

The walls of the palace were being struck by the sun's golden rays, which were being allowed in through the windows with no restrictions.However, there was a person in the palace whose eyes didn't open with the sun's rays.

While yawning, Jaydev opened his aged eyes.He saw Master Roy dozing off in a chair near the window.He slowly went to Master Roy and woke him up by gently shaking his shoulder.

"Good morning, Master Roy. I hope you had a good sleep."Jaydev said with a smile.

"I should get more rest, Jaydev."Rubbing his eyes, Mr. Roy said.

"Maybe, but you have to wake up. The price for leading a double life, I fear." Jaydev said. Then, from someplace, there came a loud ringing of bells.

"The morning prayers." Jaydev said softly.

"These sounds have a distinct serenity."Mr. Roy remarked, getting up from his chair.

"But Master Roy, I believe you were sleepy."

"I find more tranquilly in prayer than in sleep."After saying this, Mr. Roy went to the window and made an effort to pay close attention to the prayers.

After a while, someone opened the door of the room and, "Good morning, I hope you had a pleasant night."The manager spoke as he entered the space.The same three-piece brown suit was being worn by him.

"It was an interesting night."Mr. Roy said with a thin smile.

"Breakfast is ready for both of you downstairs in the dining room; please arrive soon." The manager then turned around and walked away after saying this.Mr. Roy went to the bathroom to take a shower.Mr. Roy was feeling pain and isolation with each drop of water that touched his body.When he emerged from the bathroom, he saw Jaydev, who was carrying two shirts in his hands and giving them a serious look. "Jaydev, what are you doing?"Mr. Roy asked him.

"I was picking out shirts for you."Jaydev said in a firm tone.

"I don't really care about these things."Mr. Roy said in a lazy voice.

"But I do.Your identity is reflected in your clothes, but it's not just your individuality; it also represents the identity of your family.The only thing left is that, right now."Jaydev's eyes were filled with a deep melancholy that Mr. Roy could perceive.

"The white one is better."Mr. Roy said softly.

"That's what I thought."Jaydev said.

After some time, they both reached down.The dining room was more like a large hall than a room; therefore, calling it a room was wrong.Due to the size of the table, even the massive utensils at the opposite end appeared to be little bowls.There were 30 chairs stretched out on both sides of the table. Some of the chairs in front were occupied by individuals, and at the other end of the table was a gorgeous empty chair that resembled a throne.The room was filled with the aroma of the various dishes that were used to decorate the table.At least 20 servants, some holding jugs, stood behind the chairs placed on either side of the table.

"Nice table."Mr. Roy said while going towards the front of the table.

"These tables can be found in several of your family's opulent estates, but you don't have the time to pay attention to them all."Jaydev said in a taunting voice.

"Enough, Jaydev" Mr. Roy said.

Mr. Roy saw that only those present yesterday night who were standing to greet him were present.Mr. Roy chose the chair next to that British lady, and Jaydev chose the one next to Mr. Roy.Mr. Roy observed that everyone else was wearing attire inspired by Indian culture, with the exception of the British lady.

"Good morning, Mr. Roy."Prince Meghraj said.

"Good morning" Mr. Roy said with a smile.

Water was poured into Mr. Roy and Jaydev's cups by a servant. Mr. Roy observed that none of the individuals seated there were eating anything.

"Does everyone today observe a fast?"Mr. Roy said softly to Jaydev.

"Maybe they're all waiting for somebody."Jaydev said softly. That's when, someone's steps could be heard.Mr. Roy observed that the lady he had met the previous night was coming towards the table.She was wearing a beautiful red saree, which was fluttering as she walked.She took the seat next to Prince Meghraj and just in front of Mr. Roy.

"Good morning" She said it in a soft, sweet tone.

"Good morning" Except for Mr. Roy, everyone greeted her.

"It's Mr. Roy. And Mr. Roy, this is Princess Nabnita, my younger sister."He introduced both of them.

"Ohh... nice to meet you, Mr. Roy." Princess Nabnita said with a smile.

"I'll say the same thing to you."Mr. Roy said.

"Where is our father?"Prince Meghraj was questioned by Princess Nabnita.

"Being the King that he is, he has a lot of work to do." Princess Namrita, who was sitting on the other side of Prince Meghraj, said to her.

"Of course, he is."Princess Nabnita said in a lazy voice. Mr. Roy could feel the tension between the two princesses. Only then came the sound of some steps, on hearing which everyone stood up except Mr. Roy. Jaydev joined the others in standing and asking Mr. Roy to follow suit.

At that moment, two middle-aged individuals—one dressed in a crimson royal-type suit with white pearl necklaces—and another—a British man dressed in a white three-piece suit—came approaching the table.When the man in the royal suit passed by, every servant lowered their heads.

The British man sat on the chair next to Princess Nabnita, while the man dressed in Indian garb occupied the royal chair.

Everyone was motioned to take a seat by the man occupying the throne chair.That's when the royally attired man's eyes turned to Mr. Roy, who didn't stand to greet him like the others. "So this is the visitor you mentioned to me."That royally attired man said.His words were brimming with arrogance.

"Yes" Princess Namrita said.

"Hmm"After this he didn't say anything else.All of the plates that were set in front of the seated people were soon loaded with excellent food by the throng of those servants.They are enjoying that delicious food with their teeth, and that's when, "Do you wish to appear in the painting wearing these clothing, Meghraj?"The royally attired man asked Prince Meghraj.

"Yes, father" Prince Meghraj said.

"Change them because history will remember you for it, and history only accepts the finest."

"Okay, father." Prince Meghraj said quietly.

"Wear something that reflects your true colors, which are royal hues."That middle-aged British man said to Prince Meghraj.In response to which Prince Meghraj just shook his head yes.

"Additionally, the chief family has decided to cancel the board meetings, thus sir, we must travel to Colombia in the upcoming month."That middle-aged British man said in a firm tone.

"What! But why?"The royally attired man yelled out loud.

"They provided reason by referencing the conflicts occurring in Colombia."

"I don't understand why the board chose that family, which is headed by a young man who has never even attended a board meeting before."

"For a very long period, sir, that family has served as the board's leadership."

"The next generation of this family will have to lick the ground dust since young blood cannot lead."With a thin, haughty smile, the royally attired man spoke.

"My family won't need to witness such days, I believe."Mr. Roy said in a firm tone.

"What did you say, Mr. Roy?"Prince Meghraj asked Mr. Roy.

"The family he is referring to is my family, and I, Rudra Roy, the head of the Roy Group of Companies, am the young man your father was referring to." Mr. Roy said with a thin smile.


