
Terran Mercenary Team Ferrol Branch

Ferrol Town

Jonathan was indeed very worried. 

How long has it been? If Cassandra didn't send a servant to bring things back to him, it was estimated he'd hunt for her himself, lest her parents pester him for her location.

It would've been fine if they were pestering him out of genuine concern, but based on the posts he had been receiving, they were just looking for her to make her do something for them! 

Because of this, he was in a very bad place, stuck in the middle of two parties. 

He was a lord, for elves' sake! 

The only reason he was even doing this was that he was kind-hearted and he actually liked his cousin. Besides, she sent him a carriage full of good bribes, so his annoyance was somewhat mitigated. 

He looked to the side of his room filled with boxes and boxes of the bribes and he smiled. 

They seemed to be products from the Terran Mercenary Team, but there was a lot more variety.
