
Numb Senses

"Should we fight in the center?" Jacob suggested suddenly, looking at Cato, who stared at him with a deranged expression.

At that moment, Jacob raised his hand and signaled to Katniss to prepare herself. In the last second, Jacob threw his backpack into the air and Katniss instantly shot an arrow at it.


An explosion that made everyone close their eyes was heard in the next instant. This was a secret weapon, but being in an unbalanced position, it was better to run towards the center of the arena now that they had discovered where their enemies were.

"Let's move to a more open area, Katniss!"

With the explosion echoing in the air, Jacob desperately shouted at Katniss to run towards the Cornucopia, the place where they had planned to have their final confrontation.

With his heart pounding, Jacob felt a sudden pain in his right arm as a knife thrown by Clove hit him. However, Katniss came to a sudden stop and reacted quickly, launching a series of arrows that hit Clove's left hand, causing her to drop her knives and momentarily retreat.


Meanwhile, Cato, the other career tribute, chased after Jacob, closely pursuing him. Adrenaline took over Jacob as he felt Cato's threatening presence getting closer. Both knew that the final showdown was approaching, and there was no room for surrender.

In less than five minutes, Jacob and Katniss reached the open space, a place where they would have clear visibility and more favorable terrain for their strategy. Both quickly positioned themselves, gripping their weapons tightly and prepared to face the career tributes.

Silence fell upon the place, only interrupted by the sound of the rain that continued to fall incessantly. The fast beating of Jacob's heart resonated in his ears, but he remained focused, determined to fight to the end. Katniss, by his side, displayed a mix of bravery and determination on her face.

They glanced at each other for a brief moment, sharing a silent understanding. They had come this far together, supporting each other in every moment of danger and challenge. Now, they were ready to face their adversaries with all their strength.

The wind blew gently, moving the soaked strands of Jacob and Katniss' hair. Time seemed to stand still as they waited for the entrance of the career tributes, knowing that the fate of each of them would be decided in that final confrontation. With tense muscles and eyes fixed on the entrance, they prepared for what was to come, willing to fight to the end for their survival.


"Cato, isn't your girl too injured?" Jacob looked at Clove, who was bleeding profusely, while holding a long knife in her skilled right hand.

"You talk too much. Today I'll kill you and then do the same to your girlfriend!"

"I hope you have that ability!"

"I'll take care of Clove when I can, and then I'll support you against Cato." Katniss, who only had three more arrows left, was really nervous about this.

"Take care of yourself, don't worry about me!"

Jacob mentally prepared himself as he firmly held his Kusarigama, a deadly weapon composed of a chain with a sharp steel knife on one end and a sickle on the other. The wounds on his arm and the fatigue in his body didn't diminish his determination, but they did affect his mobility, making him slightly slower than his opponent.

Cato, with his long sword in hand, approached with a merciless look in his eyes. He seemed like a bloodthirsty demon, and Jacob knew he had to be agile and cunning to face this formidable opponent. With each step he took, Cato left a trail of intimidation in his wake.

The confrontation began when Cato lunged at Jacob with a quick and precise thrust. Jacob, with his sharp reflexes, narrowly managed to dodge the blow, feeling the wind of the sword grazing his skin. Without wasting time, he used the momentum of his spin to counterattack with a swift movement of his Kusarigama.

The chain wrapped around Cato's sword, momentarily restricting his movement. Jacob seized this opportunity to take a step back and deliver a swift cut with the edge of his curved machete, leaving a bloody mark on his opponent's arm.

However, Cato was a formidable opponent and didn't let himself be intimidated. He skillfully untangled the chain from his sword and counterattacked with a series of quick and precise strikes. Jacob defended himself with swift and evasive movements, but the wounds on his body weighed him down and affected his agility.

As the battle intensified, the two of them faced each other at close range. The strikes resonated in the air as their weapons engaged in a deadly duel. Jacob delivered kicks and punches, utilizing all the combat skills he had acquired throughout the Hunger Games.

"Ahhhh!" But at that moment, a scream from Katniss caught Jacob's attention, causing him to lose focus on his own battle.

Seeing Katniss with a knife embedded in her arm, Jacob unsheathed his knife and hurled it towards Clove, who was fatally wounded by his attack. However, that move was reckless on his part.

In a moment of distraction, Cato seized the opportunity to strike fiercely with his sword. Jacob managed to evade most of the attack, but he couldn't completely avoid the blade, which inflicted a deep wound on his thigh. The pain intensified, but Jacob refused to give up.


With his injured leg and pain throbbing through his body, Jacob attempted to defend himself from Cato's impending charge, but his agility was compromised. The cut on his leg limited his movement and delayed his reaction. Before he could dodge the next attack, Cato's sword was aimed directly at his neck.

However, in a desperate act, Jacob raised his hands to stop the fatal blow. The blade bit into his skin, and he lost a couple of fingers in the process. Falling backward, feeling a sharp pain overtaking his body, Jacob struggled to stay conscious.

Despite the wounds and blood streaming from his face, Jacob clung to life. But Cato's sword found its mark and plunged into his cheek, leaving a deep wound and damaging his left eye. The pain was unbearable, but Jacob refused to surrender.


"You're dead, you bastard!"

In that critical moment, just when all seemed lost, a sound cut through the air. An arrow flew and found its target, injuring Cato's right shoulder. The impact made him stagger and drop his sword, giving Jacob the opportunity he desperately needed.

With renewed strength and exploiting the gap in his enemy's defense, Jacob unleashed his hidden weapon. The blade of his gauntlet was revealed, poised to strike. However, the pressure exerted by Cato made his movements difficult and prevented him from delivering a lethal blow.

But adrenaline surged through his body, so Jacob, seizing this opportunity, propelled himself forward with all his might and finally managed to defeat his enemy.

The sound of the blade slicing through the air resonated as Jacob's blade found its mark. Cato, feeling the edge of the blade sink into his chest, fell to the ground defeated and lifeless. The confrontation had come to an end, and Jacob stood there, breathing heavily, surrounded by blood and wounds.

"Cough!" Jacob began to feel very weak.

Katniss approached him, her eyes reflecting concern and relief. Together, they supported each other in that final moment of the Hunger Games, aware that they had survived despite the adversities.

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