

As Althea stared at the process with a little obsession, she also mused about the other uses of the compound.

This sap could also be used as adhesives. As for what type, she still needed to do some experiments.

As for the wood.. rubber wood, she read, was very good as furniture.

But it had to be treated with harsh conditions which was not something that could be done with her current conditions.

As she took a look at her notebook filled with notes, she felt the purest sense of accomplishment.

She continued to peruse through her tablet for more information, though at the back of her mind she really missed reading paperback books, soon finding out a bit more information about the items.

She closed the tablet and placed it back to the space. At this point, she could basically confirm that, if a higher level appraisal skill would just be able to give information on higher level plants, the appraisal would only show all 'known' uses.
