
Jing Mo felt the weight of someone's gaze. As he looked up, he saw Lu Shi eyeing Xia Xin in a way that suggested he was staking a claim. 

In Jing Mo's opinion, Lu Shi wasn't exactly Xia Xin's type, but he wasn't someone to be dismissed lightly either. Born into wealth, Lu Shi was notorious for his womanizing ways. He'd exploit his family's riches and influence to quash any resistance from the women he'd toyed with.

The chatter on the screen only fueled the crowd's sentiments. 

[Haha, it feels good to see Tian Mei knocked down a peg or two!]

[Absolutely! Tian Mei is a selfish woman who doesn't think about anyone but herself. She's a bad apple!]

[Our Xu Zhi even said he feels guilty for taking stuff from others and thinks about compensating them. But Tian Mei just expects handouts!]

People were already disowning Tian Mei as a result of her behavior. Those who remained were her most stubborn and loyal fans, believing she was being framed.
