starts moving back and forth on his cock to find relief for the denied orgasm she was about to have. Touya looks down in shock but holds one hip as his other hand rubs her ass.

" Fuck you're desperate for my cock aren't ya? Look at you backin that ass up for me.... god such a fuckin slut just for me." Touya groans as he spanks her ass hard.

" TOUYA!" ---- cries out.

" Fuck.... take my cock take all of me.... gonna fuckin breed that little cunt of your's baby.... such a naughty little slut for my cock aren't ya?" Touya teases.

" Yes.... yes I'm a slut for your cock Touya.... please cum in me please Touya!" ---- cries out.

" Holy shit baby.... fuck are you ready to take it?" Touya asks as he leans forward.

" Yes! Please Touya!" ---- whimpers.

" Good girl." Touya chuckles.

Touya presses his chest against ---- back, one of his hands travels to one of hers. Intertwining his fingers with hers he kisses her neck and cheek, he focuses as he feels the unmistakable feeling of her walls preparing to milk him in her orgasm.

" Ah! Touya! Fuck I love you so much! I love you! I love you! I love you!" ---- cries out.

" Fuck baby take it, take it, take it, take it all in your slutty fuckin pussy." Touya growls.

Touya ruts his cock harder into her with every thrust, ---- nearly screams out whem she feels her orgasm hit her like a freight train. Touya can't hold back anymore, he slams his hips over and over again into ---- until he feels it.

" FUCK! Oh fuck baby...." Touya yells out.

Touya fucks into her rope after rope of his seed, he stops moving and wraps an arm around her body. Embracing it so she doesn't collapse, he plants soft kisses along her shoulder and neck as he feels his cock soften finally. Grabbing the sheets he pulls them back, Touya pulls himself out of ---- and places them both under the covers. Embracing ---- she looks at him with exhausted eyes, she nuzzles up to him and smiles.

" I love you ----." Touya gives a soft grin.

" I love you too Touya.... after I wake up we are gonna have a little talk about that too." ---- scolds playfully.

" Heh yah, I will be honest don't worry." Touya chuckles.

" Good.... I love you so much...." ---- yawns.

" I love you too baby, I will be right here this time don't worry, when you wake up it will be to me making you breakfast in bed." Touya smiles as he kisses her softly.

---- slowly nods in an exhausted manner, Touya holds her close as she falls asleep in his arms. Touya rests his head on hers and soon after joins her in slumber.
