

For the next 11 hours Derrick sat trying to think of a better strategy to escape the Rangers rather than engaging them. As it sat now he knew he'd lose two maybe three of the EIG ships, though with the firepower they now had Derrick had no doubt the Ranger ships wouldn't survive at all. Not really a good way to start a long term relationship with an organization he might have a need of later on. "Alright Conner, as soon as possible, I want you to transport 0001 and Zan to the other side of the galaxy. Scan ahead, I want you there with no sightings, hide them as well as you can then return, understood," Derrick asked.

"Yes Primary, I will endeavor to obscure their detection 'til they can be better shielded." Conner replied.

Derrick was doing planning further when another alarm went off an hour later. "Shit Shelby, try and hide the rest of the ships more. Time Conner?"

"I still need another 25 minutes, 39 seconds to cycle through and start up." Conner stated.

"Ok, the second you feel you can, go!" Derrick ordered. "We can better defend if the two most damaged are away to safety."

"Yes Primary I understand it will be as you say," Conner answered.

"Then as soon as you return I want you to get Lucy and take her there also." Derrick was thinking as far ahead as he could.

"Primary what of you and Shelby? I cannot leave you here unable to defend yourselves!" Conner shouted, upset by the prospect of leaving Derrick and his sister.

"Not to worry Shelby has full Hyper-Drive, she also has full weaponry. Plus the fact that Lucy does also you can return immediately to retrieve us." Derrick said though he sounded a lot more confident than he felt. They were so battered and bruised almost anything could happen if Conner got them all away; he felt that Shelby could easily outrun the Rangers, plus her fuller light shield would help.

"Primarily I must protest, there are so many factors that could go wrong, most of our systems are barely operating. What would we do if there was a failure?" Zan and Conner spoke up.

"That's why I am having you move as many as you can Conner. We have already established that Shelby's Hyper-drive is a full day repaired now. She has a higher light shield. Please get them to safety then we'll worry about us ok?" Derrick felt as if he were lying to his own children, hell he was scared shitless Conner and Zan had both been right there were too many systems in question. There were too many unknown factors to calculate a more favorable outcome.

"DERRICK!" Shelby shouted, "The Ranger ships have accelerated, they will reach our position in another two hours!"

Damn it! We're barely going to make it!

"I should be ready in another 17 minutes, 20 seconds. Primary I again have to protest you staying with Shelby you should come with me your safety is of the utmost importance!" Conner said again.

"Conner I need you to do this, I need all of you, not just one or two of you go now! I will be fine." Derrick said, trying to convince both of them.

"Yes Primary, cycling finished commencing start up, 15 minutes, 45 seconds." Conner said not too happy.

All of the holograms appeared in front of Derrick, "Please Shelby watch out for the Primary Prime."

"I will protect him with my life, Conner escape prime-one is enacted as per Imperial code 0001-alpha." Shelby said. The eyes of the Conner hologram opened wide, he looked at Derrick, and then his chest puffed up. "It is enacted with pride, thank you for the honor Shelby. I will not fail you," Conner said as he bowed slightly to Shelby.

Derrick pretended to be busy with a general read-out; he did see what had been going on. I really need to find out what is going on; again it's as if she is giving permission to the others for certain things and duties. Could she be far more than I thought at first?

"Primary, are you alright?" Shelby asked. "I couldn't feel you for a few moments, nor could I detect your feelings or thoughts."

Hmmm interesting Derrick thought unadulterated thought no distractions no emotions, this was a good thing to remember but to reach that state he'd have to work on it.

"Yes Shelby, trying to clear my mind in order to concentrate on the problem at hand." Derrick lied and felt like crap as soon as the words left his mouth, he really didn't like to lie and would generally not speak if he might have to. Up to date it had worked pretty well though he still hadn't been able to avoid a few fights that not speaking had generated.

"I am now moving into position," Conner advised them a few minutes later. "I should return for Lucy in an hour barring any trouble."

"Good and safe travel Conner; be careful as you don't have your full arsenal to protect yourself or them. Choose carefully then return." Derrick said trying to gain more confidence as they approached the time for all this to happen.

"I will Primary, you be safe as well sire, I would not forgive myself if something happened to you," Conner said then bowed to Derrick. Derrick felt like an idiot standing there with his mouth open, a fact that Shelby's giggling alerted him to.

Ten minutes later Conner flashed out, Derrick began to feel better as Shelby increased the light shield around them to the full 60% she had. Derrick could only smile; he could see the confusion on the Ranger ships as there was a very brief spike of power then almost nothing. He watched as they started to push their engines to get to their position as fast as possible. The thing was that Lucy and Shelby were almost invisible to them now, good luck finding them quickly.

"Shelby, did you detect any problems with your Hyper-Drive?" Derrick asked.

"Nothing was detected in the first diagnostic, though I did read a slight power spike with the second in a few secondary systems. I have been working to repair those since the last time when you had me run the tests." Shelby reported.

"Good keep a close eye on all those systems, are there any that could inadvertently interfere with your propulsion systems? Or with any other system that we will need during this operation?" Derrick asked.

"At present I have replaced and repaired all parts of the systems that might cause failure, would you like me to run another diagnostic Derrick?" Shelby asked.

"Considering the gravity of the situation I think that would be best, and Shelby," Derrick said, stopping the hologram of Shelby. "You really need to hurry; a failure now could be deadly, to either us or the Rangers."

Shelby's hologram's head dropped a moment and she whispered." I will hurry Derrick, I want nothing to happen to you, nor will I allow it to happen to you."

Derrick sighed at times he couldn't figure Shelby out damn! Just like a living woman. The hour was almost up when there was a flash beside Shelby then a portal opened and Conner emerged.

"I have procured an area well hidden and secure, Primary. Shall I take both Shelby and Lucy?" Conner asked.

"No, stick to the plan, the strain on your trans-warp engines carrying two others doesn't need to be duplicated. Stay with the plan. I know you are worried but stay with the plan, all will be well." Derrick said, hoping he convinced Conner to go.

"Yes Primary," with that said, he connected to Lucy and flashed out. Derrick could see the Rangers on the other side of the moon.

"Alright Shelby I just hope everything works out, engaged hyper-drive gets us out of here!" Derrick ordered.

There was a whine, funny Derrick thought, it hasn't sounded like that before, then they entered hyper-space. There was only a problem forty-five seconds later they emerged barely out of the system. Thankfully the Rangers hadn't detected them yet but it was only a matter of time, these guys weren't stupid they'd see the hyper trail as soon as they scanned.

"Shelby!" Derrick yelled, "what's going on with the hyper-drive?"

"It's a burned circuit I was about to replace when we left. It will take an hour to change it!" Shelby reported.

"WHAT!? Show me," Shelby panned through dozens of plans showing Derrick every angle. "I'm going in, open panel AA1, I am afraid you are going to have to deactivate part of your personality." Derrick sadly said.

"Derrick I can't! I would die, it isn't possible!" Shelby cried.

"It is, you would have to go into hibernation, well part of you but there are provisions that could reactivate those parts afterward." Derrick said seeing all the pathways, how she could open and close them. "Look at the plans here," Derrick said as he thought as strongly as he could toward Shelby.

The Hologram's mouth dropped open; she hadn't known of these hiding places! "Alright Derrick I will retain enough to run and reopen myself, try not to touch the sides I can only shut down so much."

Nodding Derrick watched as the panel opened and he started to crawl on his back, 'shit I need to hurry,' he thought. As he got further into the heart of Shelby and the ship, he saw more and more of the circuits' dark. fifteen minutes later he was replacing the circuit then trying to crawl out as fast as he could. At the end of the crawl way Derrick was in such a hurry he forgot to not touch the sides and grabbed the extreme outer edge to pull himself out. The current that flowed through him though not high enough to kill him was still high enough to scramble his mind for a bit. Luckily for Derrick his momentum had been enough that he broke contact after only twenty seconds.

"Derrick?" Shelby said when she was integrated three minutes later. "DERRICK!" Immediately transporting him to the med bay Shelby grew worried.

Hooked up, she soon saw that his life wasn't in danger, though when she tried to enter his thoughts, she found she couldn't make sense of them. The deeper she delved the worse it grew, 'til nothing she saw was of the Derrick she knew. The horrible memories of the war were burning bright in the center of all the chaos. She saw the men who died, and those that were saved, all the brave things that Derrick did, then she started to see the many men he'd had to kill. She saw how each soul weighed heavier and heavier upon him 'til it almost consumed him.

Shelby was about to withdraw when she heard a voice she hardly recognized.

"What the hell are you doing here? What, you sent to torment me here too?" Turning Shelby saw a battle hardened Derrick, his face as stern as steel, his features twisted in a look of pure hatred. "As you can see I don't really need you to add to the hell I am in here, go the fuck away before I kill you like I did the rest of them!"

Shelby became frightened; she'd never seen hatred as pronounced as this, the murderous look in his eyes, the smell of death that was covering him.

Shelby, though more afraid than she'd ever been, knew she had to help him. Walking to him she watched as he snarled at her and raised a rifle pointing it at her. "I said go the fuck away!" He shouted again.

Defiant she stared into Derrick's eyes finally she saw what she was looking for, "NO!" she shouted and touched his head, for a moment nothing happened, then Derrick's eyes flared red at her, pulling back he went to stab her with a combat knife he'd drawn. Then he started to scream, a light came from his eyes and mouth. Shining out the chaos started to slow and make more sense.

"You fucking bitch! I'll kill you! You've destroyed the only safe haven I had!" Derrick screamed even louder as he tried to lunge at Shelby with the knife. Slicing and hacking Derrick screamed louder when he saw that he was doing no damage at all to Shelby. "NO, I'll never forgive you NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....!"

Finally the chaos was starting to settle not very fast but at least now she could see a little order.

Coming out Shelby felt the ship lunge as an energy blast hit the shield; almost automatically she returned fire, at full force! Quickly she fired another beam of energy slightly faster; she hoped Derrick wouldn't be too mad. As she'd heard Derrick say there would be hell to pay, as she watched the second caught up to the first, over taking it they both exploded. Unfortunately it was within only 50 miles of the Ranger ship! Sighing she hadn't fired fast enough as she saw that the energy and shock wave quickly crippled the Ranger ship. Quickly while they were distracted she started the hyper-drive, at first they were shocked then they started to give chase but as Derrick had thought they were no match for her speed.

A groan drew her attention, "Shelby? Why am I on the bio-bed? Last thing I remember was ... fuck! I guess I have you to thank for my life." Derrick groaned out.

Smiling weakly, Shelby bowed her head, "I hope you are not mad at me. The Ranger ships caught up to us and fired, I... I..."

"You didn't destroy them did you?" Derrick asked, afraid.

"Oh no, but I almost did, I fired full force, then had to intercept it, I am afraid that I rendered the Ranger ship inoperable!" Shelby said afraid that Derrick would be mad.

"Good girl!" Derrick said laughing inside he knew there were going to be some really pissed off Rangers tomorrow, maybe they'd finally get those newer ships they'd been wanting!
