
Chapter 19 Trap

POV Mike

(Fury was content with the mobile worker. In Gundam, they were essentially cannon fodder.) Mike thought. He was about to go to bed when he received a quest notification.


Xmen are under attack again, prove yourself their protector by repelling the attackers

Primary Objective Drive off attackers

Reward Archangel

Secondary Objective Finish the fight in under 2 minutes from arrival.

Reward 1,000,000 Mission points 1 random Mobile Armor.

Mike sighed. " Just when I was going to bed." He changed directions, getting into a generic flight suit, and boarded the Freedom. As the hanger door opened, he launched into the air flying quickly to the Xavier school for the gifted.

Upon approach, he saw the fight had started 10 Sentinels were there this time. He saw many of the XMen establishing a perimeter clear that the fight was not going their way. Mike triggered the loudspeaker, "ENOUGH!" he yelled as he opened fire, destroying half of the Sentinels in the first volley. He then landed Shield first in a combat stance switching from his beam rifle to the beam saber.

Mike stood facing the other 5 Sentinels when his Gundam was lit up with searchlights. There were close to 20 tanks hidden in the dark, 15 helicopters rose from behind the trees, and a voice on a loud speaker said. "Your right this is enough you will surrender immediately or you and the freaks behind you will be killed right now."

Mike was astonished (Trask really). "What makes you think this will turn out any different?" Mike asked while evaluating his options. "Simple" came the reply if you fail to comply we will start with the freaks behind you."

*Ding* Emergency Quest initiated.

Escape the trap.

Reward random character knowledge and skills

Bonus objective no mutants die

Reward Knight Gundam

Mike cursed (The first objective is not that hard, but I have to go all out to complete the second.) Mike then felt a mind touch his. {Hello there I am Charles Xavier while I would thank you for coming to our aid I don't see a way out of this you should surrender.} Mike shook his head {if you can protect the mutants behind me I should be enough to deal with this} He thought back. Before Xavier could respond, Mike locked onto all enemies in the area, triggering Freedom's full burst mode. Simultaneously he embedded his shield in the ground, protecting the mutants behind him.

The night lit up with gunfire, the Freedom against Trask's forces. The Freedom's ciws guns lit up nonstop, shooting down missiles that had been launched. Between the beam rifle beam cannons and railguns, nothing could stand in the way of Mike's victory. As he was in the middle of the fight Xavier contacted him trying to get him to stop. Mike ignored him and continued exterminating Trask's forces. The fight was short and brutal 3 tanks survived along with 1 helicopter all of the Sentinals were destroyed. It looked like a scene out of a movie. The Freedom did not come out unscathed, he had tanked a blast from a Sentinel that was meant for the xmen, damaging one of his thrusters. He took out Trask, though, beam rifle at long range he was gone before he knew what happened.

{Did you have to be so brutal?} Xavier asked in Mike's head. Mike simply shrugged before replying. {They came here knowing they were targeting a school. The threatened to kill kids just to try to make me obey. They deserved no mercy. if needed, you can put all the blame on me, but remember, "Sic vis pacem para bellum."} With that, Mike launched into the air and plummeted underneath the sea behind the mansion. he proceeded to the underwater hanger and placed Freedom into the hanger, calling for the Haros to do repairs.

POV Amanda Waller

Waller was furious. "How the hell did Trask get those forces after his last debacle?" She asked angrily. " He talked to Hardcastle and the general lender him the tanks and choppers to go along with the sentinels." "Isn't it a good thing he made a move against those feeaks?" another voice asked. Waller sighed she was surrounded by idiots.

"He not only failed but he announced that he was going to kill school kids. That robot already had proven to have superior recording equipment." She paused before continuing " Now nothing can be done to go after any of them. He can claim self defense and it will hold up in court. Public opinion is going to crucify anyone even remotely associated with sending the tanks out and you can bet he will be releasing those recordings to the media." Waller finished looking around as people began to realize just how big of a mess up this was.

"Now" She continued " Cut all ties with Hardcastle, the remains of Trask's organization and anyone else involved with this debacle. Now, please tell me we were able to track that robot this time." The cursing that occurred when she learned it had gotten away free and clear was heard throughout the base.
