

Derrick was still in shock, what in the hell was going on? Reaching out again Derrick touched Mary's arm, again snatching his hand back. Sitting there a minute Derrick's face showed his confusion then a wide smile lit up his face.

"Shelby, has anyone had access to my brain amplifier?" Derrick asked, expecting her to tell him that someone had.

"No Derrick, all data on it is still in secure files within my mainframe, I haven't detected any incursion into any of those." Shelby reported a few moments later to an astonished Derrick.

Derrick nodded thinking for a moment, "Alright how did they do it? They're smart, a hell of a lot smarter than I was. I also know for a fact that neither had ever had access to technology this advanced. I need to talk to them right now." Derrick ordered.

There was a momentary pause, and then holograms of both Kimison and Rayburn popped up. Both bowed, "Yes Sure you wanted us?"

"Uh huh." Derrick mumbled as he looked at both of them. "So you recalled my brain amplifier I see." A smirking Derrick told Rayburn with an open mouth Rayburn. "So both of you are on board Tempro, no," Derrick said, raising a hand to stop Rayburn's denial. "I'm not mad though I should be!"

Derrick looked over at first, a wide eyed, and then laughing his ass off Hartwell said, "Still sticking your noses into everything huh?"

"Really I don't see what's so damn funny!" Derrick said a little frustrated that things were starting to progress without him. "What else have you two got?" Derrick asked, still a little steamed.

"Well," Kimison started, a huge smile brightening up his face. "There is this, a triple output particle beam weapon; I'd say the destructive force is close to three times the normal particle beams on board the ships. It works better with the power amplifier and stabiliser. Problem is I'm still getting a massive amount of feedback causing it to overload."

"Have you tried a regulator? That would limit the amount of power into the firing chamber when the feedback starts." Derrick said a suddenly serious look on his face, as he told Kimison who had a startled look on his face. "So I take it you only had Tempro to download? Not bad, you have actually made advances that will go a long way. Ok, what else?"

Kimison was still startled as he started to write with a flurry. Rayburn nodded, holding up another small piece of metal slightly larger than the shield emitter. "I started this right after the shield emitter. It is a micro IMT though with all the refinements we have had to make I'm not sure any more. Cutting down on the weight has helped but the power output is still far too high for the micro-generator."

Derrick looked over the plans that Rayburn was showing him. Yes, what they had accomplished was indeed a hell of a lot more help to him than they realised. Still looking over the plans a look of clarity lit up Derrick's eyes, "I think I see the flaw in your design Rayburn," Derrick told him. "If you reroute the power through a smaller version of the re-doubler, then I think it will work. At present what kind of range does it have?"

Rayburn smiled at the idea that Derrick had given him already had his mind working toward a solution. "At present because of the drain it has only worked to a thousand metres. With the idea you have given me though I think we may be able to extend it to a few miles." A now broadly smiling Rayburn said.

Derrick nodded he had thought so too. "I have to say very good work; I also give you permission to access the library of either Zan or Sherry. Be careful, I know you both want to help, but..."

"Yes I know Sire," Rayburn replied. "We both know of you training your mind to take in more information than almost anyone we have seen. Taking all of Tempro damn near fried Kimison's mind, then again he forgot a few safety guards."

Derrick nodded then signed off. Looking at the solid hologram of Mary he sighed, great a solid holographic babysitter!

Sitting up he saw that Greeson had finally progressed past the sixth level and was steadily gaining in the seventh. Damn Derrick thought he keeps this up I'll have to make him an officer. I just hope he isn't like Dempsy and turns it down every time. Snapping his fingers Derrick shook his head, Shelby's programs were good, but Dempsy was far better of a teacher. If he's sober enough Derrick thought with a smile. Calling Hartwell, Derrick described his idea to him, with a broad smile Hartwell agreed.

Dempsy was nursing a hell of a hangover. Holy shit the device that Shelby had given him made the sweetest, most potent liquor he'd ever tasted! Sighing as he looked at the half full bottle next to his bed he had to report soon. Damn it he wished his head would clear faster. He'd just gotten to engineering when the 'special' communicator went off.

"Yes Sire, not too good right now hungover as hell." Dempsy said.

"I don't give a crap! Get your ass ready! I am transferring you to the emperor's command ship. Damn it! I said "step up sergeant!" Hartwell's voice was barking out orders over the communicator.

"Damn it sir!" Dempsy was whispering into the communicator. "You promised you wouldn't bring that up! I'm happy being a lowly crewman!"

"That doesn't matter now, you are here by promotion to Second Lieutenant, now get your ass ready, your ride will be there in a moment!" Hartwell said with a wide smile on his face.

"WHAT!!??? I don't..." Dempsy started.

"I said that doesn't matter! The emperor needs you in an officer capacity. Now be ready or Thomas is going to take you like you are." Hartwell interrupted.

In a low voice Hartwell and Derrick could hear Dempsy complaining, "Christ busting my head and balls when I am hung over I never disturbed them..."

"What was that Lieutenant?" Derrick's voice suddenly came from the communicator. Startled Dempsy straightened up, "nothing More I'll be ready."

Derrick was again about to fall out of his chair; he'd always gotten a kick out of the man. Suddenly serious Derrick told Hartwell, "I damn sure hope he can teach them at least half of what he knows. Then again I think that Greeson might actually provide a challenge to Dempsy."

"He might but Dempsy has continued to train, I believe he went back to his master to learn more recently. He just might surprise you, Sire." Hartwell said hoping that Dempsy was as good as he thought the man was.
