
The Mist Mountains

Jia Li swept aside the curtain of the palanquin and peered outside. Xianwu was already on his knees, extending his hand to her. She delicately placed her hand above his and allowed herself to be drawn out of the palanquin. Stepping onto the ground, Jia Li surveyed her surroundings and discovered they were in an enchanting location.

Surrounded by mountains and veiled in mist, the place they had arrived at possessed a serene and captivating ambiance. 

"Where are we?" Jia Li inquired as she still embraced the picturesque beauty unfolded before her. 

"The place is called the Mist Mountains," Xianwu explained to her. "Since the way ahead is narrow, we have to cover the distance by walking to reach the house, where we will take a rest." He began walking along with Jia Li while Chen Xin and the servants followed them. 
