
The best mentor

As soon as Katniss arrived, the food started to be served since it was a little later than Jacob's meal. In a few moments, a huge tray of food was brought out, consisting of eggs, ham, and mountains of french fries. Interestingly, there was a fruit bowl nestled in ice to keep the fruit fresh, and further down there was a basket of rolls.

There was also a pitcher of orange juice. Jacob knew it was orange juice because he was used to drinking it every morning before going to school in his original world. There was coffee too, and Jacob had requested a double serving as he needed a lot of energy. And the best part was the cup of hot chocolate, which was essential for him to consume a high number of calories and start gaining weight in large quantities.

With all this food in front of him, Jacob took a clean plate and began slicing the fruits into slices one by one. His movements were swift, and every action was observed by Haymitch, who immediately realized what he was doing.

When Jacob finished slicing the fruit, he poured chocolate over it and started eating, ignoring the fried eggs beside him. Considering the calories he needed to consume, this was the best way to do it, just as he was doing it now.

"Incredibly nauseating, but I suppose you don't care how it looks." Murmured Haymitch in an indistinguishable tone.

Katniss, on the other hand, was enjoying a cup of hot, sweet, and creamy chocolate.

Jacob's eyes had always been studying Katniss's movements. Since he arrived in this place, he had been learning to visualize his surroundings and quickly understand the situation he was in to improve his senses and reaction speed.

Jacob never let go of the fruit, but after he believed he had enough, he started finishing the bacon on his plate.

Meanwhile, Haymitch hadn't paid much attention to his food tray but was downing a glass of red juice that he kept mixing with a clear liquid from a bottle. Judging by the smell, it was some kind of alcohol. Jacob knew Haymitch well, and while Katniss and the others might be perplexed by his behavior, it wasn't the case for him.

He often displayed a careless and indifferent attitude towards life. Despite his experience in the games and his role as a mentor, Haymitch tended to seek refuge in alcohol as a way to escape reality and traumatic memories. It was his unhealthy way of protecting himself.

But even so, Haymitch wasn't exactly a promising man when it came to securing sponsors in general, although this wasn't exactly what he desired. He cared deeply for all the tributes he advised, but even if he tried to secure sponsors when the time came, few wanted to associate themselves with a man like him due to his past performances.

"These strawberries are indeed sweet." Jacob casually took some strawberries from Haymitch's tray.

Katniss frowned at Jacob's lack of interest, and the words he said yesterday made her doubt whether she could trust someone like him. Unable to contain her frustration any longer, she asked Haymitch, "So, are you supposed to advise us?"

"You want advice? Stay alive," Haymitch replied, bursting into laughter.

"Great advice! My grandfather used to say we should learn from the old ones because they are the most experienced! How can we beat the newcomers if we don't stay alive?" Jacob responded, patting Haymitch's back harder each time.

"Enough already, kid. Stop it," Haymitch yelled as he felt his shoulder numbed by Jacob's pats.

"Very amusing, both of you are completely mad!" Katniss suddenly stood up and slammed the table, surprising Jacob while Haymitch looked up.

"Well, what do we have here? Seems like I have a narcissistic demon who can't stop smiling falsely and a foolish girl who doesn't know what she's up against in the arena."

"Am I a narcissist?" Jacob pointed to himself, getting lost in the conversation.

"[Generating response, the boss has developed certain narcissistic traits that become more evident, while for more experienced people, his gaze tends to be very profound!]"

Jacob heard the response from his intelligent assistant and murmured, "Isn't that good?"

"Both of you, come here..." Haymitch made this strange request, gesturing to the center of the room. Jacob and Katniss stood side by side, and Haymitch began circling around them, touching different parts of their bodies, checking their muscles, and examining their faces in-depth.

"Well, not all hope is lost. One of you is in shape, and the other has trained well enough in each of the essential aspects. When the stylists get a hold of you, you'll be quite appealing."

Jacob was quite clear about this, although his unkempt features will undoubtedly be quite striking once they receive some touch-ups. And although it may sound strange, even though the Hunger Games are not a beauty contest, tributes with better appearances always seem to attract more sponsors.

But Jacob was clear about this. Some sponsors, particularly those who have come of age and are attractive enough, are offered sexual deals by the Capitol, especially President Snow. Ultimately, this can be both a blessing and a curse.

"Well, I'll make a deal with you, girl... If you don't interfere with my drink, I promise to be sober enough to help you, as long as you do everything I ask of you."

It's not a great deal from Jacob's perspective, but it's a giant step compared to what was happening ten minutes ago when we had no guidance at all. Although he had no interest in Haymitch, his experience could bring him many benefits as this mentor is a Hunger Games victor.

"I'm fine with whatever..." Jacob raised his thumb in acceptance.

But unlike Jacob, Katniss wasn't too happy with this kind of deal and pointed out, "Well, help us. When we get to the arena, what's the best strategy at the Cornucopia for someone...?"

"Everything in due time. In a few minutes, we'll arrive at the station and be in the hands of the stylists. You won't like what they do to you, but whatever it is, don't resist."

"Will they try to wax my dragon balls?" Jacob covered his mouth, looking surprised. At this point, Haymitch was starting to think that Jacob was a sick bastard.

"But..." Katniss seemed like she wanted to protest, but Haymitch interrupted her, saying, "No 'buts,' don't resist."

After saying that, Haymitch grabbed a bottle from the table and left the carriage. When he closed the door, the carriage plunged into darkness. Although there are still some lights inside, it's as if it's nighttime outside.

Jacob soon noticed a curious detail since the tunnel we are in should be crossing the mountains until we reach the Capitol.

The mountains form a natural barrier between the city and the eastern districts. It's almost impossible to enter through here, except through the tunnels. This geographic advantage was a decisive factor in the districts' defeat in the war that turned many into tributes. As the rebels had to climb the mountains, they were easy targets for the Capitol's air forces.

By the time Haymitch left, Jacob dropped his foolish facade and looked at his rather special and intense companion. "Katniss, I need to talk to you before we reach the Capitol. There's something important I want to discuss with you."

Katniss, who was pulled out of her thoughts, nodded and asked, "Alright, Jacob. What do you want to talk about?"

Looking directly into Katniss's eyes, Jacob expressed his thoughts. "I'd like to know your decision about whether or not to be my ally in the Hunger Games. I think we could mutually benefit if we work together, benefits you couldn't have imagined."

Upon hearing what she feared, Katniss asked specifically after considering her point of view. "I understand your reasons, but I also have my own considerations. What specific benefits do you think we would gain by being allies?"

Although Jacob expected nothing more than a tool that would make things easier for him in the future, he spoke as if he were genuinely interested in teaming up with Katniss. "First of all, we could assist each other in critical moments during the Games. By having more people by our side, we would increase our chances of survival. Additionally, we could share information and strategies to overcome the obstacles we will encounter."

Katniss, after thinking for a moment, said, "It's true that unity could strengthen us, but we also have to consider the complications. Being allies could draw more attention to us and attract the envy and resentment of other tributes. Furthermore, ultimately, only one of us can emerge as the victor."

"I understand those concerns, Katniss. But consider this: by working together, we could increase our chances of surviving until the end. We could support each other and provide help when needed. Additionally, it would be harder for the other tributes to try to eliminate us if they see us as a strong and determined team focused on survival."

"I can't deny that your arguments are valid. But I also have to consider my instinct for survival and how to protect those I care about. I need time to think it over and evaluate all the options." Katniss truly wanted more time to ponder this important decision.

But unlike Katniss, Jacob didn't have time for such nonsense, so with a cold expression, he asked, "What is there to think about? We should be concerned about how to eliminate that male tribute who volunteered. That's the real threat and who will lead the initial balance. The lone tributes, especially us, will be the prey of the hunters. Do you really have something to think about?"

Katniss remained silent, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't give a sincere answer. Therefore, seeing this, Jacob murmured, "I have a plan where we can both survive without violating the rules, but that plan is very meticulous, and we'll have to be very good actors. I don't really need to do this, but considering you volunteered and offered yourself for your family, I want us to survive together."

Katniss was surprised to hear these words from Jacob and thought that he wasn't lying, so she finally said, "Fine, I'll trust you if your plans are convincing. Let's work together in the coming days and see how things unfold."

Jacob smiled and began talking to Katniss about some things she should pay special attention to. As time went on, Katniss was surprised by all the details Jacob had taken into account, and she began to listen attentively to what they needed to focus on.

The tunnel was immensely long, separating them from the sky and giving them both a feeling of suffocation. Meanwhile, Jacob continued to progressively think about the plans he would consider later on.

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